Objectives and Means
Based on a translation of IIIS Bylaws made by a certified public
What Is IIIS?
The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), is a nonprofit organization based in Venezuela, which examines and contemplates the globalization process.
What Are Its Objectives?
IIIS was formed to:
- Contribute to the development and potential of the Systems Approach, of Cybernetics,
and Informatics, by means of:
- identifying synergetic relationships among the three aforementioned areas and between them and society;
- facilitating contacts among the different academic areas through the transdisciplinarity of the systems approach;
- identifying and implementing channels of communication among the different professions;
- providing links for communication between the university and professional worlds, as well as between them and the business world, both public and private, political and cultural;
- stimulating the creation of integrative arrangements at different levels of society, including the family and personal levels;
- fostering transdisciplinary research, both on theoretical issues and in its application to concrete problems.
- Foster, promote, and stimulate anything that can provide support and catalyze postmodernist method in the postindustrial information society, especially regarding the emerging and growing plurality of conceptions of what is and/or should be Science, Technology, and Engineering.
- Foster, promote, and stimulate the tolerance, required for:
- the process of differentiation from modernism, characterized by the conception of a reason, a scientific method, and a single kind of rigor in thought;
- the emergence of plural reasoning, alternative methods, and diversity of rigor in thought; and
- the processing of the rapid increase in the generation of diverse opinions, as well as their communication to a steadily growing universe of people, through intensification of systems technologies, telecommunications, and informatics, epitomized and exemplified by the rapid growth and use of the Internet and the unification of the telecommunications, communication media, entertainment, and informatics industries.
- Foster, promote, and stimulate the tolerance, required for:
- the integration of postmodernism with the modernism that generated it, or with so-called neo-modernism. The aim is to differentiate the two conceptions in order to subsequently integrate them into a systemic, dynamic, and evolving whole;
- the process of virtualization of organizations that create and communicate scientific knowledge and technological solutions, through the dual process of globalization of the whole and reduction of the parts, which is achieved with systematization of the parts (in the reduction process) through a network which connects them in a whole (in the expansion and globalization process);
- the integration of knowledge and solutions: a) in the different fields of science and technology, with the spirit which has given rise to the Systems Movement (systems theory and methodology); and b) in different cultural, epistemological, ethical, praxiological and esthetic realities, within the context of the postmodernist phenomenon.
How Does IIIS Achieve Its Goals?
The ways that IIIS has planned to achieve its goals are based on General Systems Methodology, the Technologies of Informatics and Telecommunications, as well as through new organizational technologies.
Based on these general means, and in the context of Globalization in Economy, Business and Academy, the IIIS uses, and will always use, any legal and ethically specific means, in order to achieve its goals. Among these means, the following are pointed out:
- Research, development, and extension in the areas of Informatics, Cybernetics and Systemics.
- Integral, professional, technological and managerial consulting in Informatics, Cybernetics and Systemics.
- Communication of knowledge and experience by any written or oral, visual or auditory means, via conferences, seminars, congresses, advertisements, workshops, as well as through the production of books, journals and any other legal avenues of communicating knowledge, and sharing experience.