Dr. Melissa Allen-Dumas is a Research Scientist in the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and leads the Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability theme within the Climate Change Science Institute. She holds a PhD degree in Energy Science and Engineering, a MS degree in Environmental Engineering, a BME in Music Education (violin), and a private pilot license. Her expertise includes global modeling and analysis of atmospheric species transport, statistical and dynamical downscaling of various climate model output, and analysis of direct and indirect effects of climate change on electricity demand and on other national and civic critical infrastructures.
Just as in a world-class symphony orchestra, successful interdisciplinary scientific collaboration balances a diversity of perspectives within a common framework. In the same manner as each orchestral musician brings a distinctive voice and tone to the concert hall, each scientist brings an articulated domain of study and prescribed philosophy to a project. In any organization — musical or scientific — individual innovation and collective effort must be fully integrated in order to achieve an artistic realization or scientific discovery. The group’s conductor, or manager, must facilitate a creative, productive, and rigorous environment in which each member, individually and collectively, can thrive, achieve, and contribute.