Sessions' Best Papers of the IIIS 2015 Conferences
19th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2015 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | An Effective Surveillance System in Narrow Area Using Two Small UAVs | Seok-Wun Ha (Gyeongsang National University, South Korea) | Yong-Ho Moon and Seung-Hyeon Cheon (South Korea) | ||||
:: | Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Ranking Non-Parametric Stochastic Rainfall and Streamflow Models | Masengo Ilunga (University of South Africa (UNISA), South Africa) | |||||
:: | Applied Research on Big-Data-Based Analysis of Chinese Basic Education Integrating Social Values —Taking Chinese Education from 3rd to 6th Grade as Example | Shuqin Zhao (Fujian Normal University, China) | Huaqi Chen and Jang-Ruey Tzeng (China) | ||||
:: | Automatic Analysis of Standards in Rail Projects | Marcelo Franco Porto (UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) | Polyana Chamas Falcão, José Ricardo Queiroz Franco, and Nilson Tadeu Ramos Nunes (Brazil) | ||||
:: | Behavior of Cell on Vibrating Micro Ridges | Haruka Hino (Kogakuin University, Japan) | Shigehiro Hashimoto, Shoma Nishino, Hiroaki Nakajima, Yusuke Takahashi, and Hiromi Sugimoto (Japan) | ||||
:: | CRIS: A Rule-Based Approach for Customized Academic Advising | Chung-Wei Yeh (Kao-Yung University, Taiwan) | |||||
:: | Development and Application of Audio/Video Syncing Server for Areal Online Education | Jiaxin Ge (Fujian Normal University, China) | Jang-Ruey Tzeng * and Yuxi Lin ** (* China, ** United States) | ||||
:: | Document Agents with the Intelligent Negotiation Capability | Jerzy Kaczorek (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland) | Bogdan Wiszniewski (Poland) | ||||
:: | Estimation of Innovation Value Adding Effect on the National Economy Development | Natalja Lace (Riga Technical University, Latvia) | Julija Bistrova * and Zukhra Atygayeva ** (* Latvia, ** Kazakhstan) | ||||
:: | Evaluation and Modeling of the Variation of Electromagnetic Field on the Cross Section of a Transmission Line Using Finite Difference Method | Jorge I. Silva O. (Universidad de la Costa, Colombia) | Hernán Hernández H. and Elibardo J. Gomez S. (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Gender Prediction by Gait Analysis Based on Time Series Variation of Joint Positions | Risako Aoki (Meiji University, Japan) | Ryusuke Miyamoto (Japan) | ||||
:: | Implantable Biomedical Signal Monitoring Using RF Energy Harvesting & On-Chip Antenna | Ursila Khan (University of Central Florida, United States) | Jiann-Shiun Yuan and Yu-Chun Liu (United States) | ||||
:: | Measurement of Viscosity Change for Horse Artery Blood with Treadmill Exercise Using Falling Needle Rheometer | Hideki Yamamoto (Kansai University, Japan) | Takamasa Suzuki *, Sadao Araki *, Kimito Kawamura *, Eiji Tamura *, Hiroko Aida *, Katharina Wochner **, and Roberto Plasenzotti ** (* Japan, ** Austria) | ||||
:: | Micro Groove for Trapping of Flowing Cell | Yusuke Takahashi (Kogakuin University, Japan) | Shigehiro Hashimoto, Haruka Hino, Atsushi Mizoi, and Nariaki Noguchi (Japan) | ||||
:: | Modeling Evidence-Based Application: Using Team-Based Learning to Increase Higher Order Thinking in Nursing Research | Bridget Moore, Jennifer Styron, and Kristina Miller (University of South Alabama, United States) | |||||
:: | New Organic Semiconductor Materials Applied in Organic Photovoltaic and Optical Devices | Andre F. S. Guedes (Intellectos/SENAI, Brazil) | Vilmar P. Guedes, Simone Tartari, Mônica L. Souza, and Idaulo J. Cunha (Brazil) | ||||
:: | Overcoming Cultural Challenges in Virtual Teamwork: Finding “Third Ways” of Working Together | Madelyn Flammia and Houman Sadri (University of Central Florida, United States) | |||||
:: | Price System for Water Supply and its Economic Impact Analysis (Virtual Participation) | Jing Zhao (China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, China) | Hongzhen Ni, Genfa Chen, Jifeng Li, and Shujun Bao (China) | ||||
:: | Reducing Uncertainty: Implementation of Heisenberg Principle to Measure Company Performance | Anna Svirina (Kazan National Research Technical University, Russian Federation) | Elena Parfenova and Elena Shurkina (Russian Federation) | ||||
:: | Relationship between Concentration, Competition and Efficiency in the Banking Sector | Jelena Titko (Riga Technical University, Latvia) | Konstantins Kozlovskis * and Gulbakhyt Kaliyeva ** (* Latvia, ** Kazakhstan) | ||||
:: | Security Compliance-New Insight from Goal Orientations and Self-Regulation Theory (Virtual Participation) | Cong Hiep Pham (RMIT University, Vietnam) | Mathews Nkhoma (Vietnam) | ||||
:: | Using Statistical Properties to Enhance Text Categorization | Ziad Osman (Beirut Arab University, Lebanon) | Rached Zantout (Lebanon) | ||||
:: | Value Delivery Architecture Modeling – A New Approach for Business Modeling | Joachim Metzger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT, Germany) | Orestis Terzidis and Nicolai Kraemer (Germany) | ||||
13th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2015 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Cyber Safety Education in Developing Countries | Rossouw Von Solms (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa) and Suné Von Solms (CSIR, South Africa) | |||||
:: | Directing a Quality Enhancement Plan | Ronald A. Styron, Jr. and Jennifer L. Styron (University of South Alabama, United States) | Sheila Whitworth (United States) | ||||
:: | Educators of the Information Society: Information Literacy Instruction in Canadian Informational Cities | Maria Henkel (Heinrich-Heine Universität, Germany) | |||||
:: | Simulation as an Education Tool (Virtual Participation) | Péter Szlávi (Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary) | Tennó Daiki and László Zsakó (Hungary) | ||||
9th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2015 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Acceptance and Quality Perceptions of Social Network Services in Cultural Context: Vkontakte as a Case Study | Katsiaryna S. Baran (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany) | Wolfgang G. Stock (Germany) | ||||
:: | Expat University Professors’ State of Psychological Well-Being and Academic Optimism towards University Task in UAE | Luis Guanzon Rile Jr. (University of Modern Sciences, United Arab Emirates) | Nemia Ledesma Tan **, Neda June Salazar *, and Ann Gloghienette Orais Perez * (* Philippines, ** United Arab Emirates) | ||||
:: | How the Course Management System Affects Faculty Behaviors and Contributes to the Organizational Development | Hidehiro Nakajima (Nagoya University, Japan) | |||||
:: | Paperless Office: A New Proposal for Organizations | Alejandro Zavala-Galindo (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico) | Sandra-Dinora Orantes-Jiménez and Graciela Vázquez-Álvarez (Mexico) | ||||
:: | What Do Deep Statistical Analysis on Gaming Motivation and Game Characteristics Clusters Reveal about Targeting Demographics when Designing Gamified Contents? | Alireza Tavakkoli (University of Houston - Victoria, United States) | Donald Loffredo and Mark Ward Sr. (United States) | ||||
6th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2015 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Aspects of Network Complexity. An Information-Theoretic Approach | Stefan Pickl (Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany) | Matthias Dehmer (Germany) | ||||
:: | Can Culture Act as an Enabler to Innovation? Exploring the Germany-Ontario Experience Regarding the Introduction of Green Energy | Bill Irwin and Jan A. C. Klakurka (Huron University College, Canada) | |||||
:: | Collect Meaningful Information about Stock Markets from the Web | Saleem Abuleil (Chicago State University, United States) | Khalid Alsamara (United States) | ||||
:: | Determining the Relationship between U.S. County-Level Adult Obesity Rate and Multiple Risk Factors by PLS Regression and SVM Modeling Approaches | Chau-Kuang Chen (Meharry Medical College, United States) | |||||
:: | Developing a GIS for Rural School Transportation in Minas Gerais, Brazil | Marcelo Franco Porto (UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) | João Fernando Machry Sarubbi *, Stanislas Thiéry **, Cristiano Maciel da Silva *, Nilson Tadeu Ramos Nunes *, Izabela Ribas Vianna de Carvalho * (* Brazil ** France) | ||||
:: | Evaluating Loans Using a Combination of Data Envelopment and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems | Rashmi Malhotra (Saint Joseph's University, United States) | D. K. Malhotra (United States) | ||||
:: | Modeling State Space Search Technique for a Real World Adversarial Problem Solving | Kester O. Omoregie (Auchi Polytechnic, Nigeria) | Stella C. Chiemeke, Evelyn B. Oduntan (Nigeria) | ||||
:: | Monitoring and Control of Urban Critical Infrastructures | Mario La Manna (Evoelectronics, Italy) | |||||
:: | Science and Math Lesson Plans to Meet the Ohio Revised Science Standards and the Next Generation of Standards for Today; Technology (Excel) | Suzanne Lunsford and Basil Naah (Wright State University, United States) | |||||
:: | Statistical Modelling of Global Tectonic Activity and some Physical Consequences of its Results (Virtual Participation) | Konstantin Statnikov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Tecnology, Russian Federation) | Gregory Kruchenitsky (Russian Federation) | ||||
:: | Urban Stage 2014: Actions and Outcomes from a Collaboration of Two Institutions and the Community | David A. Driskill (Texas Tech University, United States) | Timothy J. Elliot (United States) | ||||
:: | Worksheet of Exogenous Variables that Impact the Success of Validation Stage of Product Delivery of a Project | Altino José Mentzingen de Moraes (AR - ODL Universities IT Support Co., Brazil) | |||||
6th International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2015 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Modeling Social Connections in Dynamic Ad Hoc Networks Using Layered Random Matrices | Mark Rahmes (Harris Corporation, United States) | Kevin Fox, Harlan Yates, Jens Madsen (United States) | ||||
:: | Why Traditional (Manufacturing) Industry will Suffer the Fate of Print Media | Manuel Moritz (Helmut Schmidt University, Germany) | Tobias Redlich, Sissy-Ve Basmer-Birkenfeld, Pascal Krenz, Sonja Buxbaum-Conradi, Franz-L. Bruhns, Jens P. Wulfsberg (Germany) | ||||
6th International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics: ICETI 2015 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Agriculture/Hydroaquaoponic Bioscience Sensor - Mobile App with Simulations & Software for Industry & Science Education Curriculum Module | Christine M. Yukech (The University of Akron, United States) | |||||
:: | An Evaluation of Relevance of Computing Curricula to Industry Needs (Virtual Participation) | Ioana Chan Mow (National University of Samoa, Western Samoa) | Hobert Sasa, Foilagi Maua-Faamau, Elisapeta Mauai, Misioka Tanielu (Western Samoa) | ||||
:: | Bring Your Own Device Technology: Preliminary Results from a Mixed Methods Study to Explore Student Experience of In-Class Response Systems in Post-Secondary Education | Matthew Numer and Rebecca Spencer (Dalhousie University, Canada) | |||||
Décima Cuarta Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática: CISCI 2015 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Cidades Inteligentes: Perspectivas para o Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos para Dispositivos Móveis | Eduardo Amadeu Dutra Moresi (Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brasil) | Jair Alves Barbosa and Mário de Oliveira Braga Filho (Brasil) | ||||
:: | Componentes para la Extracción de Conocimiento de un Experto Humano para el Desarrollo de Software Basado en Conocimiento | Diana M. Montoya (Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano - ITM, Colombia) | Jovani A. Jiménez and Jaime A. Montoya (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Cómputo en la Nube una Opción para PYMES en México | Sandra Dinora Orantes Jiménez (Centro de Investigación en Computación del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México) | Erika Aguillón Martínez and Graciela Vázquez Álvarez (México) | ||||
:: | Context Awareness & Pervasive Computing: Arquitectura Lógica de un Sistema Perceptivo al Contexto de un Usuario (Participación Virtual) | Alfredo Barrientos (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicad, Perú) | Stephanie Mujica and Julissa E. Calderón (Perú) | ||||
:: | Dándole Inteligencia a la Gestión de Estacionamientos en Zonas Públicas a través del Sistema i-PARKING | Juan A. Guerrero-Ibáñez (Universidad de Colima, México) | Jazmín Acosta-Mendoza and Juan J. Contreras-Castillo (México) | ||||
:: | Estabelecimento de um Índice Local de Qualidade das Águas Utilizando Estatística Multivariada Robusta: Uma Abordagem Aplicada aos Reservatórios em Cascata Jaguara, Igarapava e Volta Grande (MG - Br) | Claudia de Vilhena Schayer Sabino (PUC Minas, Brasil) | Ludmila Vieira Lage and Marcela David de Carvalho (Brasil) | ||||
:: | Incidencia del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad y la Metrología en la Calidad del Sector de la Construcción - Subsector de las Edificaciones de Medellín y Valle de Aburrá | Jaime D. Restrepo (Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano - ITM, Colombia) | Ligia M. Vélez and Yudi A. Marín (Colombia) | ||||
:: | La Prensa Tradicional de América del Sur Persigue la Popularidad e Influencia de las Redes Sociales (Participación Virtual) | Jenny Yaguache Quichimbo (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador) | Diana Rivera Rogel * and Francisco Campos Freire ** (* Ecuado,r ** España) | ||||
:: | Modelos de Confianza, Análisis desde la Organización | Laura M. Londoño Vásquez (Institución Universitaria Esumer, Colombia) | Miguel D. Rojas López and María E. Valencia Corrales (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Programación Detallada de Producción Textil en un Entorno Realista Usando Algoritmo Genético Modificado | Jaime A. Arango (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Manizales, Colombia) | Jaime A. Giraldo and Omar D. Castrillón (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Propuestas de Soluciones TIC Emergentes para Personas con Discapacidad (Participación Virtual) | Wilfredo A. Talledo (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Perú) | Samuel O. Villegas and Alfredo Barrientos (Perú) | ||||
:: | Tecnología y Aprendizaje Ubicuo | Ma. Dolores García Perea (Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México, México) | |||||
:: | Uso de la Programación Neurolingüística en la Enseñanza de Electrónica Digital | María G. Vanga (Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador) | Adalberto Fernández (Ecuador) | ||||
Décimo Segundo Simposium Iberoamericano en Educación, Cibernética e Informática: SIECI 2015 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Una Comunidad Virtual de Aprendizaje sobre Proyectos Pedagógicos Transversales | Doris Adriana Ramírez Salazar and Octavio Henao Álvarez (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia) | Sarah Flórez Atehortúa (Colombia) | ||||
Quinta Conferencia Iberoamericana de Complejidad, Informática y Cibernética: CICIC 2015 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | (RE)velando, nas Capas de Revistas, a Violência Midiáticofotográfica da Revolução dos Cravos | Alexandre Guimarães (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil) | |||||
:: | A Utilização do Facebook no Processo de Formação Docente: Linguagem, TIC, Comunicação e Educação | Valéria Martins (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil) | |||||
:: | Capital Humano en México. Análisis del Ingreso y la Inserción en el Mercado Laboral | Angélica Beatriz Contreras Cueva (Universidad de Guadalajara, México) | |||||
:: | Complexidade Sistêmica: Uma Proposta de Construto de Visão Multidimensional (Virtual Participation) | Eliomar A. Lima (Universidade de Brasília, Brasil) | Luis F. Molinaro, Daniela F. Garrossini, Cleids M. Soares (Brasil) | ||||
:: | Estrategia de Acreditación: La Guía de Ceneval | Elizabeth Ojeda Orta (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México) | Raquel Talavera Chávez, María Soledad Plazola Rivera, Lourdes Apodaca del Ángel (México) | ||||
:: | Método Computacional para la Medición Automática del área de Quistes del Parásito Toxoplasma Gondii | Mario F. Jiménez Hernández and Graciela Juez Castillo (Universidad El Bosque, Colombia) | Armando A. Quiñones Quiñones (Colombia) | ||||
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* In the case of virtual participation, the registered author is the one indicated. |