Dr. Harry Hall earned a BA in psychology from Augusta State University, a master's degree in school administration, and doctorate in educational leadership from the University of North Caroline at Charlotte. In 2001 Dr. Hall joined the faculty at Indiana Wesleyan University after a 10 year career as a public school administrator (principal and assistant principal) and teacher in North Carolina. Before going into teaching, Dr. Hall completed a 28-year career in the Army as a pilot and combat arms officer that included two tours of duty in Vietnam. While at IWU Dr. Hall has developed online programs, virtual portfolios, and numerous instructional innovations. He has presented at regional, national, and international conferences on topics ranging from electronic portfolios and assessment systems to developing differentiated learning activities. He has conducted numerous research projects, most recently on the impact of adult literacy on success in higher education.
Is learning taking place in our college classrooms and online learning spaces? Are students reaching their academic and social learning potential? I propose to you that learning is our business and our responsibility. We need to step up to it. Efficacious teachers feel responsible for their students' learning. Learning leaders assume responsibility for the quality of instruction and student learning. Institutions hold their learning leaders accountable and assume responsibility for defining the overall learning and social outcomes for their students and monitoring their progress toward those ends. Students are responsible and accountable for assuming constructive learning profiles: being in class, following instructions, actively participating in learning activities, and having a positive attitude. This sounds so simple but we struggle to achieve those essential learning outcomes.