General Joint Sessions and Workshops of WMSCI 2014 and its Collocated Events
July 15-18, 2014 ~ Orlando, Florida, USA
Big Data: Strategies and Synergies
Dr. Melinda Connor, Langara College- Vancouver Canada ; Akamai University in Hilo Hawaii ; Science Advisor for the Spirituals for the 21st Century Project, California State University Dominguez Hills, USA ; Former Director, Optimal Healing Research, University of Arizona, USA
Dr. Connor began her career in the computer industry as an engineer. The team lead in the Business Intelligence Technical support group focused on data management, data mining and networking, she changed careers in the 1990's. Dr. Connor has trained as a clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, drama therapist, massage therapist and is ordained as a Buddhist Priest. As a National Institutes of Health T-32 post doctoral fellow, Dr. Connor received her training as a research scientist at the University of Arizona under Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Iris Bell. An Adjunct Professor in Complementary Medicine Studies, Akamai University in Hilo Hawaii, Dr. Connor is also the CEO of the National Foundation for Energy Healing and the science advisor for the Spirituals for the 21st Century project at California State University Dominguez Hills. Dr. Connor is the author of seven books.
What good is being a “data pack-rat” unless you can utilize the terabytes per hour that you are receiving? What is the most effective management of this “big data”? How long do you keep the raw data? And what data will you dump? What about the limitations of the hardware of the various platforms and the network structure itself? What are the most effective ways of data-mining and understanding the ecological landscape of the data you are receiving? How do you determine new corporate strategic direction based on the data when the shape of the data itself is not clear? What about cross platform portability of the final product? These and other questions will be explored with suggestions for overall management and potential solutions.