Dr. William R. Simpson holds a Bachelor of Science a Master of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering and a Master of Science in Administration from three different universities. He has held academic positions at four different universities. He has held industry positions in government, profit and non-profit organizations. He has held elected or appointed offices in several different standards and regulation bodies. Dr. Simpson has published extensively including several full books, and numerous journal papers, conference papers, technical reports and magazine articles. Dr. Simpson has contributed to a number of Technical Standards. Through the years he has been a teacher at the graduate and undergraduate level, a program manager, a private pilot, a public speaker and invited speaker on numerous occasions, He has also been a workshop organizer, session chair, committee chair, standards writer, software capabilities evaluator, and information assurance evaluation validator.
Increasing complexity and new computing hardware and techniques have made the fortress approach to security espoused by NIST and implemented throughout the defense and banking industry unworkable. This presentation provides a modern alternative to this approach. The new approach to security is more distributed and has no need for passwords or accounts. The security approach is derived from a set of tenants that form the basic security model requirements. At each step in process it determines identities and claims for access and privileges. These techniques have been proven to be resilient, secure, extensible, scalable, and are currently being implemented on a broad scale for a particular enterprise.