Abenir, Mark Anthony
From Transactions to Transformation: Rethinking Business Management Education Through Service-Learning |
Adarlo, Genejane
From Transactions to Transformation: Rethinking Business Management Education Through Service-Learning |
Al Hamami, Reem
Impacts of AI Usage Ethically on Students |
Al Shamsi, Salem
Impacts of AI Usage Ethically on Students |
Ali, Sara
Impacts of AI Usage Ethically on Students |
Bautista Hernández, José de Jesús
Improving Pedagogical and Digital Competencies Through Digital Tools: A Proposal for Semi-school Language Teaching Programs in Oaxaca, Mexico |
Bustos Farías, Eduardo
Improving Pedagogical and Digital Competencies Through Digital Tools: A Proposal for Semi-school Language Teaching Programs in Oaxaca, Mexico |
Callaos, Nagib
The Notions of Education and Research |
Cha, Hsien-Ta
Home-Based Long-Term Care Management Systems in Taiwan: Application Experiences from a Qualitative Study |
Ehret, Sonja
Research-Based Learning in Intergenerational Dialogue and Its Relationship to Education |
ElSayary, Areej
Impacts of AI Usage Ethically on Students |
Erkollar, Alptekin
The Impact of Cybernetic Relationships Between Education and Work-Based Learning |
Ferdousi, Bilquis
The Emergent Role of Artificial Intelligence as Tool in Conducting Academic Research |
Gulyamov, Saidakhror Saidakhmedovich
Multidimensional Model of Teachers' Competencies in the Age of AI Progress: Summarizing Realities of Pedagogical and Socio-Cultural Dynamics in Uzbekistan |
Guo, Jiahong
How Does Logical Dynamics Assist Interdisciplinary Education and Research in Addressing Cognitive Challenges? |
Haxhiu, Brunilda
Towards Sustainable Legal Education Reform: Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Approaches in Albania's Justice System |
Henkle Langness, Teresa
Transdisciplinary Research and the Gift Economy |
Horne, Jeremy
On the Ontological Notion of Education |
The Notions of Education and Research |
Ilunga, Masengo
The Dynamics of Industry 4.0 in the Context of Engineering & Technology Education in a VUCA World: A Causal Loop Diagram Perspective |
Technology Enhanced Teaching for an Industry 4.0 Economy – A Case of Engineering Tuition in an Odl University |
Kerum, Fani
Critical Digital Literacy as a Key Skill in Higher Education: Attitudes of Students and Professors |
Koikas, Evgenia
Student Motivation and Utmost Engagement via Extra-Curricular Engagement and Minimal Use of Technology |
Kyriakidis, Kleanthis
Student Motivation and Utmost Engagement via Extra-Curricular Engagement and Minimal Use of Technology |
Lara, Miguel
Exploring Computer Science Student Perceptions on Service Learning: Online and On-Campus Modality Comparative Study |
Lee, Ya-Hui
Home-Based Long-Term Care Management Systems in Taiwan: Application Experiences from a Qualitative Study |
Intergenerational Learning for Older and Younger Employees: What Should Be Done and Should Not? |
Lee, Yen-Feng
The Model of Innovation Diffusion and Dynamic Multi-Generation for Prediction of Market Potential in Smartphone Industry |
Leka, Adrian
Towards Sustainable Legal Education Reform: Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Approaches in Albania's Justice System |
Leon, Cristo
Role-Playing in Education: An Experiential Learning Framework for Collaborative Co-design |
Lipuma, James
Role-Playing in Education: An Experiential Learning Framework for Collaborative Co-design |
Llaca Reyes, Rafael Arturo
Role-Playing in Education: An Experiential Learning Framework for Collaborative Co-design |
Lugoma, Masikini
Technology Enhanced Teaching for an Industry 4.0 Economy – A Case of Engineering Tuition in an Odl University |
Mathenjwa, Samukelisiwe
The Dynamics of Industry 4.0 in the Context of Engineering & Technology Education in a VUCA World: A Causal Loop Diagram Perspective |
Milković, Marin
Critical Digital Literacy as a Key Skill in Higher Education: Attitudes of Students and Professors |
Mokgohloa, Kgabo
The Dynamics of Industry 4.0 in the Context of Engineering & Technology Education in a VUCA World: A Causal Loop Diagram Perspective |
Morimoto, Chikako
Applying the HAC-SECI Model to Faculty Members for Effective Active Learning |
Mosia, Ngaka
The Dynamics of Industry 4.0 in the Context of Engineering & Technology Education in a VUCA World: A Causal Loop Diagram Perspective |
Technology Enhanced Teaching for an Industry 4.0 Economy – A Case of Engineering Tuition in an Odl University |
Mukhitdinova, Munavvarkhon
Multidimensional Model of Teachers' Competencies in the Age of AI Progress: Summarizing Realities of Pedagogical and Socio-Cultural Dynamics in Uzbekistan |
Statistical Analysis and Data Gathering in the Time of Digital Transformation in the Republic of Uzbekistan: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections |
Nakorn, Nalinee
Innovativeness Scales: Validity and Reliability of Measuring Innovation Competency |
Ngudgratoke, Sungworn
Innovativeness Scales: Validity and Reliability of Measuring Innovation Competency |
Nikolarea, Ekaterini
Education, Training and Informatics Go Hand in Hand in (Foreign) Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) – Case Studies From Live and Online Classrooms |
Ning, Mengqin
How Does Logical Dynamics Assist Interdisciplinary Education and Research in Addressing Cognitive Challenges? |
Nurani, Gita Aulia
Intergenerational Learning for Older and Younger Employees: What Should Be Done and Should Not? |
Oberer, Birgit
The Impact of Cybernetic Relationships Between Education and Work-Based Learning |
Oliveros, Ma. Lourdes
From Transactions to Transformation: Rethinking Business Management Education Through Service-Learning |
Paner-Montiel, Sabrina Kate
From Transactions to Transformation: Rethinking Business Management Education Through Service-Learning |
Pathikonda, Sirimuvva
Role-Playing in Education: An Experiential Learning Framework for Collaborative Co-design |
Saifnazarov, Ismoil Saifnazarovich
Multidimensional Model of Teachers' Competencies in the Age of AI Progress: Summarizing Realities of Pedagogical and Socio-Cultural Dynamics in Uzbekistan |
Santos, Danilo Rodrigues dos
A Divergence-Based Pruning Approach for Tree Selection in Continuous Data Streams |
Silva, Diego Furtado
A Divergence-Based Pruning Approach for Tree Selection in Continuous Data Streams |
Songkram, Noawanit
Innovativeness Scales: Validity and Reliability of Measuring Innovation Competency |
Valdez, Eduardo Victor
From Transactions to Transformation: Rethinking Business Management Education Through Service-Learning |
Verma, Vinod Kumar
Inter-Corrective Meta-Dialogue on Constructive Impact of Trans-disciplinary Communication in Modern Education |
Vuković, Dijana
Critical Digital Literacy as a Key Skill in Higher Education: Attitudes of Students and Professors |
Wang, Wei-Tsong
The Model of Innovation Diffusion and Dynamic Multi-Generation for Prediction of Market Potential in Smartphone Industry |
Wang, Yi-Fen
Home-Based Long-Term Care Management Systems in Taiwan: Application Experiences from a Qualitative Study |
Wright, Sarah
Exploring Computer Science Student Perceptions on Service Learning: Online and On-Campus Modality Comparative Study |
Wu, Hao
Assessing Students' Ability to Identify AI-Generated Images: A Two-Dimensional Study of Realistic and Artistic Content |