Professor Dusan Soltes has been currently i.e. since 1993 working at the Faculty of Management of the Comenius University at Bratislava and since 2003 as a full time regular professor for MIS and International Economic relations and the director of the e-Europe Research & Development centre as a specialized centre for EU funded projects under the former 5th and 6th and current 7th FP especially those from the ICT/IST programme for more details: (// He has been also an evaluator for the EC and its 6 and current 7FP and has been collaborating with numerous DGs of the EC in Brussels in the area of the ERA, Information Society, ICT, etc. In addition to his home university he has been a Visiting Professor and Research Fellow at numerous universities at the EU member states as well as at the universities in the USA and China. Before joining his current university, he worked for numerous United Nations agencies (UNDTCD, ILO, UNECE, ITU, UNFPA, etc.) as a senior expert in the highest Professional category P5 in various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Prof. Soltes has been widely publishing home and abroad in Professional periodicals as well as proceedings of many international conferences, congresses, seminars especially those organized abroad by various international Professional organizations of which he has been an active member.
We will present results of our ongoing R&D started under the EU/7FP/Sec./SMART project regarding some applications of the contemporary smart ICT in selected e-government applications. Viz. e-government itself, consumer protection, border controls and protection, counter terrorism, smart surveillance in the cyberspace. The results of our particular research have been clearly showing that in addition to some evident positives and benefits as achieved by the application of the smart ICT, the same technology is very often unfortunately misused also for various clandestine activities that are violating some of the fundamental and internationally recognized human rights like e.g. right to freedom of expression, privacy, confidentiality of communications, etc. Unfortunately, in many cases these violations are made by those institutions that have to protect and guaranteeing the above FHR to all people either on the national and/or international levels.