Sessions' Best Papers of the IIIS 2013 Conferences
The 17th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2013 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Assessment of Bank Customer Equity | Jana Erina (Riga Technical University, Latvia) | Ingars Erins (Latvia) | ||||
:: | Authentication and Data Security in ITS Telecommunications Solutions | Tomas Zelinka (Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Republic) | Michal Jerabek and Zdenek Lokaj (Czech Republic) | ||||
:: | Discovery of Strong Association Rules for Attributes from Data for Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) | Richard Segall (Arkansas State University, United States) | Shen Lu, Alfred Sears, Joseph Radich and Thomas Hahn (United States) | ||||
:: | Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Goal-Directed Reaching in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Feasibility Study (Virtual Participation) | Nicole M. G. Salowitz (Marquette University, United States) | Bridget Dolan, Rheanna Remmel, Amy Vaughan Van Hecke, Kristine Mosier, Lucia Simo, and Robert A. Scheidt (United States) | ||||
:: | Integrating Interactive Level Design for iOS Assignment Delivery: Engaging Students with Technology | Alireza Tavakkoli (University of Houston-Victoria, United States) | Anson Brown, Donald Loffredo and Hashimul Ehsan (United States) | ||||
:: | Measurement of Pressure between Upper Airway Tract and Laryngoscope Blade during Orotracheal Intubation with Film of Microcapsules | Shigehiro Hashimoto (Kogakuin University, Japan) | Tianyuan Wang (China) | ||||
:: | Near Real Time Discovery and Conversion of Open Source Information to a Reward Matrix | Mark Rahmes (Harris Corporation, United States) | Kathy Wilder, Harlan Yates and Kevin Fox (United States) | ||||
:: | New Electronic Technology Applied in Flexible Organic Optical System | Andre F. S. Guedes (Intellectos, Brazil) | Vilmar P. Guedes, Simone Tartari, Mônica L. Souza and Idaulo J. Cunha (Brazil) | ||||
:: | Organic Matter Effect on Glomus Intrarradices in Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Growth Cultivated in Soils with Two Sources of Water under Greenhouse Conditions | A. K. Gardezi (Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico) | S. R. Márquez-Berber, B. Figueroa-Sandoval, U. Larqué-Saavedra, G. Almaguer-Vargas and M. J. Escalona-Maurice (Mexico) | ||||
:: | Personalized System of Instruction and Mobile-Learning Models 2013 (Virtual Participation) | Laura Thompson (Keiser University, United States) | |||||
:: | Software Product Lines Based on Model Transformation Chains | Héctor A. Flórez Fernández (Universidad Distrital, Colombia) | |||||
:: | The Co-Existence of Presenteeism and Commitment Organizational: An Institute of Tecnhical and Techonlogical Education Perspective | Marcus Vinicius Dantas de Assunção and Miler Franco Danjou (Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil) | Renata Lissa Soares da Silva and Patrícia Whebber S. de Oliveira (Brazil) | ||||
:: | The Internet as Social System: Applying Margaret Archer’s Theory of Morphogenesis to Hypermedia Communication (Virtual Participation) | Dee Pratt (Durban University of Technology, South Africa) | |||||
:: | The Model of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Performance Indicators of a Company | Alena Kocmanova (Brno University of Technology- Faculty of Business and Management, Czech Republic) | Iveta Šimberová and Petr Nemecek (Czech Republic) | ||||
:: | The Peer Review Process: An Expanded Role for Repositories (Virtual Participation) | Joanna Richardson (Griffith University, Australia) | Malcolm Wolski (Australia) | ||||
:: | Towards an Understanding of the Impacts of Localized Real Case Studies | Narumon Sriratanaviriyakul (RMIT International University Vietnam, Vietnam) | Mathews Nkhoma, Hiep Cong Pham, Tri Khai Lam and Quynh Bao Nhu Nguyen (Vietnam) | ||||
:: | Using Formal Concept Analysis for Categorizing Earth Science Data and Object Collections | Bruce R. Barkstrom (Unaffiliated, United States) | |||||
The 11th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2013 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | A Language Exchange Program: Sustainability Innovation in Language and Culture Engagement | Trinidad Fernández (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain) | Grisel García-Pérez * and Joaquin Santiago ** (* Canada, ** Spain) | ||||
:: | Coaching and Sponsoring Extra-Curricular Activities: Does it Make Future Principals Better School Leaders? | Christopher Amos (The University of West Florida, United States) | |||||
:: | CreativEngineering for 2020 | Mark M. Budnik (Valparaiso University, United States) | |||||
:: | Designing, Constructing and Implementing a Low-Cost Virtualization Cluster for Education (Virtual Participation) | Bill Stackpole (Rochester Institute of Technology, United States) | Daryl Johnson, Sharon Mason, and Bruce Hartpence (United States) | ||||
:: | e-Learning for Teaching Humanities in Undergraduate Medical Education | Ksenia A. Mitrofanova (Ural State Medical Academy, Russian Federation) | |||||
:: | Perceptions of Electronic Health Records in Mississippi | Jennifer L. Styron (University of South Alabama, United States) | Barry Cumbie (United States) | ||||
:: | Pilot Results of Project e-FISEP: Online Family Information and Support Education Program | Atilla Cavkaytar (Anadolu University, Turkey) | |||||
The 10th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2013 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Conflict Resolution and Concensus Development among Inherently Contradictory Agents Using Fuzzy Linguistic Variables | Terrence P. Fries (Indiana University of Pennsylvania, United States) | |||||
The 7th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2013 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Cultural Lens: A Critical Variable in the Microfoundations of Strategic Problem Formulation | Marta Szabo White (Georgia State University, United States) | |||||
:: | Enhancing Chemistry Teaching and Learning through Computational Tools: A Computational Chemistry Cloud Prototype Using WebMO (Virtual Participation) | R. Jay Mashl (NCSA / University of Illinois, United States) | Bernie Acs, Edee Norman Wiziecki, J. R. Schmidt, and William F. Polik (United States) | ||||
:: | Trends in Information Security for Mexican Companies, is the Cloud Computing the Answer? | Graciela Vázquez-Álvarez (SEPI-ESIME-IPN, Mexico) | Sandra-Dinora Orantes-Jiménez and Alejandro Zavala-Galindo (Mexico) | ||||
The 6th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2013 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Automatic Flow Analysis for Human Blood at Low Shear Rate Range | Hideki Yamamoto (Kansai University, Japan) | Takamasa Suzuki *, Kimito Kawamura *, Roberto Plasenzotti ** and Dominik Bernitzky ** (* Japan, ** Austria) | ||||
:: | Computational Analysis of the 2415-3S Airfoil Aerodynamic Performance | Luis Velázquez-Araque (National University of Tachira, Venezuela) | Jiří Nožička (Czech Republic) | ||||
:: | Experimental Investigation and CFD Simulation of Active Damping Mechanisms for Propellant Slosh in Spacecraft and Launch Vehicles | Sathya Gangadharan (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, United States) | Dhawal Leuva, Priya Sathyanarayan and Deepak Sathyanarayan (United States) | ||||
:: | Interactive Pre-Simulation Strategies: Engaging Students in Experiential Learning from the Start (Virtual Participation) | Beverly J. D. Bye (Stevenson University, United States) | |||||
:: | One-Dimensional Steady-State Analysis of Bioheat Transfer Equation: Tumour Parameters Assessment for Medical Diagnosis Application | Farah Mohammadi (Ryerson University, Canada) | Shazzat Hossain (Canada) | ||||
:: | Time and Frequency Resource Allocation Using Graph Theory in OFDMA Wireless Mesh Networks | Miri Priesler (Moreno) (Ruppin Academic Center, Israel) | Arie Reichman (Israel) | ||||
Summer 3rd International Conference on Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology - DeMset 2013 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | A Model of Inter and Multi Disciplinary Domains, and their Mutual Interactions (Virtual Participation) | Dan Ophir (AFEKA - Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering, Israel) | |||||
:: | The Impact of Virtual Reality Environments on Body Movement and Concentration Skills. A Successful Attempt at Teaching Novice Computer Users | Esther Zaretsky (Givat Washington Academic College of Education, Israel) | |||||
The 3rd International Symposium on Integrating Research, Education, and Problem Solving: IREPS 2013 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Recognizing the Need for Rich Contextualization in the Classroom and Applying it with Modified Bloom’s Cognitive Domain Taxonomy for Successful Teaching of Physics 106 (Physics II – Electricity, Magnetism and Light) | Matthew E. Edwards (Alabama AandM University, United States) | |||||
:: | Separation-Mixing as a Model of Composition Evolution of any Nature (Virtual Participation) | Tomas G. Petrov (Faculty of Geology - St.Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) | |||||
International Conference on Complexity, Cybernetics, and Informing Science and Engineering: CCISE 2013 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Factors Associated with Digital Readiness in Rural Communities in Israel | Moshe Yitzhaki (Bar-ilan University, Israel) | Simha Djuraev (Israel) | ||||
:: | Knowledge Development Taxonomy and Application Scenarios | Eckhard Ammann (Reutlingen University, Germany) | |||||
:: | The Complexity of Complexity: Structural vs. Quantitative Approach | Marcin J. Schroeder (Akita International University, Japan) | |||||
Décima Segunda Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática: CISCI 2013 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Ajedrez con Accesibilidad y Autonomía para Personas en Situación de Discapacidad Visual | Carlos A. Meneses (Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia) | Saulo de J. Torres y Julio C. Chavarro (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Ambientación Estimuladora para Desarrollo de Competencias Calidad de Vida para Personas com Discapacidad | Deisy Mohr Bäuml (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina UFSC, Brasil) | |||||
:: | Análise Multivariada de Dados no Tratamento da Informação Espacial uma Abordagem com a Análise de Agrupamentos | Bernardo Jeunon de Alencar (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais - PUC Minas, Brasil) | Leônidas Conceição Barroso y João Francisco de Abreu (Brasil) | ||||
:: | Desarrollo de un Motor de Videojuegos para el Género de Aventura Point-and-Click | Johan Baldeón Medrano (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú) | Junior Rojas Dávalos (Perú) | ||||
:: | Desenvolvimento de Aplicativo Computacional para a Determinação da Capacidade de Corrente em Tempo Real | Eduardo Amadeu Dutra Moresi (Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brasil) | Kelvin de Assis Ferreira Dias Neves, José Henrique de Oliveira Vilela, Vagner Gulim Damaceno, Jair Alves Barbosa, Candido Guerrero Salgado, Mário de Oliveira Braga Filho, Jeysel de Paula Martins, Gabriel Alexandre de Freitas Silva, Késsia Cristina Alves Barbosa y Jessica Luanne dos Santos Oliveira (Brasil) | ||||
:: | Equipo Biomédico Instrumento para la Detección Objetiva del Tinnitus en Pacientes con esta Afección | Horderlin Vrangel Robles (Escuela Colombiana de Carreras Industriales, Colombia) | Julio Aldonate * y Ramiro Vergara ** (* Argentina, ** Colombia) | ||||
:: | Estudio de la Normatividad Mexicana para el Desarrollo de un Sistema de Información para el Manejo del Expediente Clínico Electrónico (ECE) | Jazmín Rodríguez Flores (Universidad Politécnica de Pachuca, México) | Marco A. García Márquez, Josue R. Martínez Mireles y Juan M. Xicoténcatl Pérez (México) | ||||
:: | Ilha de Calor Urbana, Metodologia para Mensuração Belo Horizonte, uma Análise Exploratória | Luiz Cláudio de Almeida Magalhães Filho (Pontificia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais/Brazil, Brasil) | João Francisco de Abreu (Brasil) | ||||
:: | Las TIC en la Educación: Avances de Investigación | Mª. Dolores García Perea y Mª. Elena Poblete Palma (Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México- Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, México) | |||||
:: | Los Sistemas de Recomendación en la Toma de Decisiones | Lorena Chavarría Báez (Instituto Politecnico Nacional, México) | Rosaura Palma Orozco y Elena F. Ruiz Ledesma (México) | ||||
:: | Metodología para el Desarrollo de la Lógica de la Programación Orientada a Objetos | Leobardo López Román (Universidad de Sonora, México) | |||||
:: | O Brasil no Global Innovation Index 2012. Aprofundando o Entendimento dos Resultados (Participación Virtual) | Eduardo Martins Morgado (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brasil) | |||||
:: | Personas con Síndrome de Down Tratamientos y Procedimientos - Habla y Lenguaje Redes de Apoyos: Familiar - Salud - Educación - Laboral - Social | Deisy Mohr Bäuml (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brasil) | |||||
:: | Sistema Inteligente Basado en Comunicación V2X para Prevención de Colisiones en Intersecciones Viales | Juan Antonio Guerrero-Ibáñez (Universidad de Colima, México) | Carlos Flores-Cortés, Juan Manuel Ramírez-Alcaraz, Pedro Santana, Tomás Mendoza-Robles, Héctor Ali Vizcaíno-Anaya, Emmanuel Peña-Cárdenas y Álvaro Anguiano-Mancilla (México) | ||||
Décimo Simposium Iberoamericano en Educación, Cibernética e Informática: SIECI 2013 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Como Construir una Formación Profesional Basada en Nuevas Tecnologías de Aprendizaje | Ma. Elena Rosas-Sánchez (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México) | Francisco Casanova-del-Ángel (México) | ||||
:: | Empleo de Satélites Demostradores en la Docencia en Ingeniería Aeroespacial (Participación Virtual) | Jacobo Rodríguez (Universidad Poliecnica de Madrid, España) | José Miguel Ezquerro y José Javier Fernández (España) | ||||
:: | MEDOA: Metodología para el Desarrollo de Objetos de Aprendizaje | María A. Alonso (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, México) | Iliana Castillo, Verónica Martínez y Yira Muñoz (México) | ||||
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* In the case of virtual participation, the registered author is the one indicated. |