Sessions' Best Papers of the IIIS 2010 Conferences
The 14th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | A Discrete, Deterministic Model for Understanding Software Project Development Contingency Profiles | Bruce R. Barkstrom (retired, USA) | Paula L. Sidell (USA) | ||||
:: | Adaptive Multi-Path Telecommunications Solutions for ITS | Tomas Zelinka (CTU in Prague, Czech Republic) | Miroslav Svitek, Martin Srotyr and Michal Vosatka (Czech Republic) | ||||
:: | Data Mining Supercomputing with SAS JMP® Genomics | Richard S. Segall (Arkansas State University, USA) | Qingyu Zhang and Ryan M. Pierce (USA) | ||||
:: | decider.track for cyber_tracking. A New Paradigm for Global Security in Finance and Defense | Martine Naillon (Co-Decision Technology, France) | Jean-François Di Chiara (France) | ||||
:: | Effects of Adaptation Gap on User’s Variation of Impressions of Artificial Agents | Takanori Komatsu (Shinshu University, Japan) | Seiji Yamada (Japan) | ||||
:: | GCL – An Easy Way for Creating Graphical User Interfaces | Mariusz Trzaska (Polish Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Poland) | |||||
:: | Geometric Characterization of Nash Equilibrium in Certain Quantum Games (Invited Paper) | Faisal Shah Khan (Khalifa University of Science- Technology and Research, United Arab Emirates) | |||||
:: | Identification of Hindi Dialects Using Speech | K. Sreenivasa Rao (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India) | Sourav Nandy and Shashidhar G. Koolagudi (India) | ||||
:: | MELEC: Meta-Level Evolutionary Composer | Andrés Calvo and Jennifer Seitzer (The University of Dayton, USA) | |||||
:: | Non-Invasive Diagnostic Breast Imaging Using a Hand-Held Optical Imager | Sarah J. Erickson (Florida International University, USA) | Sergio Martínez, Jean González, Lizeth Caldera and Anuradha Godavarty (USA) | ||||
:: | Real-Time Stereoscopic 3D for e-Robotics Learning | Richard Chiou (Drexel University, USA) | Yongjin (James) Kwon *, Tzu-Liang (Bill) Tseng **, Robin Kizirian ** and Yueh-Ting Yang ** (* South Korea, ** USA) | ||||
:: | Survivability Study of Ad Hoc Networks | Young C. Park (Baekseok University, South Korea) | |||||
:: | System for Detecting Kindergartners’ Potential Emergency Situations | Masatoshi Hamanaka (University of Tsukuba, Japan) | Yuichi Murakami, Atsushi Usami, Yuji Miura and SeungHee Lee (Japan) | ||||
:: | Tele-Operated Control of Inverted Pendulum System for Intelligent Control Education | Seul Jung (Chungnam National University, South Korea) | Jae Kook Ahn (South Korea) | ||||
:: | The Fuzzy and Compartment System Concept for the Communication System Taking Account of the Handicapped Situation | Masahiro Aruga (Tokai University, Japan) | Masayuki Aruga (Japan) | ||||
The SPRING 8th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | An Approach for Pattern Recognition of EEG Applied in Prosthetic Hand Drive | Yun-Xia Wang (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China) | Xiao-Dong Zhang, Yao-Nan Li and Jin-Jin Zhang (China) | ||||
:: | An Axiomatic Analysis Approach for Large-Scale Disaster-Tolerant Systems Modeling | Theodore W. Manikas (Southern Methodist University, USA) | Laura L. Spenner, Paul D. Krier, Mitchell A. Thornton, Sukumaran Nair and Stephen A. Szygenda (USA) | ||||
:: | Context-Dependent Reasoning for the Semantic Web | Neli P. Zlatareva (Central Connecticut State University, USA) | |||||
:: | Engaging Science Students with Wireless Technology and Applications by Re-Visiting the Thayer Method of Teaching and Learning | Richard Pennington (Georgia Gwinnett College, USA) | David Pursell and Joseph Sloop (USA) | ||||
:: | Information Technology for Management Property of Chulalongkorn University | Rungthiwa Preechawai (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand) | Chutima Attavorarat (Thailand) | ||||
:: | MIMO Controller with Compensator via Gain Tuning Method for Steam Temperature Control of Thermal Power Plant | O-Shin Kwon (Korea University, South Korea) | Jin-Sung Kim, Sung-Man Park, Hoon Heo and Won-Hee Jung (South Korea) | ||||
:: | Rebooting the Student’s Attention Span by Using Personal Response Systems | Duncan Folley (Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom) | Steve Wilkinson and Simon Thomson (United Kingdom) | ||||
:: | Speech Recognition for Keyword Spotting Using a Set of Modulation Based Features – Preliminary Results | Kaliappan Gopalan (Purdue University Calumet, USA) | Tao Chu (USA) | ||||
:: | Transmission of Information Using the Human Body | Jaroslav Cechak (University of Defence, Czech Republic) | Jolana Lipkova (Czech Republic) | ||||
The 8th International Conference on Politics and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: PISTA 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | The States of Sub Saharan Africa on the Way to the Global Information Society | Konstantin A. Pantserev (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) | |||||
The 8th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Connecting Technology with Student Achievement: The Use of Technology by Blue Ribbon School Principals | Jr., Ronald A. Styron and Jennifer Styron (The University of Southern Mississippi, USA) | |||||
:: | Creating and Sustaining Change: Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes | Metta Alsorook (University of Texas at Dallas, USA) | |||||
:: | Deconstructing New Media: From Computer Literacy to New Media Literacy | Der-Thanq "Victor" Chen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) | Jing Wu (Singapore) | ||||
:: | Defining an Object of Learning and the Forms it Appears in: The Intended, Enacted and Lived Object of Learning in a Learning Situation | Mona Holmqvist and Göran Brante (Kristianstad University College, Sweden) | Charlotte Tullgren (Sweden) | ||||
:: | Didactic Networks: A Proposal for e-Learning Content Generation | F. Javier del Álamo (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain) | Raquel Martínez and José Alberto Jaén (Spain) | ||||
:: | Engineering Computer Games: A Parallel Learning Opportunity for Undergraduate Engineering and Primary (K-5) Students | Mark Michael Budnik (Valparaiso University, USA) | Heather Ann Budnik (USA) | ||||
:: | Implementation of Time and Frequency Response Analysis for Web-Based Laboratories | Teyana Sapula (University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania) | Damian D. Haule (Tanzania) | ||||
:: | Is Gender, Age or Experience a Problem? Issues for Primary Teachers with ICT | Graham Morley (University of Huddersfield, UK) | |||||
:: | ITEAMS: An Out-of-School Time Program to Promote Gain in Fundamental Science Content and Enhance Interest in STEM Careers for Middle School Students | Jaimie L. Miller (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA) | R. Bruce Ward, Frank Sienkiewicz and Paul Antonucci (USA) | ||||
:: | Making a Difference? Assessment of Information Literacy at Linköping University Library | Christina Brage and Eva Sofia Svensson (Linköping University Library, Sweden) | |||||
:: | Measuring the Effect of Using Simulated Security Awareness Training and Testing on Members of Virtual Communities of Practice | Craig L. Tidwell (University of Central Florida, USA) | |||||
:: | Online Access Patterns and Students’ Performance | Nasir Butrous (Australian Catholic University, Australia) | |||||
:: | Poetiks: A JISC-Funded Project to Enhance the Learning and Teaching of Poetic Technique | Anthony Head and Andy Bevan (Bath Spa University, UK) | Greg Garrard (UK) | ||||
:: | Transparent Institutions | Javier Fombona Cadavieco (University of Oviedo, Spain) | María Concepción Álvarez García, Pablo Pando Cerra, Joanne Mampaso Desbrow, María Ángeles Pascual Sevillano and Jacinto F. Iribarren (Spain) | ||||
:: | Using Generational Interests for Creative Computer Literacy Instruction | Mark Marino (Erie Community College, USA) | Barbara Ann Sherman (USA) | ||||
The 7th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | A SAML Framework for Attribution, Delegation and Least Privilege | William R. Simpson (Institute for Defense Analyses, USA) | Coimbatore S. Chandersekaran (USA) | ||||
:: | Nonlinear Control of a Heartbeat Model | Thanawit Pornthanomwong (Oakland University, USA) | Robert N. K. Loh (USA) | ||||
:: | Real Time Processing of Large Data Sets from Built Infrastructure | Vasco Varduhn (Technische Universität München, Germany) | Ralf-Peter Mundani and Ernst Rank (Germany) | ||||
The 7th International Symposium on Risk Management and Cyber-Informatics: RMCI 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Pricing Options and Equity-Indexed Annuities in a Regime-Switching Model by Trinomial Tree Method | Hailiang Yang (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) | Fei Lung Yuen (Hong Kong) | ||||
The 6th International Conference on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics: SOIC 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Crime Forecasting System (An Exploratory Web-Based Approach) | Yaseen Ahmed Meenai (Institute of Business Administration (IBA) - University Road- Karachi, Pakistan) | Twaha Ahmed Meenai, Arafat Tehsin and Muhammad Ali Ilyas (Pakistan) | ||||
:: | The Emergence of Cybernetics in Semiotics. Case Study: Art, Poetry and Absurd Theatre | Niculae V. Mihaita (University of Economics at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Romania) | |||||
The 6th International Symposium on Management, Engineering and Informatics: MEI 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | A Newsvendor Model with Initial Inventory and Two Salvage Opportunities | Ali Cheaitou (Euromed Management, France) | Christian van Delft, Zied Jemai and Yves Dallery (France) | ||||
The 4th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Comparative Study of the Use of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) in Projects for the Supervision of Banking Institutions | Myrna Berríos Pagan (University of Turabo, Puerto Rico) | |||||
:: | User’s Experience in the Visualization of Architectural Images in Different Environments | David Fonseca (Enginyeria i Arquitectura la Salle. Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain) | Sergi Villagrasa, Óscar García, Isidro Navarro, Janina Puig and Fernando Paniagua (Spain) | ||||
The SUMMER 4th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | A Classification of Collaborative Knowledge | Thomas Marlowe (Seton Hall University, USA) | Vassilka Kirova *, Norbert Jastroch ** and Mojgan Mohtashami * (* USA, ** Germany) | ||||
:: | A Structured Model Metametadata Technique to Enhance Semantic Searching in Metadata Repository | Amirah Ismail (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) | Mike S. Joy *, Jane E. Sinclair * and Mohd Isa Hamzah ** (* UK, ** Malaysia) | ||||
:: | Simplifying Complex Problems | Dan Ophir (Ariel University Center of Samaria, Israel) | |||||
:: | The Value of Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Methods for SMEs, Utilizing Socio-Technical Networks and Complex Systems | Susu Nousala (RMIT University, Australia) | Suthida Jamsai Whyte (Thailand) | ||||
The 4th International Symposium on Bio-Medical Informatics and Cybernetics: BMIC 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Inference of Causal Relationships between Biomarkers and Outcomes in High Dimensions | Felix Agakov (University of Edinburgh, UK) | Paul McKeigue, Jon Krohn and Jonathan Flint (UK) | ||||
:: | Orientation of Cells Cultured in Vortex Flow with Swinging Plate in Vitro | Kosuke Kida (Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan) | Shigehiro Hashimoto, Masahide Okada, Ryuuhei Uemura and (Japan) | ||||
:: | Quasi-Static Multilayer Electrical Modeling of Human Limb for IBC | P. U. Mak (Universidade de Macau, Macau) | S. H. Pun, Y. M. Gao, M. I. Vai and M. Du (China) | ||||
The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | A New Look at Hydrogen Fueled Supersonic Airliners | Narayanan Komerath (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) | Alex Forbes, Anant Patel, Chris Cone and Pierre Valdez (USA) | ||||
:: | An Approach to Online Support for Effective Teaching and Learning, a Study Case | Edgar E. Troudt and Christoph Winkler (CUNY Kingsborough Community College, USA) | A. Babette Audant and Stuart Schulman (USA) | ||||
:: | DNA Separation by Directed Optical Transport | Avital Braiman (Brown University, USA) | Fedor Rudakov and Thomas Thundat (USA) | ||||
:: | Electromechanical Behavior of CNT Nanocomposites | Yves Ngabonziza (LAGCC of the City University of New York, USA) | Jackie Li (USA) | ||||
:: | How Innovative Activity and Competitiveness Relates to Economic Growth of Nations? | Romuald I. Zalewski and Eulalia Skawinska (Poznan University of Technology, Poland) | |||||
:: | In-Home Telerehabilitation as an Alternative to Face-to-Face Treatment: Feasability in Post-Knee Arthroplasty, Speech Therapy and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | Michel Tousignant (University of Sherbrooke, Canada) | Mathieu Hamel and Simon Brière (Canada) | ||||
:: | Mathematical Relationship between Particle Reynolds Number and Ripple Factor Using Tapi River Data, India | S. M. Yadav (S.V.National Institute of Technology-Surat, India) | B. K. Samtani and K. A. Chauhan (India) | ||||
:: | Planning and the Novice Programmer: How Grounded Theory Research Can Lead to Better Interventions | Jonathan Wellons (Vanderbilt University, USA) | Julie Johnson (USA) | ||||
The 3rd International Symposium on Academic Globalization: AG 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Academic Globalization: Cultureactive to Ice- The Cross-Cultural, Cross-Disciplinary and Cross-Epistemological Transformation | Marta Szabo White (Georgia State University, USA) | |||||
:: | The Interaction between Education and Globalization: Comparative Study of Four GCC Countries | Hebatalla Al-Semary and Mai Al-Khajah (UAE University, United Arab Emirates) | Kamal Hamidou | ||||
The 2nd International Symposium on Energy Engineering, Economics and Policy: EEEP 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Selection of the Best Biomass-to-Bioenergy Route for its Implementation in the European Energy Sector. An Integrated Efficiency, Economic and Environmental Analysis | Anna Sues (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands) | Hubert J. Veringa (Netherlands) | ||||
The 2nd International Symposium on Engineering Education and Educational Technologies: EEET 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Integrating e-Learning and Classroom Learning for Engineering Quality Control Unit Curtin University Experience | Ali M. Darabi Golshani (Curtin University of Technology, Australia) | Hamid Nikraz (Australia) | ||||
:: | Project-Based Laboratory Experiences in Mechanical Engineering | Narendra Sharma (Naugatuck Valley Community College, USA) | |||||
The International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | A Comparison of Evolutionary Methods Based on SVM Error-Bound Theories for Multicategory Microarray Gene Expression Data | Rameswar Debnath (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan) | Takio Kurita (Japan) | ||||
:: | A Feasible Approach to the Evaluation of the Tractions of Vehicle Wheels Driven by DC Motors | Jieh-Shian Young (Institute of Vehicle Engineering- National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan) | Sheng-You Wu (Taiwan) | ||||
:: | A Measure for Complex Dynamics in Power Systems | Ralph Wilson (Florida State University, USA) | Michael Sattler, Touria El-Mezyani, Sanjeev Srivastava, Chris Edrington and Dave Cartes (USA) | ||||
:: | A Software Tool for the Evaluation of the Behaviour of Bioelectrical Currents | G. Fabbri (Sapienza University of Rome, Portugal) | A. J. Marques Cardoso, C. Boccaletti and L. Castrica (Portugal) | ||||
:: | An Integrated Quantitative Methodology to Longitudinally Characterize Complex Dynamic Processes Associated with Ovarian Aging and the Menopausal Transition | Huiyong Zheng (The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, USA) | MaryFran Sowers, John F. Randolph Jr. and Siobán D. Harlow (USA) | ||||
:: | Bayesian Inference Using Neural Net Likelihood Models for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction | Seong-Gon Kim (University of Florida, USA) | Yong-Gi Kim (South Korea) | ||||
:: | Common Spatio-Temporal Patterns in Single-Trial Detection of Event-Related Potential for Rapid Image Triage | Xiaoping Li (National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Ke Yu, Kaiquan Shen, Shiyun Shao and Kenneth Kwok (Singapore) | ||||
:: | Economic Culture and Prediction Markets | Khalid N. Alhayyan (University of South Florida, USA) | Rosann W. Collins, Joni L. Jones and Donald J. Berndt (USA) | ||||
:: | Independent Component Analysis Minimizing the Mutual Information Criteria in Polar Coordinates | Carl Hoh (University California San Diego, USA) | |||||
:: | On the Complexity of Bivariate Lattice with Stochastic Interest Rate Models | Chuan-Ju Wang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) | Yuh-Dauh Lyuu (Taiwan) | ||||
:: | The Evolution of Community Structure in a Coauthorship Network | William McDowell (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) | Leonardo Reyes-González and Francisco M. Veloso (USA) | ||||
The 2nd International Symposium on Peer Reviewing: ISPR 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Improving the Peer Review Process: an Examination of Commonalities between Scholarly Societies and Knowledge Networks | Susu Nousala (RMIT University, Australia) | |||||
:: | The impact of Virtual Simulations, Communication and Peer Reviewing on Spatial Intelligence and Mathematical Achievements | Esther Zaretsky (Givat Washington Academic College of Education, Israel) | |||||
The 16th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: ISAS 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Accommodating High-Volume Experimental Data from Scientific Equipment while Maintaining Security and Regulatory Compliance in a Moderate Size Diverse Collaborative Environment | Albert J. Fahey (The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA) | Barbara B. Thorne and Mitchell F. Zeissler (USA) | ||||
:: | Application-Specific Communication Systems for Clusters | Antônio Augusto Fröhlich (UFSC/LISHA, Brazil) | |||||
The International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | GeoGebra and eXe Learning: Applicability in the Teaching of Physics and Mathematics | Liane Margarida Rockenbach Tarouco (Univerdidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil) | Eunice Maria Mussoi, Maria Lucia Pozzatti Flores and Ana Marli Bulegon (Brazil) | ||||
:: | Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Gender Development in India | Lal B. Suresh (Kakatiya University, India) | |||||
:: | Information Technology, Human Resources Management Systems and Firm Performance: An Empirical Analysis from Spain | Pilar Curós-Vilà (University of Girona, Spain) | Pilar Ficapal-Cusí and Joan Torrent-Sellens (Spain) | ||||
:: | Methodology for e-Government Readiness Assessment –Models, Instruments, Implementation | Zamira Dzhusupova (United Nations University-IIST- Center for Electronic Governance, Macau) | Mohamed Shareef, Adegboyega Ojo and Tomasz Janowski (Macau) | ||||
:: | Sustainable Mountain Development and ICT: Furthering Cooperation between the Rocky Mountain States and Central Asia | Baktybek Abdrisaev (Utah Valley University, USA) | R. E. Rusty Butler *, Alex Stecker *, Asylbek Aidaraliev ** and Zamira Dzhusupova *** (* USA, ** Kyrgyzstan, *** Macau) | ||||
The 2nd International Symposium on Optical Engineering and Photonic Technology: OEPT 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Visualization of X-Ray Beam Using CdWO4 Crystal for Macromolecular Crystallography | Kazimierz J. Gofron (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) | Andrzej Joachimiak (USA) | ||||
The International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics: ICETI 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | A Hybrid Model for Making Online Assignments Effective in a Traditional Classroom | Ronda Sturgill (The University of Tampa, USA) | |||||
:: | Effective Use of Wikis in College Mathematics Classes | Kirthi Premadasa (University of Wisconsin Marathon County, USA) | Paul Martin (USA) | ||||
:: | Explaining Primary Pupils’ Differences in Reading Achievement by Teaching Patterns and Social Background. Reanalyses with the PIRLS 2001-Data. | Michael Pfeifer (Institute for School Development Research (IFS)- University of Technology Dortmund, Germany) | |||||
:: | Managing Positive Stress for Change in the Implementation of Technology in Schools | Carol VanVooren * and Douglas DeVore ** (* California State University San Marcos, ** University of La Verne, USA) | Norma Ambriz-Galaviz (USA) | ||||
:: | Reducing Drop-Out Rate of a Technical Oriented Course by Introducing Problem Based Learning – A First Concept | Christian Kaufmann (University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Technikum Wien, Austria) | Harald Wahl, Alexander Mense and Robert Pucher (Austria) | ||||
:: | Surveillance-Based Mechanisms in MUVEs (Multi-User Virtual Environments) used for Monitoring, Data Gathering and Evaluation of Knowledge Transfer in VirtuReality | Jakub Štogr (Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic) | |||||
:: | The Daemon as Educator: Ubiquitous Access to a Personal Mentor | Bernard Rosell (AT&T Laboratories, USA) | Raluca Sirbu (USA) | ||||
:: | The Use of Social Network Analysis Software to Analyze Communication Patterns and Interaction in Online Collaborative Environments | Amy Mazur *, Chad Doran ** and Patricia Rice Doran *** (* The George Washington University, ** Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Laboratory, *** The George Washington University, USA) | |||||
:: | Training Appropriate for Computer Certification at Two-Year Institutions | Amos Olagunju (St Cloud State University, USA) | Romaric Zongo (USA) | ||||
International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering: ICEME 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Adaptive Engineering of an Embedded System, Engineered for Use by Search and Rescue Canines | Cristina Ribeiro (University of Waterloo, Canada) | Farhad Mavaddat and Alexander Ferworn (Canada) | ||||
:: | Autodriver Algorithm | Reza N. Jazar (RMIT University, Australia) | |||||
:: | Effect of Nb2O5 on the Hydrogen Storage Characteristics of Li-nMg-B-N-H Complex Hydrides | Sarada Kuravi (University of South Florida, USA) | Anthony D’Angelo, Michael Niemann, Yogi Goswami, Elias Stefanakos and Sesha Srinivasan (USA) | ||||
:: | Moisture Damage Study of Plastomeric Polymer Modified Asphalt Binder Using Functionalized AFM Tips | Rafiqul Tarefder (University of New Mexico, USA) | Md Arifuzzaman (USA) | ||||
:: | Properly Balancing a Hybrid: Integrating Human and Technical Components in the Design of Just-In-Time Knowledge Management Systems | Nabie Y. Conteh (Shenandoah University, USA) | |||||
:: | Quality Control for Springs During the Production Process Based on Image Processing Technologies | Maik Rosenberger (University of Technology Ilmenau, Germany) | Mathias Schellhorn, Gerhard Linss, Maik Schumann, Patrick Werner and Steffen Lübbecke (Germany) | ||||
:: | Reactive Agent and Visualization System for Anesthesia Support in the Operating Room | Grant H. Kruger (University of Michigan, USA) | Chao Chen, James M. Blum, Albert J. Shih and Kevin K. Tremper (USA) | ||||
:: | Skills and Competences of a Doctor of Engineering | Michael H. W. Hoffmann (University of Ulm, Germany) | Manfred Nagl (Germany) | ||||
:: | Three-Tier Based Global Awareness: A Comprehensive Mashup Model Using Semantic Networks, GIS and Web3D | Eldar Sultanow (University of Potsdam, Germany) | Edzard Weber (Germany) | ||||
The SPRING 4th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | There is no Knowledge without Terminology. How Terminological Methods and Tools Can Help to Manage Monolingual and Multilingual Knowledge and Communication | Gabriele Sauberer (International Network for Terminology - TermNet, Austria) | |||||
The SUMMER 8th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Development of a Discrete Mass Inflow Boundary Condition for MFIX | Jordan Musser (West Virginia University, USA) | Mary Ann Drumright-Clarke and Janine Galvin (USA) | ||||
International Symposium on Design and Research in Artificial and Natural Sciences |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Design Research in Cyber-Physical Systems through Weak-Bisimulation | Roy A. McCann (University of Arkansas, USA) | |||||
:: | The Contribution of Virtual Reality Software to Design in Teaching Physical Education | Esther Zaretsky (Givat Washington Academic College of Education, Israel) | |||||
:: | Tracing Concepts in Designing for Change | Henrik Scharfe and Lykke Bertel (Aalborg University, Denmark) | |||||
International Symposium on Science 2 and Expansion of Science: S2ES |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Luhmann Meets the Matrix. Exchanging and Sharing Information in Network-Centric Environments | Ben van Lier (CENTRIC, Netherlands) | Teun. W. Hardjono (Netherlands) | ||||
:: | Second-Order Cybernetics, Semiotics and the Art | Niculae V. Mihaita (University of Economics at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Romania) | |||||
:: | Social Volunteer Computing | Adam McMahon (University of Miami, USA) | Victor Milenkovic (USA) | ||||
International Symposium on Security and Information/Communication Technologies: SICT 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | The Analysis of the Extended Search Space for the Shortest Vector in Lattice | Masaharu Fukase (The University of Tokyo, Japan) | Kazunori Yamaguchi (Japan) | ||||
Novena Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática CISCI 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Diseño Experimentos para la Evaluación de un Algoritmo Genético de Programación de Producción | Alexander Alberto Correa Espinal (Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Medellín, Colombia) | Elkin Rodríguez Velásquez y Jhoan Sebastián Cadavid Jaramillo (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Diseño y Desarrollo de un Dispositivo Háptico con Aplicaciones para Entornos Educativos | Héctor Hugo Cortés Dueñas (Universidad de Colima, México) | Miguel Ángel García Ruiz, Ricardo Acosta Díaz y Pedro C. Santana (México) | ||||
:: | Ética e Innovación: Estructura Axiológica en la Obra de Peter Drucker | Álvaro Turriago Hoyos (Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia) | |||||
:: | Evaluación de Estilos de Liderazgo en la Docencia: Una Aplicación en la Enseñanza Universitaria de Postgrado | Luís Manuel Cerdá Suárez y Margarita Ramírez Ramírez (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México) | |||||
:: | Factótum un Tutor Virtual para el Estudio de las Funciones | Enrique Vílchez Quesada (Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica) | Juan Félix Ávila Herrera (Costa Rica) | ||||
:: | Generación Automática de Código a partir del Lenguaje Controlado UN-Lencep | John J. Chaverra Mojica (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia) | Carlos M. Zapata Jaramillo y Bryan Zapata (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Hacia una Plataforma Basada en Web para la Entrega y Creación de Contenidos para IPTV | Pedro C. Santana (Universidad de Colima, México) | Luis Anido *, Ricardo Acosta-Díaz ** y Juan Contreras-Castillo ** (* España, ** México) | ||||
:: | Implementación de una Metodología Basada en Tecnologías de Información para la Solución de Fallas en la Operación de Redes Empresariales Basadas en TCP/IP | Orlando Arzola Garza (Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, México) | Olga Maricela Preciado Martínez, Samuel Hernández Donjuan, Ángel Zárate Martínez, Alicia Guadalupe Valdez Menchaca y Mónica Lizzeth Borrego Quiñonez (México) | ||||
:: | Implementación de una Plataforma Experimental para un Sistema de Teleoperación Robótica en Tiempo Real | Julio C. Tafur (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú) | César A. Peña *, Rafael Aracil **, Cecilia García ** (* Colombia, ** España) | ||||
:: | Las TIC´S en los Programas de Formación de Directivos. Una Dimensión Humanista para el Cambio e Innovación Tecnológica en las Instituciones Educativas del Nuevo Milenio | Luz Yolanda Sandoval Estupiñán (Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia) | |||||
:: | Organizaciones Abiertas y cercanas a la Sociedad | Javier Fombona Cadavieco (Universidad de Oviedo, España) | Mª Concepción Álvarez García *, Pablo Pando Cerra *, Joanne Mampaso Desbrow *, Mª Ángeles Pascual Sevillano * y Jacinto F. Iribarren ** (* España, ** Estados Unidos) | ||||
:: | Proyecto Corral de Lorca: Una Solución de Conectividad a Grupos Poblacionales Pequeños, Aislados y Distantes de Centros Urbanos | J. García Guibout (UNCuyo, Argentina) | A. Arroyo Arzubi, A. Castro Lechtaler, A. Foti, R. Fusario y C. García Garino (Argentina) | ||||
:: | Síntesis de Voz por Concatenación de Difonemas para el Español de Colombia | Claudia V. Correa P. (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia) | Hoover F. Rueda Ch. y Henry Argüello F. (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Sistema de Gestión Basado en Servicios Web para Control de la Red de Semáforos de Zonas Urbanas | J. A. Guerrero-Ibáñez (Universidad de Colima, México) | P. Damián-Reyes, C. Flores-Cortés y P. Llamas Virgen (México) | ||||
:: | Soft Computing en Ensambles Basados en Boosting, Bagging y Random Forest | Ramón A. Díaz-Valladares (Universidad de Montemorelos, México) | José M. Cadenas y M. Carmen Garrido (España) | ||||
:: | Un Modelo de PNLEM para la Operación de una Empresa de Generación Hidroeléctrica en Mercados de Corto Plazo | Francisco J. Díaz (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia) | Luís F. Moreno y Gloria E. Peña (Colombia) | ||||
Séptimo Simposium Iberoamericano en Educación, Cibernética e Informática: SIECI 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | AEIOU: Una Herramienta de Apoyo en la Enseñanza de la Programación Orientada a Objetos | Guillermo Licea (UABC, México) | Luis G. Martínez, Leocundo Aguilar y Reyes Juárez-Ramírez (México) | ||||
:: | Articulación de la Educación Media con la Superior en Colombia Modelo ITSA | Jhon Jairo Galvis López * y José Iván Madrid Vega ** (* Presidente del Consejo Profesional Nacional de Tecnólogos en Electricidad y Afines, ** Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia (CESU), Colombia) | Henry José Sarmiento Ortiz (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Contenidos Educativos Digitales Multimedia – Métodos y Criterios de Evaluación Recíproca para Objetos de Aprendizaje | Bernardo Pereira Nunes (PUC-Rio, Brasil) | Igor de Oliveira Martins y Gilda H. Bernardino de Campos (Brasil) | ||||
:: | La Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de la Formulación y Evaluación de Proyectos Tecnológicos en Carreras de Ingeniería Informática: Una Experiencia Práctica | Juan Cockbaine (Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile) | José Álvarez (Chile) | ||||
:: | Las TIC en la Universidade da Coruña: Perspectivas y Problemas | M. González Sanmamed (Universidade da Coruña, España) | |||||
:: | Leitura, Escrita, outros Letramentos: Repensando a Formação dos Formadores de Leitores e Produtores de Texto na Cultura Digital | Obdália S. F. Silva (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil) | |||||
:: | PIAF. Programa Interactivo para el Aprendizaje Autónomo del Francés | Elizabeth Villarreal C. (Universidad Libre, Colombia) | Mercedes Jiménez B. (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Retos y Desafíos del Investigador Educativo para Navegar en el Mundo del Hipertexto | Mª. Dolores García Perea (Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México, México) | Camerino Juárez Pascual (México) | ||||
:: | Sistema Web de Ensino Voltado aos Conteúdos da Física | Fábio Luiz P. Albini (Instituto Federal do Parana, Brasil) | Pedro P. González-Borrero (Brasil) | ||||
Segundo Simposio Iberoamericano en Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento: GCGC 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Transferencia de Conocimiento de la Universidad a la Empresa: La Creación Empresas Spin-Off de Origen Universitario | Carlos Fong Reynoso (Universidad de Guadalajara, México) | |||||
:: | Uma Abordagem Pragmática de Construção de Estratégias de Gestão do Conhecimento em Organizações | André Yves Cribb (Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos, Brasil) | |||||
Segunda Conferencia Ibero-Americana de Ingeniería e Innovación Tecnológica: CIIIT 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Estudo do Efeito do Excesso de ar e da Potência Dissipada do Queimador Sobre as Capacidades do Processo DICTT no Tratamento de Efluentes Líquidos Fenólicos | Yana Brandão (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil) | Jailson Teodosio, Julierme Oliveira, Idayana Marinho, Fernando Figueirêdo, Pedro Anselmo-Filho y Mohand Benachour (Brasil) | ||||
:: | SERVQUAL Aplicado à Avaliação de Serviços Mecânicos em Veículos | Roxana M. Martínez Orrego (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil) | Raquel Cymrot, Daniel A. de Oliveira Barbosa y Emiliana R. Beraldo (Brasil) | ||||
:: | Sistema de Adquisición y Procesamiento de Señales Electrocardiográficas | Alberto Ochoa (Universidad de Colima - FIME, México) | Marcelo Maciel, Felipe Estrada, Columba Díaz, Ramón Félix y José Álvarez (México) | ||||
1er Simposio Iberoamericano en Visualización Digital: SVD 2010 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Diseño de Exposiciones Arquitectónicas para Discapacitados Visuales. Aplicación de Tecnologías 3D y Experiencia de Usuario | Isidro Navarro Delgado (Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, España) | David Fonseca (España) | ||||
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* In the case of virtual participation, the registered author is the one indicated. |