International Conference on
Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT'04
Center for Lifelong Engineering Education
Sponsored by:
The University of Texas at Austin
The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)

August 14-17, 2004 - Austin, Texas, USA
International Institute of Informatics and Systemics


 Computing / Information Systems and Technologies

 Communications Systems, Technologies and Applications
 Control Systems, Technologies and Applications
 Hybrid Systems, Dual Technologies, Cross-Fertilizing Research and Analogical
 Applications of CCCT in Other Areas
 Applications of Other Areas in CCCT
 Hybrid Applications

CCCT '04



Our main purpose organizing the International conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT 2004) has been to bring together researchers, developers, practitioners, and consultants in these three highly related fields, with the aim to provide them with a forum where they can present their current and future work, solutions and problems. In order to focus not just in each field, but also in the relationships among them, efforts has been done to promote and to foster the analogical thinking required by the Systems Approach for interdisciplinary cross-fertilization, "epistemic things" generation and "technical objects" production.

The International conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies is a spin off of the International Conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS) and the World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI) which are yearly events that have been held in the last 10 years as a forum for Information Systems researchers, practitioners, consultants and users who has been interchanging ideas, research results and innovations in the area of Information Systems. Analytical as well as synthetical thinking represents the conceptual and methodological infrastructures that support the papers presented in ISAS conferences. Synthetical thinking supported papers inside the Information Systems area, as well as in its relationships (analogies, "epistemic things", "technical synthetical objects", hybrid systems, cross-fertilization, etc.) with other areas.

On behalf of CCCT 2004 Organizing Committee, I express our gratitude to the authors that submitted their original and unpublished works, innovations, ideas based on analogical thinking, problems that require solutions, position papers, case studies, etc., in the fields of computer, communication and control, as well as in the relationships between two of these areas or among the three of them.

Approximately 1000 papers and extended abstracts were submitted and reviewed for this event. About 550 accepted papers are published in these proceedings, and their presentations were included in the conference program. We extend our gratitude to the Program Committee, to the approximately 1150 additional reviewers for their support and the merited reviewing they did, and to the authors for their effort in submitting quality papers, in most cases. We also would like to thank Professor William Lesso for distinguishing this conference as its Honorary President, and to Professor Michael Savoie for taking the responsibility as Program chair of this event.

On behalf of the Joint Organizing Committee, I would also like to extend our gratitude to the invited session organizers, as well as to the co-editors of these proceedings. Our gratefulness is also extended to the sponsoring organizations which have made the conference possible. We also extend our gratitude to Professor Belkis Sanchez, Chair of the Organizing Committee for her relentless support to the whole organizing process, and to the computer engineer Maria Sanchez for the hard work done in the elaboration of the hard copy version of the proceedings, especially for her patience with papers sent after the respective deadline. Our thankfulness is also extended to the computer engineers Juan Manuel Pineda, as well as to the computer technicians Sheyla Lecue (Operating Manager), Angel Diaz, Marco Florio and Michel Naranjo for the computing support they provided for the conference Web site and in the elaboration of the electronic proceedings CD. We would also like to thank all the staff who provided the required support for the conference secretariat activities.

Professor Hsing-Wei Chu
CCCT 2004 General Chair

 SCI '04

The 8th World Multiconference on
 Systemics, Cybernetics
 and Informatics

 CISCI '04


3ra. Conferencia Iberoamericana en
Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática

 CCCT '04


International Conference on
Computer, Communication and Control Technologies

 PISTA '04

International Conference on
Politics and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications

 EISTA '04

International Conference on Education and Information Systems Technologies and Applications

 CITSA '04

International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications

 SIECI '04

Simpósium Iberoamericano de Educación, Cibernética e Informática

RMCI '04

Symposium on Risk Management and Cyber-Informatics

© Copyright 2004 International Institute of Informatics and Systemics