Sessions' Best Papers of the IIIS 2014 Conferences
18th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2014 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | A Matrix-Based Prediction Method for Spatial Trajectories | Wen-Chen Hu (University of North Dakota, United States) | Naima Kaabouch *, Hung-Jen Yang ** (* United States, ** Taiwan) | ||||
:: | A Rational Choice Theory Perspective of Deploying Honeypots to Contain the Insider Threat (Virtual Participation) | Keshnee Padayachee (University of South Africa, South Africa) | |||||
:: | An Inter-Disciplinary Language for Inter-Disciplinary Communication: Academic Globalization, Ethos, Pathos, and Logos | Marta Szabo White (Georgia State University, United States) | |||||
:: | Corporate Governance as a Factor for Investment Decision Making on CEE Equity Markets | Natalja Lace (Riga Technical University, Latvia) | Julija Bistrova *, Manuela Tvaronaviciene ** (* Latvia, ** Lithuania) | ||||
:: | Design of Pulse Oximeter with WiFi Connectivity and Interoperability with Standard HL7 and IEEE 11073-10404:2008 | Víctor Ochoa (UPIICSA, Mexico) | Raul Sandoval (Mexico) | ||||
:: | Detect of Sublethal Damage with Cyclic Deformation of Erythrocyte in Shear Flow | Shigehiro Hashimoto (Kogakuin University, Japan) | |||||
:: | Effect of Micro Ridges on Orientation of Cultured Cell | Haruka Hino (Kogakuin University, Japan) | Shigehiro Hashimoto, Fumihiko Sato (Japan) | ||||
:: | Evaluation of Uncertainty Level on the Stages of Business Cycle: Implementation of Quantum Principles | Anna Svirina (Kazan National Research Technical University, Russian Federation) | Elena Parfenova, Elena Shurkina (Russian Federation) | ||||
:: | Extension of Transportation Electronic Information System by Services for Visually Impaired Persons | Tomas Zelinka (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic) | Michal Jerabek, Jan Krcal (Czech Republic) | ||||
:: | Improvement of the Response Time in an Open Source Audioconference Architecture Based on SIP Multicast Implemented with JainSIP, JainSDP and JGAP Libraries | Carlos M. Moreno (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela) | Maribel Álvarez (Venezuela) | ||||
:: | Lessons from Game Studies to Enhance Gamification in Education | Alireza Tavakkoli (University of Houston-Victoria, United States) | Donald Loffredo, Mark Ward (United States) | ||||
:: | New CA Based Image Encryption-Compression Scheme Using Wavelet Transform | Bala Suyambu Jeyaram (Indian Institute of Technology- Madras, India) | Rama Raghavan (India) | ||||
:: | New Optoelectronic Technology Simplified for Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) | Andre F. S. Guedes (Intellectos/SENAI College of Technology, Brazil) | Vilmar P. Guedes, Simone Tartari, Mônica L. Souza, Idaulo J. Cunha (Brazil) | ||||
:: | Repeatable and Traceable Software Verification for 3D Coordinate Measuring Machines | Bernd Müller (Ostfalia, Germany) | |||||
:: | Success Factors for a Company Long-Term Development: Case of Latvia | Elīna Gaile-Sarkane (Riga Technical University, Latvia) | Deniss Ščeulovs, Jānis Rozenbergs (Latvia) | ||||
:: | The Impact of Using Challenges and Competitions in the Workforce | R. Cherinka and J. Prezzama (MITRE, United States) | |||||
:: | The Projection of Country Universally Sustainable Development | Aleksandras Vytautas Rutkauskas (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania) | |||||
:: | Transport System for Predicting Occupancy of Parking Lots on the Highway Network | Tomas Zelinka (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic) | Martin Srotyr, Michal Jerabek, Zdenek Lokaj, Petr Kumpost (Czech Republic) | ||||
:: | Water Quantity Prediction Using Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM) Method (Virtual Participation) | Nian Zhang (University of the District of Columbia, United States) | Charles Williams and Pradeep Behera (United States) | ||||
:: | Zooming in, Zooming Out: A Framework for Hierarchical Genetic Algorithms | Jennifer Seitzer (Rollins College, United States) | |||||
12th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2014 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | 3D Modeling Programs: Comparison of SketchUp and Blender (Virtual Participation) | Bill Rosener (Northeastern State University, United States) | |||||
:: | A Multidisciplinary Course for Developing, Nurturing, and Strengthening Student Creativity | Chelsey Bradford and Zachary Balgeman (Valparaiso University, United States) | Matthew King, Sami Khorbotly, Mark M. Budnk (United States) | ||||
:: | Big Data Open-Source Simulation Application of Simulation in Training and Education (Virtual Participation) | Joseph M. Woodside (Stetson University, United States) | |||||
:: | Improving EMS Student Preparation through Interprofessional Enhancement and Team-Based Learning | Amanda T. Creel (The University of South Alabama, United States) | |||||
:: | Interprofessional Collaborative Practice to Improve Patient Outcomes: A Pilot Study | Jennifer Styron and Sheila Whitworth (University of South Alabama, United States) | Catherine Dearman, Henrietta Brown (United States) | ||||
:: | Online Teaching and Learning at the Graduate School Level: Student Perceptions on Discussion Boards v. Synchronous Communication | Christopher N. Amos Sr. (The University of West Florida, United States) | |||||
:: | Using Technology to Develop, Promote, and Successfully Execute a Personal Librarian Program for First-Year Students | Kelly Heider (Indiana University of Pennsylvania, United States) | |||||
8th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2014 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Cognitive Analytics: A Step Towards Tacit Knowledge? | Lee A. Angelelli (IBM US Federal CTO Office, United States) | Fred A. Maymir-Ducharme (United States) | ||||
:: | Comparison of Alternative Processes for Support Decisions | Sandra-Dinora Orantes-Jiménez (Centro de Investigación en Computación del IPN, Mexico) and Graciela Vázquez-Álvarez (SEPI-ESIME-IPN, Mexico) | Manuel Martínez-Álvarez (Mexico) | ||||
:: | Individual Performance Appraisal and Evaluation of Training Needs: A Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis | Hawjeng Chiou (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan) | |||||
:: | The Major Milestones to Constitute SINTONÍA, an Institute for Collaboration (IFC) | Judith Cortés Zurita and José Pablo Nuño (UPAEP University, Mexico) | |||||
7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2014 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Analysis of Air Flow Past and through the 2415-3S Airfoil for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Internal Propulsion System | L. Velázquez-Araque (National University of Tachira, Venezuela) | Luis D. Mendoza *, J. Nožička ** (* Venezuela, ** Czech Republic) | ||||
:: | Bio-Inspired Trust and Reputation Model Investigations over Hops Coefficient Factor in Static and Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks | Vinod Kumar Verma (SLIET-LONGOWAL, India) | |||||
:: | Measurement of Flow Properties of Mammalian Blood with Different Hematocrit Values Using Falling Needle Rheometer | Hideki Yamamoto (Kansai University, Japan) | Takamasa Suzuki *, Sadao Araki *, Kimito Kawamura *, Hiroko Aida *, Dominik Bernitzky **, Roberto Plasenzotti ** (* Japan, ** Austria) | ||||
:: | New FACTS Equipment in an Enhanced Version of Smart Grids. The Magnetic Gate (Virtual Participation) | Julio Enrique Posada C. (University of El Salvador , El Salvador) | |||||
:: | Optimization of a Compact Thermal Model for a Ball Grid Array (BGA) Package Using Experimental Data | Magdy Abdelaal (Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia) | Tayaz Fakhry, Farah Mohammadi (Canada) | ||||
5th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2014 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | ADTOS: Arrival Departure Tradeoff Optimization System | Ian Wilson (Boeing, United States) | Samet Ayhan, Paul Comitz and Gary Gerberick (United States) | ||||
:: | Coping Occupational Stress with Serious Games (Virtual Participation) | Renato de Aquino Lopes (Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil) | Alexandre Cardoso, Edgard A. Lamounier Júnior and Ederaldo José Lopes (Brazil) | ||||
:: | Development of a Web Application: Recording Learners’ Mouse Trajectories and Retrieving their Study Logs to Identify the Occurrence of Hesitation in Solving Word-Reordering Problems | Mitsumasa Zushi (Shizuoka University, Japan) | Yoshinori Miyazaki, Ryosuke Miki and Ken Norizuki (Japan) | ||||
:: | Proposal for a Similar Question Search System on a Q&A Site | Akinori Kanda (Tokyo University of Science, Japan) | Katsutoshi Kanamori and Hayato Ohwada (Japan) | ||||
:: | Using ABM to Implement Complexity Thinking in Logistics – Thoughts and Experiences | Fredrik Nilsson (Design Sciences, Sweden) | |||||
5th International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2014 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Democracy, Political Perceptions, and New Media | Madelyn Flammia and Houman Sadri (University of Central Florida, United States) | |||||
:: | Method for Improving Students’ Programming Skills (Virtual Participation) | Takahiro Koita (Doshisha University, Japan) | Yasuyo Kofune (Japan) | ||||
:: | Some Ideas Concerning the Need for Networking of Open Access Repositories of Digital University Libraries: A Case Study of the EU Visegrád Group | Erzsebet Dani (University of Debrecen, Hungary) | |||||
:: | Wheel Guide – Mobile Navigation for Barrier-Free Walkways | Bettina Harriehausen-Mühlbauer (University of Applied Sciences - Darmstadt, Germany) | |||||
5th International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics: ICETI 2014 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) to Education | Joseph M. Woodside (Stetson University, United States) | Nasser Alleban and Shahram Amiri (United States) | ||||
:: | Comparative Student Success Analysis of Distance Education and Traditional Education in Associate Degree Programs | Gizem Ilyas (Sakarya University, Turkey) | Sinan Ilyas and Hayrettin Evirgen (Turkey) | ||||
:: | Secondary Schools Students’ Language Literacy Skills Aided by the Use of Computer Tools | Odette Bourjaili Radi (La Trobe University, Australia) | |||||
:: | Using an Interdisciplinary Course to Teach Intercultural Communication: Helping Students and Faculty Bridge Disciplinary Divides | Madelyn Flammia and Houman Sadri (University of Central Florida, United States) | |||||
Décima Tercera Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática: CISCI 2014 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Administración de una Oficina sin Papeles Segura y Personalizada para PYMES en México | Sandra Orantes Jiménez (Centro de Investigación en Computación del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México) | Alejandro Zavala Galindo, Graciela Vázquez Álvarez (México) | ||||
:: | Ajuste de las Funciones de Pertenencia de Entrada de un Sistema de Control con Lógica Difusa de un Péndulo Invertido mediante el Método de Optimización del Patrón de Búsqueda | Panayotis S. Tremante M. (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela) | Ebert Brea (Venezuela) | ||||
:: | Análisis de las Propiedades Geométricas de las Discontinuidades en Nubes de Puntos 3D (Participación Virtual) | Germán Sánchez T. (Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia) | Esmeide Leal and Nallig Leal (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de Infecciones de Vías Urinarias en Niños, Basado en Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial | Jorge Enrique Rodríguez Rodríguez (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia) | |||||
:: | El Software Libre y Privativo en la Educación en Competencias | Ma. Dolores García Perea (Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México y Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, México) | Camerino Juárez Pascual (México) | ||||
:: | Estudos Interdisciplinares no Vale do Mucuri – Brasil | Magali Maria de Araújo Barroso (Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte, Brasil) | Leonidas Conceição Barroso (Brasil) | ||||
:: | Gobierno Tecnológico Aplicado a la WEB 2.0 en Entidades Educativas | Juan Pablo Giraldo Rendón (Universidad de Manizales, Colombia) | Luis Joyanes Aguilar (España) | ||||
:: | Optimización Dinámica del Enriquecimiento de Dióxido de Carbono para el Cultivo de Tomate en un Microclima | Nubia Ilia Ponce de León Puig (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México) | José E. Moisés Gutiérrez Arias, J. Eladio Flores Mena, Ma. Montserrat Morín Castillo (México) | ||||
:: | Segmentación de los Pulmones Usando Máquinas de Soporte Vectorial en Imágenes de Tomografía Computarizada | Valentín Molina, Horderlin V. Robles and Edwar Bejarano (Escuela Colombiana de Carreras Industriales, Colombia) | Miguel Vera *, Hermann Dávila ** (* Venezuela, ** Colombia) | ||||
Undécimo Simposium Iberoamericano en Educación, Cibernética e Informática: SIECI 2014 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Entrenador Virtual para el Aprendizaje de Rutinas Motoras, en Personas con Ausencia de un Miembro Superior | Pablo A. Munévar (Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD, Colombia) | |||||
:: | Interacción de Modelos 3D con Realidad Aumentada | I. Peredo Valderrama (Universidad Politécnica de Querétaro (UPQ), México) | R. Peredo Valderrama, K. Anaya Rivera (México) | ||||
Cuarta Conferencia Iberoamericana de Complejidad, Informática y Cibernética: CICIC 2014 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Conceituando o Termo Business Intelligence: Origem e Principais Objetivos (Participación Virtual) | Fernando Rigo Botelho (PPGCGTI/Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil) | Edelvino Razzolini Filho (Brasil) | ||||
:: | La Trayectoria del Capital Humano Femenino en México. Análisis del Período 2005-2012 | Angélica Beatriz Contreras Cueva (Universidad de Guadalajara, México) | |||||
:: | Mídias Digitais, Redes Sociais e Cinema: Um Caminho para a Formação Docente | Alexandre Guimarães, Valéria Martins and Nickolas Andrade (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil) | Panmela Fernandes (Brasil) | ||||
:: | Simulación Numérica de la Deformación de MEMS Tipo Trampolín | José D. Alanís (Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla, México) | Blanca Bermúdez and José L. Hernández (México) | ||||
:: | Sistema de Integración de Plataforma en la Nube para Móviles | Erika Hernández Rubio (Instituto Politécnico Nacional - ESCOM, México) | David Araujo Díaz and Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma (México) | ||||
:: | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Educação Interdisciplinar e Transmidiática | Alexandre Guimarães, Valéria Martins and Débora Silva (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil) | |||||
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* In the case of virtual participation, the registered author is the one indicated. |