Professor of Informatics at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague,
PhD in Experimental Physics at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
Master degree in Cybernetics and Computer Sciences at the Czech Technical University in Prague.
2005 - Czech Technical University in Prague
Lectures - basic and advanced lectures in area of communications sciences, specific telecommunication solutions for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), telecommunications services management etc.,
R&D - theoretical background of the specific telecommunications solutions dedicated for the ITS, Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) acting as well as the national representative in ISI/CEN, ETC systems Value Added Services (VAS), vehicle On Board Units architecture, ITS and its security requirements etc.
1993 – 2005 Communications business
New products R&D, business development for products like VSAT data services or IP based (VoIP) alternative solution for the global voice communications networking designed for countries of the CEEMEA region, working with EuroTel / Nextel / Global One (i.e. Sprint Int., France Telecom, Deutsche Telekom) etc.,
And simultaneously acting as the external teacher and mentor at the Faculty of transport sciences of the CTU in Prague
1976 – 1993 Geophysical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
Experimental laboratory and observatory methods in geophysics, studies of the variations and drift of the Earth magnetic field, data communication solutions within international geomagnetic observatory system (INTERMAG),
Computer modeling of magnetic material structures with on-line laboratory identification, laboratory study of the magnetic properties of rocks,
1972 – 1976 Industrial R&D
Automatic control systems for the technological processes – CNC (Computer Numerical Control),
Data communications and computer based control in the heavy technological processes,
Published above 120 scientific papers, monographs, books and University textbooks in physics, informatics, ITS, transport telematics and telecommunications.
Smart city as an urban development vision is targeting on sustainable city development and higher quality of life. Such vision is reachable by complex multidisciplinary approach based on balanced excelling in multiple key areas like environment, economy, people living, and government and its success is tightly connected with investments in human and social capital, as well as in mobility and ICT communication infrastructure. Even though smart city development emphasizes both environmental, economic as well as social aspects of sustainability, the social sustainable development is faced to the weakest possibility to be well understood, objectively quantified and managed. This paper points out the social aspects with aim to identify principal importance to effectively include these aspects in all critical processes and decisions to ensure reaching one of the key the goals of Smart city vision – the higher quality of life.