Dr. Mario LaManna received the degree in Electronic Engineering from the University S. Anna College in Pisa (Italy). He has spent most of his professional career working with Selex ES Finmeccanica SpA, (Italy) and as a Teaching Professor with the University of Pisa. He has been working as Program Manager of a number of international cooperative projects in the fields of Military, Aerospace and Security, in Pisa, Rome, Europe and US. He is presently working with Evoelectronics SRL in Rome, Italy. He has participated in more than 100 international conferences as paper author, session chairman and invited speaker. He is a Member of IEEE and IIIS and an Expert Member of EDA and EU.
Developments in electronics and computers during the last 70 years have given rise to the so called Information Age and created the new entity of the so called Cyber Space, as the backbone of the main economic and social activities. As a consequence, the life and wellness of citizen and nations in the Third Millennium are going to depend more and more on the efficient and secure use of this new entity. In order to achieve a satisfactory level of Cyber Security, a new multifaceted/multidisciplinary approach is mandatory. This new multidisciplinary approach consists in coupling computer technologies with social and geopolitical aspects of the new Information Age. Analyzing the key role of Interdisciplinary Communication in Cyber Security is the essential step to achieve the right level of Cyber Security.