General Joint Sessions and Workshops of WMSCI 2019 and its Collocated Events
July 6-9, 2019 ~ Orlando, Florida, USA
From Steam Engine to Blockchain – How Technological Progress has been Influencing the Competences We Need
Dr. Pawel Poszytek, General Director, Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Poland; Member of working groups of the European Commission and the Ministry of National Education of Poland.
Paweł Poszytek, PhD, Director General of the Polish National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme. Member of several working groups by the European Commission and the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Poland, coordinator of the Country profile Project implemented by the Council of Europe. Reviewer of the national core curriculum in foreign language teaching in 2008 and co-author of 2016/2017 curriculum update. Former member of the executive board of the European Association of Language Teaching and Assessment. Former coordinator of Lingua, European Language Label and eTwinning programmes in Poland and member of the board of the Polish National Agency of Lifelong Learning Programme. Currently, general director of the Foundation for the Development of Education System – Polish National Agency for European Union's educational programmes and official delegate of the Republic of Poland to the Worldskills Organization.
The aim of the presentation is to reflect on what current industrial revolution, often called economy 4.0, requires from educational systems, especially at university level. The presenter will discuss the determinants of this revolution and its consequences for the education of the future. The main stress will be put on what quantities and features this education must have to meet the demands of the new digitalized world and to equip students with suitable competences needed both at work and in social life.
