Testimonials regarding IIIS Conferences
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Professor T. Grandon Gill
University of South Florida, USA
Academic Director of the Doctorate of Business Administration. Editor-in-Chief of Informing Science.
Editor of the Journal of IT Education.
Founding Editor of Journal of Information Technology Education.
Author of the books "Informing with the Case Method" and "Informing Business: Research and Education on a Rugged Landscape."
Internationally known for his research in the development and use of case studies and is currently working on a grant with the National Science Foundation to develop discussion case studies relating to Cybersecurity.
The following is an extract from the testimonial letter. Emphasis added.
I am writing this letter as a testimonial to the accomplishments of Dr. Nagib Callaos, and as a means through which I can describe the profound impact of his efforts on my professional career over the past 5 years.
I first became acquainted with Dr. Callaos in 2010… I was so impressed by the speakers and the conduct of that spring 2011 conference that I asked Dr. Callaos if he would consider including discussion cases, my particular area of teaching and research passion, as part of his next conference call for papers…Not only did Dr. Callaos agree to my request with his usual boundless enthusiasm, he went so far as a launch a Special Track on Case Study Methodologies (stCSM) that specifically requested case contributions, a track repeated at several later conferences.
It would be nearly impossible to overstate the direct impact these efforts had upon my subsequent professional career. I will, however, give some very specific examples: …
Needless to say, my visibility and earlier successes—opportunities all arising from my activities at the Orlando conferences organized by Dr. Callaos—must have contributed heavily to my selection for this highly competitive program [2015-2016 faculty Fulbright Scholar Grant] …
Most recently, Dr. Callaos kindly agreed to allow me to present, as a keynote speaker, the structure of the new Doctor of Business Program being offered by the Muma College of Business at the University of South Florida. More than that, he invited the executives participating in the program to attend the March 2015 conference, waiving the registration fee… Why is he doing this? Because his commitment to the integration of research and practice is so deep that he is ready to ignore the financial realities of a challenging conference economy in order to do things that he hopes will move this dream further.
Beyond the tremendous personal benefits that I have achieved through my work with Dr. Callaos, I would be remiss if I did not recognize the importance of his contributions to the emerging transdiscipline of informing science, my chosen field of research. … Today, his conferences represent perhaps the most significant source of visibility for the transdiscipline outside of the activities directly sponsored by the Informing Science Institute. For this reason, this year I nominated him for the Zbigniew Gackowski Memorial Award, which is given annually for lifetime contributions to informing science research—where “contributions” is broadly interpreted to include research diffusion as well as research production. His selection was unanimously confirmed by the Fellows of the Informing Science Institute…
[With regards to an unfair event that happened in 2005]… It is hard to describe the anguish this injustice caused Dr. Callaos but, rather than simply sitting around to complain about the obvious unfairness, it has led him to develop some of the most innovative peer review procedures that I have ever seen.
… Hopefully, the examples I have presented leave no doubt as to his impact upon my career and upon the entire informing science transdiscipline.
This letter is also unique in my personal experience; it represents the first time that I have ever asked if I might write a letter of recommendation, as opposed to being asked to do so.
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Professor Thomas Marlowe
Seton Hall University (New Jersey), USA
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Ph.D. (Mathematics), 1975, Rutgers University
Ph.D. (Computer Science), 1989, Rutgers University Founder, Conference on Languages, Compilers & Tools for Embedded Systems
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics Member, Advisory Board, International Association for Internet and Digital Ethics Refereed publications in abstract algebra, algorithms, compilation and program optimization, real-time systems, software engineering, knowledge management, information science and technology management, pedagogy, collaboration, and interdisciplinary studies.
I am writing this letter to witness the profound influence that Dr. Nagib Callaos and the IIIS Multi-Conference have had on my life. Through these conferences, I have found many good friends (Nagib himself not the least) and several research colleagues, and been exposed to a number of ideas that I have integrated successfully into my teaching and research.
I have learned from workshops, from plenary and breakout sessions, and from informal discussions, and often find my ideas for next year’s presentations emerging from those discussions and interactions. One advantage of an interdisciplinary conference is that, even when you find a topic and title of interest, you never know how it will be approached in the paper or the presentation. Sometimes I am startled by a new viewpoint, and even if I disagree in part, it becomes grist for the intellectual mill.
I first heard of the IIIS multi-conference in 2008, when (with my co-author) I was looking for a venue for a paper that didn’t quite fit with the standard approach to software engineering. I have since submitted a fair number of papers on a variety of topics with a number of continuing co-authors. Dr. Callaos has also been extraordinarily supportive, allowing me in a series of plenary presentations to present my views—which I would like to call insights--on software engineering, knowledge management, and their relationship to second-order science.
The topics we developed in these papers and keynotes, and in a workshop I ran with Dr. Susu Nousala, have since been presented at more discipline-focused conferences, and have had an effect on the conduct of those disciplines, which would not have been possible without Dr. Callaos and the IIIS conference. In addition, the IIIS conference sponsored for two years successful special sessions on Collaboration, Software Engineering and Knowledge Management, which resulted in one of the first special issues of the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, with that focus.
The interdisciplinary and often reflective nature of the conference in my mind necessitates the dual review process that Dr. Callaos developed, and which Dr. Nousala and I helped to document and refine. The context of the work, as understood by open reviewers familiar with both the research and the wider field, is at least as important in evaluating a paper as the evaluation of the blind reviewers, who often find themselves largely restricted to evaluating the quality and consistency of the writing, organization, methods, and use of tables, charts and graphics. Since the conference makes a point of being international and multicultural, it also allows authors to communicate with the open reviewers in attempting to improve their paper or presentation.
Overall, I view the opportunity and insights Dr. Callaos and the IIIS multi-conference have provided as transformational for my research and a distinct pleasure in my life.
Professor Leonid Perlovsky
Northeastern University, USA
Department of Psychology Harvard Medical School
Visiting Scholar, Martinos Biological Imaging Center Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Visiting Scholar Principal Research Physicist and Technical Advisor at the AF Research Lab
Editor-in-Chief, Physics of Life Reviews, IF=9.5
More than 500 publications, including 5 books, 17 chapters, 130 peer reviewed papers
I first attended the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics multi-conference (IIIS) in 2010 and was impressed with the audience and talks, with quality and diversity. Dr. Callaos overwhelmed me with his admiration for science. Since then I have attended IIIS conferences every year. A remarkable feature of Dr. Callaos' conferences is that they are interesting beyond one's traditional areas of interest. Here I learn about new things and I have opportunities to present talks on diverse topics of interest to me. Dr. Callaos always encourages a next step in science and challenges to combine areas that usually are presented at different conferences; for me these include mathematics, psychology, and engineering. I discovered that my findings in cognitive algorithms are applicable in areas which I was not previously thinking about: management, information exchange, case studies. And here are always colleagues ready to learn diverse topics, ask good questions, and share their knowledge.
By attracting diverse attendants Dr. Callaos' conferences are important for science and engineering of informatics, but also beyond this area, every year I am looking forward to this conference because it stimulates growth of knowledge.
How does Dr. Callaos manages to assemble such an interesting and diverse group? I think important ingredients are his unbounded interests in knowledge and his kindness.
Professor Shigehiro Hashimoto
Kogakuin University, Japan
Associate to the President and Dean of Admissions Center Doctor of Engineering and Doctor of Medicine
Biomedical Engineering
Former Director of Medical Engineering Research Center
Osaka Institute of Technology Creator of the Biomedical Engineering Department
I have joined the conference of WMSCI since 2000.
WMSCI has an advantage of the large numbers of participating countries, although the most of international conferences are occupied by European countries and USA in my special field of study.
Another advantage of WMSCI is its large field of studies, although the most of conferences are concentrated to a topic of small area.
The concentrated topic is convenient for the peer review, but innovative work would be created by multidisciplinary communication.
If you are trying to break through the shell of traditional field of study, multidisciplinary communication will help you.
People, who want to get multidisciplinary way of thinking, should attend WMSCI conference.
Especially for young people, multidisciplinary communication is good training to get flexibility.
Not only multidisciplinary field of study, but also cross cultural communication will give stimulation to the young brain.
My students have learned a lot of things from WMSCI.
Thank you!
Prof. Shigehiro Hashimoto
Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan |
Dr. Jeremy Horne
President-emeritus of the Southwest Area Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), USA
CEO of the Inventor Assistance League, USA.
40 years of research in Logic as the language of innate order in the universe.
Documentation Systems Developer, for White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
His most recent publication are on the philosophy of binary logic and artificial minds.
Member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers where he is a voting member of Fiber Optic Technical Advisory Group.
The following is an extract from the testimonial letter. Emphasis added.
The IIIS collection of conferences (multi-conference) is a process, a way of being, something I have not found elsewhere.
In 2005 I received an e-mail from the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) inviting me to submit a paper to one of its multi-conferences. Somewhat skeptical I proceeded to review the list of plenary speakers and found, much to my delight, luminaries from established universities – Ivy League, as well as state universities. In addition, others from noted universities from other countries were represented, as well. I attended, presented my paper, and came away quite satisfied with the quality of attendees and the peer review process. Since about the middle of this last decade, IIIS had conferences specifically devoted to the quality of the peer review process, and I discovered that there was a great tumult in academia over it. Editors of journals, such as Lancet[Horton, Richard (2000). "Genetically modified food: consternation, confusion, and crack-up". MJA 172 (4): 148–9. PMID 10772580.], scorned the quality of peer review, but in all the conferences with which I have been associated, not one ever devoted the much needed attention to improving it. The IIIS’ conference on Knowledge Generation and Communications Management (KGCM) did. If other organizations and conferences … devoted even 1/10 the attention as IIIS has, there surely would be more serious discussion meeting the concerns of about data manipulation, fraud, and other quality problems.
In 2007, I had the most spine-chilling experience ever to that date, where the IIIS conference organizers (and I still do not know how they did this) managed to assemble under one roof persons who worked directly with Ross Ashby, Norbert Weiner, and other major figures in cybernetics. It is my understanding a similar group will be present at the July 2015 conference. As an extension to my notes about quality, all one needs to do is review the plenary speakers list of each year, as in 2014 and 2015, a repeatedly appearing are speakers from Yale, Harvard, Stanford, and so forth. This speaks for itself.
Dr. Matthew E. Edwards
Alabama A&M University, USA
Professor of Physics: condensed matter, materials of electrooptics, pyroelectric, resistivity, and dielectric properties of crystals and nano-particles.
Former Dean, School of Arts and Sciences (2007-2011)
Currently he sits on the Board of Directors of three science journals and one science education journal, and serves on the Executive Committee of the Alabama Academy of Science.
Previous positions at the ROME Air Force Research Lab, NASA Langley Research Lab, and the Naval Research Lab.
Dear Professor Callaos:
Since year 2013, it has been my pleasure to have participated in the Annual World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. Quickly, I learned that you had established this conference many years ago and has nurtured its development ever since. From the early days of my participation through this year, your insatiable desire, to engage in academic/scholarly learning and to have an effective forum where genuine exchange of information can occur, comes shining through in a strong and unwavering manner. Your behavior is contagious to all in your presence. You inspire us to be self-motivated and to require more from ourselves. Moreover, during the conferences, you are always simultaneously busy with managing the affairs of the programs, while welcoming the conferees, listening to presenters for your own understanding, asking questions for clarification, and making all the others of us feel comfortable, all done with your friendly demeanor. In this regard, these annual conferences in Orlando along with my few contributions through talks and submitted papers in the corresponding research journal, the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, have been a powerful influence in my life and career. When combined, these proceedings have provided a forum to address selected teaching prodigies in critical thinking and interdisciplinary studies have been and remain a great concern to me. I will forever be grateful to you for your forward thinking and leadership abilities.
Sincerely yours,
Matthew E. Edwards, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics and Former Dean School of Arts and Sciences Alabama A&M University |
Dr. Robert Cherinka
The MITRE Corporation, USA
Department Head Agile Engineering and Innovation Accomplished leader, visionary and software engineering expert with over 35 years of success in developing trusted partnerships across Government, Academia and Industry, building and leading highly productive and motivated interdisciplinary teams, promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) outreach, creatively solving problems and designing innovative solutions.
I have been an active participant of the International Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics (IIIS) community for over 15 years, representing perspectives from Industry through workshops, plenary and track presentations, reviewing papers and co-chairing conference sessions.
Since my first experience, I have shared in the organization’s vision and mission, and found the various conferences such as the World Multi-Conference on Systematics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI) to be an excellent professional venue for interdisciplinary collaboration, open exchange of ideas, and for building cherished friendships.
Throughout my experience, I have been impressed with Dr. Nagib Callaos as an evangelist for the IIIS vision. I would like to recognize and extend my sincere appreciation for Dr. Callaos who not only has extensive experience in both Academia and Industry but also has dedicated many years of untiring devotion to promoting Interdisciplinary collaboration.
I am pleased to offer this testimonial to show my gratitude to Dr. Callaos and to emphasize how much the IIIS conferences have meant to me personally and professionally. This annual conference provides attendees with an excellent venue for learning new topics, appreciating new or different perspectives, establishing relationships, and sharing knowledge. I look forward to participating in this annual event for many years to come.
Eng. Joseph Prezzama
The MITRE CorporatioN, USA,
a Federally Funded Research and Development Corporation (FFRDC). Associate Department Head. He 1) oversees Project Leaders supporting three Unified Combatant Commands; the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), the United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) and the United States Southern Command, and 2) looks for opportunities to partner students/interns in the local Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) community. Prior to the ADH role (briefly described above), he acted as the Project leader for the MITRE USSOCOM (Unified Combatant Commands; the United States Special Operations Command) work program.
I am delighted to provide a testimonial for the International Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics (IIIS). In 2011 I attended my very first IIIS conference, and this is where I met the distinguished chair of the conference, Dr. Nagib Callaos. Dr. Callaos had a very warm and welcoming personality and made clear his passion for academia and its ties to business and industry. Specifically, Dr. Callaos, through the platform of the IIIS has achieved his vision of an inter-disciplinary and inter-cultural forum for professionals to share their research and ideas. This conference is special in comparison to many other professional forums, in that it encourages the free exchange of ideas among an extremely diverse body of participants. It is refreshing to know that when you attend an IIIS conference, you will be exposed to research and ideas from all disciplines of academia and industry with perspectives from around the world. I have attended every year since that first conference, taking part in track sessions, working groups and Plenary presentations and I plan on attending for the foreseeable future. In conclusion, if you are interested stimulating interchange between academia and industry, in order to promote an environment of interdisciplinary collaboration, this conference is for you!
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Professor Dennis Bialaszewski
Indiana State University, USA
Management Information Systems, Scott College of Business Served for 10 years as Chairperson of the Department of Systems and Decision Sciences Past President of the International Academy for Information Management ( now known as AIS:SIGED)
Past Editor of the Journal of Education for MIS
President of Section 0919 of the ASQ ( American Society for Quality)
Founding Member of the Academy of Business Disciplines
Director Informing Science Institute
Director of Alpha Iota Mu – International Honor Society in IS
The following is an extract from the testimonial letter. Emphasis added.
The development and expansion of cross disciplinary approaches has been made possible by the growth of conferences such as WMSCI. I also would like to add that I am quite active professionally in the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and am the President of section 0919 of the ASQ. I am a devotee of W. Edward’s Deming and that is another reason I believe that WMSCI is one of the best academic conferences as it aims to improve each year.
This conference also has sessions where rather than have one researcher just pontificate on one idea, the time is spent on debate and expanding ideas. These are called conversational sessions and remind me of sitting in that hotel in New Orleans in 1996 where a group of us just shared directions. These sessions have led to future research paths for me. And shouldn’t conferences generate future research? A wonderful gain for attendees and all taking place in an extremely collegial atmosphere. We are all there to learn and to share. If you have not attended a WMSCI conference in the past, I highly recommend that you attend one in the future. Once you collaborate with others in the global arena, it will open new horizons. I thank Nagib for having the energies to make this conference a reality.
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Professor Hsing-Wei Chu
Lamar University, USA
A member of the Texas State University System Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
After being honored in 2002 as a Piper Professor, an elite statewide honor bestowed by the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation, Chu pledged the award's $5,000 stipend toward an endowed scholarship in the Department of Industrial Engineering.
The first time I participated in the IIIS conference was in 2002 … Since then I have participated several times in the conference, as the conference uniquely includes both disciplinary and inter-disciplinary presentations. The multi-disciplinary nature of the conference is a necessary condition for the needed inter-disciplinary communication among disciplinarians from different disciplines and with the corporate (private and public) sectors. The organizers have made effective efforts in integrating disciplines via the inter-disciplinary communication that emerged from 1) the inter- and trans-disciplinary presentations in the plenary sessions and 2) from the conversational sessions included in the program with regards to issues being faced by many disciplines. Integrating academic activities (research, education, and consulting or real life problem solving) is also a very important issue in Higher Education, and the IIIS has been orienting much of its efforts in organizing the conference toward this important objective. An increasing number of conference participants are making presentations regarding this important integration in academic activities which frequently requires implicit and/or explicit inter-disciplinary communication and inter-disciplinary research and (implicit or explicit) inter-disciplinary education. In my opinion, the IIIS conferences complement more focused and disciplinary conferences as it provides its authors with the possibility of linking their disciplinary research with other disciplines as well as with their other academic activities. The IIIS conference has undeniably impacted my career in a very positive way. I am consistently impressed by the caliber and diversity of speakers present at the conference. As mentioned above, Dr. Callaos does a phenomenal job of integrating areas and disciplines at this conference that would normally be presented at various different conferences. Every year I eagerly look forward to attending this conference.
In summary, the IIIS conference is in my opinion, a must-attend conference. One would be hard pressed to find a conference that so seamlessly integrates inter- and trans-disciplinary presentation while consistently inviting such impressive speakers.
Dr. Marta Szabo White
Georgia State University, USA
Director of the Study Abroad in Transition Economies
Director of Business Learning Community
Director of the Program Business Mediterranean Style
Director, RCB Honors Program
Chair of the Senate Committee on Student Discipline
GSU CIBER, Coordinator for Students' Activities and Competitions
Faculty Advisor RCB Honors Society and Phi Chi Theta
From the outset, I was so impressed with Professor Nagib, that I am compelled to share my thoughts. Dr. Nagib Callaos genuinely cares about academia and new horizons. Everything he touches impacts colleagues in a positive fashion. When he warmly shakes your hand for winning an award, one might think that he is the one receiving the recognition, because he truly shares in your success. Sometimes, if the recipient is very tall, Dr. Callaos stands on the podium during the photo, just to even things out ☺
If Professor Nagib Callaos' name is on the IIIS Conferences, you can be assured of the following:
I invite you to become part of the IIIS family!!
Professor Ronald A. Styron, Jr.
University of South Alabama, USA
Director of the Quality Enhancement Plan Professor of Leadership and Teacher Education
He has received numerous awards including Principal of the Year, Louisiana PTA Educator of Distinction and several outstanding conference research paper awards.
He has also conducted over 90 professional research presentations and 50 speaking engagements
It is my pleasure to provide this testimonial in support and recommend the outstanding professional conference, Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA), organized by the International Institute of informatics and Cybernetics (IIIS). I have been a regular attendee since 2006 and during that time I have been able to build productive professional relationships with experts from many different fields. Rarely has there been so many outstanding researchers together for a single conference.
One of the truly unique qualities of this conference is the spirit of collaboration and collegiality that permeates every presentation, speech and workshop. Conversations with colleagues are friendly and supportive. Participants are there to share their expertise, provide suggestions for improvement, and discuss best practices. It is easy to see that participants not only care about informing their practice, but also care about making a difference in each other’s life. That was especially true for me.
I was a K-12 administrator for 25 years until I decided to become a university professor. The transition was not easy and at times I regretted the decision. But at EISTA I found true friends who were more than happy to serve as a sounding board for my ideas and provide guidance for me until I developed an understanding and appreciation for professorial life. Each year I look forward to visiting with these friends and discussing their research.
As with any organization, the importance of great leadership may be seen at all levels. This is especially true with EISTA as the conference has assumed the personality of its leader, Dr. Callaos. Love, enthusiasm, devotion, and kindness are just a few of his descriptors. Without a doubt, he is one of the most personable and caring leaders I have been associated with throughout my 37 years in education. He has served as my mentor and challenged me to grow. I also see his influence on my daughter who is now conducting presentations and sharing the podium with me as one of the keynote speakers. It was because of his inspiration that she has been able to hone and develop her presentation skills.
I give my unequivocal support to this conference and encourage your attendance. I am confident that you will find it beneficial on many levels and an experience you will cherish.
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Dr. Karl H. Müller
Director of The Steinbeis Transfer Center New Cybernetics, Vienna, Austria
Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Former Director of WISDOM, Austria's Center for Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences
Former Head of Political Science and Sociology Departments of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
Among his most recent books are:
- Towards a New Kind of Social Science. Social Research in the Context of Science II and RISC-Societies (2012) - New Cybernetics. The Structure of a Scientific Revolution (2014), (with Brina Malnar) - Surveys and Self-Reflexivity. A Second-Order Study of the European Social Survey (ESS) (2014) |
With this testimonial I would like to summarize the special influence and importance which Dr. Callaos had on me and also on the cybernetic community, especially on the American Society for Cybernetics (ASC).
I came in contact with Dr. Callaos for the first time in the year 2008. At that time I was President of the Heinz von Foerster-Society in Vienna where we organized a big bi-annual conference on the work of Heinz von Foerster and on recent advances in cybernetics and systems science. I heard about the Orlando-meetings by many participants of our Foerster-conference and the reports of the conference were all very favorable. So it was very natural and obvious for me to come to Orlando and to experience Dr. Callaos’ world conference on systemics, cybernetics and informatics directly.
The first conference as well as all the later conferences until 2014 became very important experiences for me, but also for a larger group of cyberneticians who were seeking for new foundations in cybernetics under the name of second-order cybernetics or new cybernetics. Lou H. Kauffman, Stuart A. Umpleby and, above all, Ranulph Glanville (1946 – 2014), all former presidents of the American Society for Cybernetics, were also present at the conference as keynote speakers and as discussants in many workshops and meetings. In retrospect I would like to emphasize that many of the new concepts and perspectives like first and second-order science, Science 1 and Science 2, reflexivity, new cybernetics, etc. were extensively discussed and strengthened in these extended debates. Moreover, it was fascinating to see that the keynote presentations by Ranulph Glanville, Lou H. Kauffman, Stuart A. Umpleby and myself mutually supported each other and became part of a new perspective on a new type of science.
The Orlando-meetings were and are important fixed points in our schedule of talks and presentations. For me, the Orlando-conferences and the long evening discussions in the special Florida climate were and are very special events which we usually miss in our normal scientific activities.
Finally, I would like to make the following point. Dr. Callaos does not organize the Orlando-conferences, he is and lives these conferences. It can be felt everywhere that Dr. Callaos devotes all his emotional energy, empathy and sympathy to these meetings and he even involves his family in these conferences. This unusually strong engagement and commitment energizes and stimulates the conference participants and helps to create a unique atmosphere of friendship, hospitality and openness.
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Professor Suzanne Lunsford
Wright State University, USA
Chemistry Department Current Research interests: Development of Surface Modified Electrodes and Chemical Education Research/Chemistry Based Modules
She is involved in several projects related to improving the effectiveness of teaching in Chemistry and STEM: REEL (Research Experiences to Enhance Learning), PIES (Partners in Integrated Earth Systems Science) and STONE (Science Teaching for Ohio's New Economy)
The conferences organized by the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics that I have attended and participated in for several years has been extremely informative on current issues in technology, academia and industrial issues. The IIIS conference publications and presentations have plenary speakers and presenters on what are the hot topics needed for todays’ professor to industrial issues as well. The hot topics that have assisted my university teaching include case studies (discussions case studies versus exemplar case studies), on-line learning to engage student learning, assessment of learning, cooperative education and the critical issues facing in the 21st century. The presentations are informative and allow for audience participation and I always learn so much. These conferences are truly international with broad representations from continents such as Europe, Australia and North America. The discussions with such professionals from other countries broadens my scope and has enlightened me to be aware of various perspectives when looking at resolving a curriculum problem in my chemistry science education courses. The conference has built informal friendships and professional networks that have been helpful for me to stay connected with my colleagues from around the world which has assisted me in building a stronger aspect of case studies for our university science education program, The IIIS conference and the JSCI are a handy reference that I have utilized many times when discussing aspects to our science education community. I keep both the hard copies and the disks of the conference proceedings to share with my own students and our colleagues at our university to assist with reform in content aspects learned from these conferences. These IIIS proceedings are indeed world class when it comes to cutting edge instructional technology research, realistic integration application and an atmosphere that invigorates and rejuvenates. Therefore, I strongly recommend this conference to anyone that has the opportunity to attend.
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Dr. Madelyn Flammia
University of Central Florida, USA
Department of English 2014 co-recipient of the National Council of Teachers of English Technical and Scientific Communication Award for Best Article on Pedagogy or Curriculum in Technical or Scientific Communication.
She is is the co-author of Intercultural Communication: A New Approach to International Relations and Global Challenges.
She has published articles in IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Technical Communication, and the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication among others.
Since 2009 I have had the pleasure of attending several conferences organized by the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS). At my first conference, I was impressed by the high quality of the presentations, the diverse nature of the sessions, and the opportunity to interact with colleagues from around the world. The international and interdisciplinary nature of these conferences is one of their greatest strengths. Attending one IIIS conference provides attendees with the benefits of attending several other conferences because the quality of the sessions is consistently high, the opportunities for interaction with colleagues from diverse disciplines are plentiful, and the international perspectives are stimulating and challenging. There is no one conference in my field that provides all the benefits of attending an IIIS conference.
My colleague Houman Sadri and I have enjoyed presenting at these conferences for many years, and we are always inspired by the quality of the discussions within sessions and with the opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration that have grown out of our participation. Our professional development has been significantly enhanced by these excellent conferences. The spirit of these conferences is remarkably open and dynamic like their founder, Dr. Nagib Callaos; unlike many conferences where colleagues within one discipline focus on narrow issues, in these conferences true intellectual challenges and innovative thinking are the norm. At a typical conference, it is not unusual for me to find myself discussing the challenges of internationalizing the curriculum with a chemist or discussing the value of yoga with a scholar from India. No other conference I have attended has provided the same level of stimulation or has challenged me to think far beyond the confines of my own discipline and my own culture.
Dr. Nagib Callaos is the driving force behind all of these remarkable meetings of international scholars drawn from diverse disciplines. To say he is tireless is an understatement. Dr. Callaos is a whirlwind of intellectual curiosity, warmth, original thinking, and hospitality. He structures exceptional conferences through his determination, his dedication, and his remarkable openness to new ideas and approaches. I cannot imagine a conference more stimulating and inspiring than those organized by Dr. Callaos. He is a unique scholar, a generous mentor and colleague, and a gracious human being.
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Professor Richard S. Segall
Arkansas State University, USA
College of Business, Department of Computer and Information Technology. Member of Arkansas Center for Plant-Powered Production (P3) of Arkansas Biosciences Institute (ABI)
Faculty Member of Master of Engineering Management Graduate Program, Arkansas State University.
Editorial Board Member of: International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling, and Management IJDMMM), Interscience Publishers; International Journal of Data Science (IJDS), Interscience Publishers; The Open Bioinformatics Journal, Bentham Science Publishers, Ltd.; The Open Cybernetics and Systems Journal, Bentham Science Publishers, Ltd.; and The Open Medical Informatics Journal, Bentham Science Publishers, Ltd.
Co-editor of Research and Applications in Global Supercomputing (2015) published by IGI Global and Visual Analytics and Interactive Technologies: Data, Text and Web Mining Applications (2011) by IGI Global.
I first attended the IIIS conferences in 1999 and then again every year from 2010 to 2014. I was honored to be allowed to present an Invited Plenary Speech for each of 3 years that was video recorded and later posted on the World Wide Web for worldwide dissemination as well as my PowerPoint presentation slides. The personal contacts that I made at WMSCI conferences are priceless. I have achieved new colleagues from around the world in not only in my discipline but others who I could communicate and collaborate with in future research after the actual conferences.
The IIIS conferences provided visibility of both my research and my name and recognition. One of the highlights of the conference was the presentation of Session Best Paper Awards as voted by the audience and Co-Chairs of each of the sessions. The Awards ceremony held at the conclusion of the conference results in awards to each of the session best sessions, with photos taken and engraved plaques and trophies for those who presented plenary keynote speeches and demonstrated extraordinary participation in the conference.
A plus of the conference is that each of the Session Best Paper Awards are submitted for review for the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (JSCI) for publication in this journal without the additional normal publication fee. The JSCI Journal is listed in the Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities that is used by academic administrators in evaluating the quality of their faculty’s publications for promotion, tenure, annual reviews, and research awards.
Finally, the conference coordinator Dr. Callaos is a colleague who encouraged and invited me to present a Plenary Keynote Speech as well as serve on the Editorial Board of the JSCI Journal of the conference. Dr. Callaos invited each of the Plenary Keynote Speeches to lunch for each day of the multi-conference for additional interaction of colleagues who are experts in their own disciplines. He also asked me and I assume others to each create a special issue of the JSCI Journal with articles devoted to their area of expertise. In summary I recommend the WMSCI Conference to all as a unique opportunity for worldwide multidisciplinary communication of research that goes beyond other conferences in many ways.
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Melinda H. Connor, D.D., Ph.D., AMP, FAM
Faculty Member at Langara College in Vancouver, Canada
Associate Professor, Holos University Graduate Seminary
Research Professor, Akamai University
Science Advisor for the Spirituals for
the 21st Century Project California State University Former Director,
Optimal Healing Research, University of Arizona, USA |
I would like to thank you for the amazing experience which I had at the WSCMI 2014 conference on July in Orlando. I felt the need to write as I have rarely enjoyed a conference as much. The people who attended are intelligent, creative and innovative in their thinking so it stimulated mine! What a pleasure to dialogue with people from so many countries who shared diverse backgrounds and insights. And what a beautiful setting in which to do so. I am used to the desert so the lush gardens of the hotel were a lovely change of pace.
I am the chair at other conferences and I know how challenging it can be to create one that provides a collegial environment that fosters creativity and interdisciplinary communication. You have succeeded in that area and I am so pleased to have been present.
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Dr. Risa Blair
Kaplan University, USA, and University of Hartford, USA
eLearning Instructional Designer
eLearning and Education Management
Consultant to the Chief Academic Officer for Brazilian university opening a U.S. university (online)
Represented the university before the State of Florida to gain approval. Director of HR and Operations at Instructional Associates
It is with great pleasure that I have the opportunity to describe my experiences in attending frequently the March and/or July conferences with IIIS. In order to stay competitive in the field, it is essential that we connect with others with similar, as well as with different areas of expertise. The opportunity to actively participate and work hard in a venue to share with others, as well as learn from others of different disciplines benefits all involved. That has been my experience at the IIIS conference each time I have attended. From learning about how to build essential case studies to seeing printed parts to be used for artificial limbs and learning about biological applications to farm fish and hydroponics, the IIIS conference has it all. This conference provides extreme innovation, challenges one to think, and provides key takeaways that are not available elsewhere. The most amazing aspect of the conference is that it fully embraces the talent and innovation of the world – with attendees from all parts of the globe – from China and Japan to Africa and the Middle East. All cultures come together to learn and to share knowledge and to build relationships, to network, and to continue to conduct research together – across cultural boundaries. The peer review process makes the conference stronger than ever.
I very much look forward to attending future conferences and collaborating with a former attendee, who has now become a friend.
As always, I support you in your marvelous effort to grow and built such a positive initiative.