Developing and Using Cybersecurity Discussion Case Studies (Participatory Workshop)
Professor T. Grandon Gill, Director of the Doctorate in Business Administration, College of Business, University of South Florida, USA / Editor-in-Chief of Informing Science / Editor of the Journal of IT Education / Founding Editor of Journal of Information Technology Education

The Case Method: The case method is an interactive teaching method that involves using a detailed description of a real world decision situation to stimulate an in-depth classroom discussion, typically lasting 75 to 90 minutes. The principal pedagogical objective of the approach, which was originally developed and refined at Harvard Business School, is to help students improve their judgment under conditions of considerable uncertainty and ambiguity. As such, the case studies developed to support these discussions rarely have a “right” answer and the actual outcome associated with a particular decision tends to be less important than the process through which the decision was reached.

Workshop Objectives: The workshop is intended to provide participants with an introductory look at the case method, with a particular emphasis on its application to cybersecurity situations. Topics to be covered will include:
  • Types of case studies and their application: The term “case study” means many things to different people. A framework for understanding the various types of case studies and their appropriate uses will be introduced.
  • Facilitating case discussions: Using cases as an instructional medium. Participants will be given the opportunity to engage in a discussion of an abbreviated case.
  • Developing discussion cases: The steps in the process of developing a discussion case will be examined, both from the case writer’s and organization’s perspective.
  • Publishing discussion cases: Outlets for publication of peer-reviewed discussion cases will be examined, as well as other outlets through which cases can be distributed. The existing collection of cybersecurity cases will be reviewed.
Discovering Mysteries of Opposing Games (Tutorial)
Professor Boris Stilman, University of Colorado at Denver, Computer Science and Engineering, USA; Chairman & CEO at Stilman Advanced Strategies, Denver, Colorado, USA

Linguistic Geometry (LG) is a type of game theory that permits solving a class of opposing games by constructing (not searching) the solution and this way avoid combinatorial explosion. LG serves as a foundation for the development of multiple intelligent defense systems in the USA and abroad. The tutorial consists of two parts:

● The first part includes brief introduction to the LG Game Construction for solving real world defense problems (with a short movie). I will introduce participants to the construction of the Abstract Board Games and LG Hypergames including construction of the abstract board, abstract pieces, and relations of reachability.

● The second part includes theoretical account into the LG Game Solving. I will introduce participants to the so-called No-Search Approach in LG. It will include step-by-step explanation of the major result in LG, which shows that LG generates optimal solutions for a class of opposing games without search and demonstrates construction of those solutions. I will initiate the Terminal Set Expansion, i.e., expansion of the subsets of terminal states into “bubbles,” the larger sets of states. For each of the states from those bubbles I will determine a strategy leading to the respective terminal states. Then, we will realize that the bubbles of states permit to decompose the whole game state space into subspaces. This decomposition will be implemented via constructing a visual model called a State Space Chart. This Chart will serve as a strategic “geographical map” of the state space by providing guidelines for “travel” from state to state. Then I will utilize this Chart for constructing classes of potential strategies for all the opposing sides and for pruning those classes that cannot be implemented for a given problem. Subsequent application of the non-pruned potential strategies will lead to construction of the optimal solution – the only real strategy existing in this problem.
Analogical Thinking, Inter-Disciplinary Communication, and Case Studies (Participative Talk)
Dr. Nagib Callaos, President of the International Institute of Informatics and Systemic, USA / Former Dean of Research and Development of the University Simon Bolivar, Venezuela / Founding Editor in Chief of the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.

The purpose of this participatory talk is to describe and show:

1. the importance of analogical thinking,
2. its relationship with logical thinking, and
3. the cybernetic loops that might be emerge when both kinds of thinking are related with systemic which might generate a holistic perspective that would promote an integral, integrative, and integrated Hybrid Thinking; which, in turn, may have a systemic-cybernetic, and potentially synergistic, relationships in contexts like:
    a) Inter-disciplinary Communication, Case Studies, Case Studies Methodologies
    b) Integrating academic activities, i.e. Research, Education, and Consulting or Real Problem Solving
Competency-Based Education Online: Is it a To-Do-List or a Way to Achieve Meaningful Outcomes? (Conversational Panel)
Dr. Risa Blair, Kaplan University, USA; Instructional Associates, LLC, Miami Shores, FL, USA, and Dr. Tina M. Serafini, Kaplan University, USA; T.M. Serafini & Associates, LLC, Clearfield, PA, USA

Competency-based education is the ‘buzz’ at the moment in distance education! Higher-education institutions are drawn to develop competency-based programs and their course delivery strategies are presented as something new. It does not seem new! Think about correspondence schools, as far back as the 1700’s (if not further), the learners prepared and sent their papers, projects, and tests back to their teachers or tutors (Brighton School of Business and Management, 2012). When learners could achieve “X” or prove “Y” or build “Z”, they could move forward with the next phase of their education. Are we not doing exactly the same thing in today’s competency-based education programs? Competency-based education only works with learners who are committed, engaged, and have a strong drive to achieve success. This is nothing new. Successful students need 80% attitude and 20% aptitude. Online learners need to be self-motivated and effective time managers. The number one reason students fail online programs is that they are not prepared for online study life! They falsely assume that online programs are “easy.” Many learners cannot manage their time and lack the required self-motivation and/or self-discipline. There needs to be planned accountability for self-paced learners to achieve meaningful goals and required deadlines. So, who does the competency-based education model serve in distance education? Is it the learners or the colleges and universities? Group projects, interacting with other learners, and engaging with professors provides a learner with a rich educational experience. Learners are more engaged in situational learning, active learning, and group projects with measureable progress in their fields. Key to this progression is the underlying theme of the promotion of lifelong learning. We learn from listening, we learn from interacting, and we learn from our experiences. Learning is not done in solitude or in a vacuum! If learners are able to effectively complete the to-do-list, have they achieved meaningful outcomes? So, the debate begins…

Reference: Brighton School of Business and Management (2012). The ultimate history of distance learning: timeline from 1700-2012. URL:
Turning Idea into Real World Systems: Personal Experience
Professor Boris Stilman, University of Colorado at Denver, Computer Science and Engineering, USA; Chairman & CEO at Stilman Advanced Strategies, Denver, Colorado, USA

In the USA, many research-oriented start-ups are the university spin-offs. I will describe the process of creation, survival, and subsequent take-off of such companies on example of STILMAN Advanced Strategies, the company created in 1999 based on my research in Artificial Intelligence and Game Theory. Intelligent software tools developed at STILMAN for the US Army are currently considered vital for the US national defense. I will compare roles of investors, competitive government contracts, large businesses, and foreign sources in obtaining working capital for small companies. I will describe the US government system of competitive awards, especially, in defense, including SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) as well as those from the federal agencies such as DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Agency), AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory), etc. I will provide details of the relationship of a university and spin-off businesses. I will pay special attention to the role of customers in developing new problem domains, theoretical ideas, and turning those ideas into working systems.
Experts Informing Experts
Drs. Robert Hammond, Syniverse Technologies, USA

Informing is the core of change and communication. This session examines conceptual schemes that illuminate the intrinsic challenges of Experts Informing Experts. Expert status exists on multiple levels in Academic – Business, Consulting – Business, Academic – Business, and interactions within Business and Academy informing activities. Concepts from Informing Science in Complex Systems and Cognitive Science are applied to practitioner scholar research being used to inform sales managers planning a sales transformation.
Educational Innovation: Bridging Academic Research and Practice via Interdisciplinary Business Doctorate for Executives
Professor T. Grandon Gill, Director of the Doctorate in Business Administration, College of Business, University of South Florida, USA / Editor-in-Chief of Informing Science / Editor of the Journal of IT Education / Founding Editor of Journal of Information Technology Education

Recently, a small number of U.S. research universities have introduced terminal business degrees that specifically target working executives. These degrees focus on learning to apply research methods to business problems with the expectation that candidates will remain in practice after they receive their degrees. Because complex business problems demand interdisciplinary solutions, these programs diverge significantly from their disciplinary PhD counterparts. Rather than training doctoral students as apprentices seeking to acquire the skills of the academic research craft, these executive students are viewed as long term partners who need to develop a research skill set that complements, rather than duplicates, that of their professorial counterparts. The presentation looks at the design of some of these programs –many of which are intentionally constructed to break down academic silos – and reports on the first year of the newly launched DBA program at the University of South Florida.
Internet of Things – Some Thoughts and Showcases
Professor Rolf Dornberger, Head of Institute for Information Systems, Head of Competence Center "New Trends & Innovation", Deputy of the head of Institutes at the School of Business, University of Applied Sciences, Northwestern Switzerland

The "Internet of things" (IoT) is simultaneously cause and effect of technological innovations. Strong cybernetic loops are exponentially increasing among the “Internet of things” and technological innovations. Technological innovation enabled processes of design and implementation of what is called IoT, which in turn is enabling more applications via technological innovations. IOT Analytics [1] identified at least 640 actual enterprise of IoT projects, by means of mining hundreds of homepages. They identified the “top 10 IoT application areas – based on real IoT projects”. These areas are: Connected Industry, Smart city, Smart energy, Connected Car, Smart Agriculture, Connected Building, Connected Health, Smart Retails, Smart Supply Chain, and others (Smart Parking, Smart Homes, etc).  This provide context to plenary address of Professor Rolf Dornberger, who has a large experience, information and knowledge regarding University-Industry Cooperation: and the New contribution of The university of applied Science (Northwestern Switzerland) to the Development of Regional Innovation in general and including LoT, and who organized a recent Symposium on Sino-Swiss Cooperation of Universities of Applied Sciences, on Nov.29, 2016. (

Technical Innovation and User Feedback
Dr. Erik Stilling, Louisiana Public Defender Board-Office of the Governor, USA Founder of the Information and Technology Management Division; Taught and researched Communications and Technology Theories and applied new technologies in Louisiana and California, and Dr. Peter Smit, Crisis Support Team, The Netherlands; Guest lecturer on risk and crisis at the Hague University Chair of the Department of Crisis and Issue Management Logeion, the professional organization for communications professionals

Presenters discuss the various models of Communication and Public Relations and the necessity of Feedback in the process of communication and its relation to early Informatics and Cybernetics in Western Science and Innovation.  Innovation can have a darker side; the concept of Disemployment is discussed as well as the responsibility of the innovator in the process of Disemployment. Possible solutions to Disemployment which capitalize on the strengths and talents of the recently disemployed are considered.
Apposite Methodology for More Effective Educational Processes
Professor Steinar Killi, Center of Design Research, Direct Digital Manufacturing, Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norway

This talk will present a designerly process towards different methods developed for the product design education. Some of the topics covered will be a more lean education model; "just in time teaching, just in need learning". Short examples from 20 years of iterating towards these methods will be visualized and discussed.
Information Exchange in Dynamically Developing Ad-Hock Vehicles Networks
Professor Tomas Zelinka, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Telecommunication systems designs mostly adopt one of two following alternative approaches. In the first alternative designers minimize performance expectations with goal to reduce system architecture complexity. In the other case architect accepts the full system complexity, sometimes with even overestimating expectations. Subsequent systems implementations lead in the first case to future system evolution and in the other case to the reductions of unneeded functionalities. In representative number of cases early stages systems reduction released reasonable conditions for their future penetration. However, initially reduced system parameters can cause genetic system limits with no potential to resolve it in the system future development. Such situation was already identified in area of vehicles ad hock networks information exchange where recent communication strategies reached genetic limits of globally accepted telecommunication system and the new trends will most probably lead to its heterogeneous symbiosis with another much more robust telecommunications system.
Big History Understanding of Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics
Professor John L. Motloch, Director of Land Design Institute, Co-Founder of the Sustainable Communities Institute, Ball State University, USA

This talk takes a Big History view to understand complexity, informatics and cybernetics. Through this lens, it presents Big Science, complex adaptive systems, CAS operational modes, and current massive CAS change as indicators of emergence and transformational behavior. Presentation calls for complex adaptive system management and co-design through collaboration among the full diversity of human and non-human intelligences, from ecological to digital. It speaks to emerging new potentials for the sciences of complexity, informatics and cybernetics in this unique time in Big History as humanity shifts from opaque decisions and hierarchical messaging to transparent network conversations and deep collaborating with complexity.
Higher Education Should Nurture Students' Creativity
Professor Bernard Wallner, Department of Anthropology and Department of Behavioral Biology, Co-leader of the working group Anthropological Economics & Demography, University of Vienna, Austria

Discussions on quality management in higher education lack mostly a significant variable, namely to "educate students to be creative or seek for innovation". One crucial explanation could be researcher per se think they represent a community of highly creative people. This might be true because creativity can be seen as a fundamental natural feature of universities. However, Thomson Reuters reveals that the richest countries have the most innovative universities. Evolutionary biology shows that creative behavior of homo represents a key feature developed under selective processes. Therefore, higher education has the obligation to nurture creativity in the education of academics.
Information Systems for the Future: A Global Perspective
Professor Dennis Bialaszewski, Management Information Systems, Scott College of Business, President of Alpha Iota Mu, Indiana State University, USA

Dr. Bialaszewski has seen many changes in direction in the field of Information Systems since he taught his first college class in 1972. The introductory course has changed from programming in BASIC and programming logic to a stress on application software to a move towards Open Source software. It appears that vendors had a very large influence on the direction of the curriculum. Movements such as the OLPC and PLan Ceibal have attempted to take the curriculum in another direction. With the widespread use of Open Source operating systems such as LINUX there is less fear of using Open Source software. GOOGLE and AMAZON use LINUX on their multitude of servers. Universities and companies are always trying to cut costs while not sacrificing quality. In this session we will look at the future of Information Systems from a Global Perspective.
"And Then a Miracle Occurs …" – Engaging the Challenge of Operationalizing Theories of Success in Digital Transformation
Dr. Michael Von Kutzschenbach, Institute for Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences, Northwestern Switzerland

Businesses face numerous critical challenges and rely on managerial competence to respond successfully to them. These responses are called "theories of success" because they purport to be a recipe for achieving the desired outcome. As the limitations of human cognitive capacity are well documented, there is a need for new ways of thinking that clearly lay out the basis of these theories of success. Systems thinking is one approach that contributes to this in two important ways. First, it clarifies the nature of the causal relationships in the problem context. Second, by presenting a clearly specified model of the theory, communication with other stakeholders is improved, thus increasing the likelihood of a better result.
No Warranty Express or Implied: Why Do We Have so many Problems with the Computer Systems that Pervade our Lives?
Professor John Coffey, University of West Florida, Computer Science Department, USA; Research Scientist at Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, USA.

Computer systems, large and small, are everywhere. From the 100+ electronic control units in a modern car to mobile devices to tablets and desktop computers to petabyte databases that are mined for information, computers pervade our lives. When any factor in our lives becomes so pervasive, a range of problems will certainly follow ranging from basic frustration and inconvenience, to lost productivity, to losses due to using the devices apart from problems with the devices themselves, to loss of life. This presentation explores the unique role of computers in our lives from the perspective of their complexity, limits on our ability to ensure that systems are built without errors, tradeoffs inherent in the design of computer systems, and what can be done about these problems.
Green Technology: A Global Aspect Needed for Growing a Technological Economy
Dr. Suzanne Lunsford, Wright State University, USA

The globalization of higher education in the U.S. should be embraced and not feared to meet the needs of an economic uncertainty. The use of the Green Technology with the aspect of recycling materials to nanoparticle materials to create a novel new product will be applied in this global research project. Our keynote presentation will discuss how to evaluate a problem and find a solution involving aggregates to nanoparticle sensor applications for future possible industrial uses related to the global academic competition with Green Technology.
Humboldt's Sketch of Nature in Terms of Interconnectedness and Variety
Professor Detlev Doherr, Dean of the Bachelor Degree Programs, Head of the Institute of Continuing Academic Education, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Director of the Steinbeis Transfer Center of Information Technologies, Offenburg, Germany

Alexander von Humboldt, the German scientist and discoverer of nature, is regarded as the pioneer of ecology, which he described as the interrelationship of the animated and inanimated world as dynamic processes. He contributed to a scientific worldview and defined the basis for the concept of sustainability and sustainable developments. Even after 200 years Humboldt's writings are gaining increasing attention because of his efforts to comprehend nature within the context of interaction and dynamic processes. We accept the views of Alexander von Humboldt to discover the internal forces and the interconnectivity of nature as modern concepts of representative knowledge bases and semantic web structures. But we are stuck with the automatic evaluation of information and creation of digital knowledge by computers. We have got theoretical models and statistical approaches, analytical solutions and numerical results, but we cannot find resilient algorithms as solution finders for the global questions even in the scientific view of nature as one whole, where everything is interconnectedness!
Can You Hear Me Now: An Innovative Approach to Assessing and Building Connections with Online Students
Dr. Risa Blair, Kaplan University, USA; Instructional Associates, LLC, Miami Shores, FL, USA, and Dr. Tina M. Serafini, Kaplan University, USA; T.M. Serafini & Associates, LLC, Clearfield, PA, USA

Having your "voice" present in an online classroom develops connections and guides learners to take action. Written communication lays flat on the page. When learners hear you, they listen and engage. Voice feedback is a great way to make connections with learners while delivering positive and constructive comments. In the online setting, learners often feel alone and disconnected. An interactive discussion does develop a connection, but a discussion which is focused and directed within the scope of the course. Although, most facilitators agree discussions are the"heart" of an online course, they do not take the place of face-to-face communication with classmates and the instructor. Learners appreciate receiving personalized vocal feedback because of its similarity to a conference, albeit it is one-sided. Research study findings by Merry and Orsmond (2008) indicate that audio feedback can improve the learner's experience in the online classroom, as well as deliver feedback in a more personalized form (King, et al, 2008; Lunt and Curran, 2010). Online university professors and corporate trainers continue to seek strategies to enrich the learner's experience, in addition to reducing attrition. Audio feedback can assist facilitators in developing an engaging relationship with their learners. The utilization of Vocaroo software to deliver voice feedback is the method we explored.
Complexity: The Domain of the Engaged Scholar
Drs. Jim Stikeleather, PhD Candidate and Scholar Practitioner, University of South Florida, USA; Former Chief Innovation Officer at Dell

DBAs, the emerging class of engaged practitioner scholars of business, live in a world of wicked problems which are difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, or changing requirements; which are difficult to recognize; which are multi and transdisciplinary in nature; and made up of many diverse and autonomous components which are interrelated, interdependent, with many interconnections, but must be studied as a unified whole. Support for such research in the academic world is strikingly narrow and tenuous. Will it evolve intellectually, in practice and structurally to support needed disciplinary integration and relevance to praxis?
(Assistive) Technology at the Point of Instruction
Dr. Lorayne Robertson, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada; Former Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Education and Former Director of the Graduate Programs in Education,

Learning theory has been substantiated in research, but much of this research was completed before the emergence of online learning. Surprisingly, online learning theory provides support for differentiated learning in multiple ways, providing new spaces and opportunities for learning. Exploring the historic and legal definition of the provision of "the least restrictive environment" for learners with special needs reveals that communication is a central concept for differentiated learning. Recent policy has been introduced in Ontario, Canada which encourages teachers to consider that differentiated instruction is the right of every learner. These parallels similar pedagogical trends in Australia. The theory and pedagogy behind the Ontario policy change to differentiate "the content, process, and assessment for all" connects strongly to the theory of universal design for learning (US) and enabled classrooms (Australia). There are policy gaps, however, surrounding how technology at the point of instruction can support all learners, and, in particular, those learners who have been identified as having special needs. It is worthy of note that these gaps parallel the disconnects between how learning is happening outside of school and within school. Evidence is growing that solutions to these multiple issues are within the reach but will require transformative thinking for elementary, secondary, and tertiary institutions.
Estrategias Financieras y Fiscales para Incrementar la Sustentabilidad de las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas (Caso México)
Dr. Jesús Salvador Vivanco Florido Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México Miembro del Cuerpo Académico Consolidado "Gestión de la Pequeña y Medina Empresa"

Siendo las MiPymes la columna vertebral de la economía en muchos países por su alta contribución en el PIB, que llega a ser del 66% en algunos países de Latinoamérica, se ha buscado la forma de lograr su sustentabilidad y permanencia en el mercado, dado su alto índice de mortalidad que en los primeros 5 años de operación llega a ser del 80% de las Mipymes que inician operaciones y se considera que las estrategias Financieras y Fiscales pueden contribuir en la sustentabilidad de las Mipymes ya que estrategias como formar parte de la formalidad fiscal permite a las Mipymes tener acceso a créditos, apoyos así como subsidios por parte de fondos de gobierno e instituciones bancarias privadas, apoyándolas con capacitación de empleados de manera gratuita y con capital para infraestructura que les permita crecer y fortalecer su capacidad productiva, por lo que basado en la literatura revisada se concluyó que la participación de las Mipymes en la formalidad fiscal representa una ventaja competitiva importante para lograr su sustentabilidad y desarrollo en el mercado.
Educación Virtual para Diferentes Niveles y Enfoques Educativos
Dra. Fátima Dolz De Moreno, Decana Facultad de Ciencias Puras y Naturales, Directora del Instituto de Investigaciones en Informática, Fundadora de Unidad de Postgrado de la Carrera de Informática, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia

En esta ponencia se presenta brevemente algunos trabajos realizados al respecto de Educación Virtual en diferentes niveles educativos, pues analizada la problemática educativa en Bolivia, y específicamente en comunidades indígenas se ha desarrollado algunas propuestas aplicando educación virtual. Así, se muestra el trabajo de CONSTRUCCIÓN Y VALIDACIÓN DE MODELO DE GARANTÍA DE CALIDAD EN EDUCACIÓN VIRTUAL PARA COMUNIDADES INDÍGENAS, que se aplica a educación no formal. También se muestra el trabajo realizado en el marco del Proyecto EDUCACION BASADA EN COMPETENCIAS CON COMPONENTE VIRTUAL, el cual plantea un marco de desarrollo de competencias para introducir el modelo de enseñanza basada en competencias, a través de Objetos de Aprendizaje que respondan al enfoque, abarcando educación superior con componente virtual, con la misma propuesta en nivel de educación secundaria y asimismo en institutos técnicos. Cada uno de estos trabajos con sus propuestas, ha sido validado en sus respectivos ámbitos educativos.
Ingeniería – Filosofía – Ciencia: Complejidad de una Relación Histórica
Profesor Edgar Serna M., Corporación Universitaria Remington, Colombia; Director Científico del Instituto Antioqueño de Investigación, Colombia; Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana, Colombia

Hace casi tres siglos la humanidad inició una de las más importantes revoluciones de su historia y que estaba destinada a modificar el contexto del planeta: la Revolución Industrial. El resultado fue una producción nunca antes vista de descubrimientos científicos que alimentó el desarrollo de las culturas, y cuya escala hizo palidecer lo que se había alcanzado en siglos anteriores. Los cambios fueron radicales y alteraron todos los aspectos de la vida del hombre, pero uno de los más sorprendentes impactos se materializó en la transformación del modo de pensar de las personas y en las tendencias que orientaron el pensamiento subsiguiente. A partir de entonces, la vida industrializada aceleró los deseos humanos por satisfacer sus necesidades, pero, mientras algunos aspectos se enriquecieron y revolucionaron, otros se mantuvieron estáticos y, en ciertos casos, anularon algunas funciones vitales del cerebro. Pero todo esto no se dio por casualidad, fue la sumatoria de una serie de acontecimientos acumulados en la historia y producto de una simbiosis compleja entre Ingeniería – Filosofía – Ciencia, que hoy continúa presente en el desarrollo de la humanidad.
Innovación Educativa: La Reconstrucción del Perfil del Tutor Universitario, una Propuesta para Posgrado
Dra. María Lourdes López López, Escuela de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México

El perfil del tutor universitario en el posgrado, juega un papel importante desde la perspectiva de un Programa Institucional de Tutorías de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (PIT-UAS), en México, donde ostenta una visión contrastante para las demandas de la sociedad del conocimiento, porque solo se centra en generar y brindar soluciones en aspectos específicamente escolares, donde la asociación entre dos actores limita la innovación y generación de conocimiento. Lo anterior nos conduce en primer lugar a la confirmación de que existe una falta de claridad en los planteamientos del PIT-UAS para los programas de posgrado, por lo tanto, es imperativo su inclusión y desarrollo en el PIT, y segundo, es una necesidad imperiosa de plantear la tutoría en el posgrado como uno de los ejes transversales contribuidores en la formación integral del estudiante desarrollada en competencias abiertas y transferibles en redes del conocimiento para confrontarse a una multitud de situaciones complejas e inciertas en la sociedad actual y para ello es esencial poseer un perfil de tutor o tutora. Sírvase este artículo que denote la contribución a la construcción de un perfil realizado que refleja la totalidad de manera holística y dialéctica bajo una naturaleza descriptiva, interpretativa y evaluativa de los procesos de construcción de un perfil de tutor o tutora de posgrado.