Alshathri, Iman
Developing an Approach to Integrate Virtual Reality Technologies to Support Service Learning Instruction |
Betancur Agudelo, Leonardo
Shared-Data Governance Frameworks |
Carreño-Adasme, Mónica
Chilean Standards and Identified Gaps in Teacher Training in Primary Education with a Specialisation in Mathematics |
Carreño-Adasme, Mónica
Pedagogical and Content Knowledge in the Educational Practices of Novice Mathematics Teachers in Primary Education |
Cha, Hsien-Ta
Leading a Cross-Disciplinary Team in the Design of Assistive Technology Products for Older Individuals: A Leader's Experience |
Cwiakala, Martin
Teaching Tomorrow's Engineers: A Teacher's Odyssey of Learning and Implementation of AI |
Dave, Nisarg
Covert Channel Using User-Agent String in the HTTP Header |
Dikgwatlhe, Israel
The Social Aspect for Learner Support in Open Distance Education |
Trends of Emerging Technology in Online Learning |
Do, Lan Truc Thi
Perceived Impacts and Challenges to the Modular Approach to Curriculum Development in Viet Nam: Vocational Education and Training |
Do, Truc Thanh Thi
The Impact of Green Human Resource Management on the Green Innovation Process: Evidence from Universities in Vietnam Examining Green Culture and Employee’s Green Motivation |
Do, Truc Thi Thanh
A Study on the Alignment of Employee Proactive Personality and the Open Innovation Model of Educational Environment in Vietnamese Universities |
Echavarria Arcila, María Alejandra
Shared-Data Governance Frameworks |
Elbahwashy, Hebatalla
Overcoming Teaching Challenges in Multicultural and Multilingual Classrooms |
Feldvari, Kristina
The Use of ChatGPT in Higher Education Teaching: Subject Information Behavior of LIS Students |
Fontanella, Sabrina
Sustainable Business Model in Practice: A Digital Business Game Training for High School Students |
Fraccascia, Luca
Sustainable Business Model in Practice: A Digital Business Game Training for High School Students |
Gaete-Peralta, Claudio
Chilean Standards and Identified Gaps in Teacher Training in Primary Education with a Specialisation in Mathematics |
Pedagogical and Content Knowledge in the Educational Practices of Novice Mathematics Teachers in Primary Education |
Giraldo Ramirez, Diana Patricia
Shared-Data Governance Frameworks |
Ha, Nghia Trong
Management of Training and Fostering of Ethnic Minority Cadres in Vietnam |
Huincahue, Jaime
Chilean Standards and Identified Gaps in Teacher Training in Primary Education with a Specialisation in Mathematics |
Pedagogical and Content Knowledge in the Educational Practices of Novice Mathematics Teachers in Primary Education |
The Practice of Chess Players as a Socio-Cultural Expression for Research in Ethnomathematics – A Proposal in Development |
Systematic Review of Mathematical Modelling from Ethnomathematics: Insights into Teacher Education |
Hunjet, Anica
Influence of Competency Development on Corporate Climate and Economical Knowledge Management in Organizations |
Huynh, Tan
The Impact of Green Human Resource Management on the Green Innovation Process: Evidence from Universities in Vietnam Examining Green Culture and Employee’s Green Motivation |
A Study on the Alignment of Employee Proactive Personality and the Open Innovation Model of Educational Environment in Vietnamese Universities |
Ikotun, Bolanle
Assessing Technology Integration in Teaching and Learning within Open Distance Education |
Ilunga, Masengo
A Markov Chain Approach for the Evaluation of Global Performance of Universities of South Africa |
The Social Aspect for Learner Support in Open Distance Education |
Assessing Technology Integration in Teaching and Learning within Open Distance Education |
An Approach for Assessing Uncertainty Associated with Electronic Tutoring Performance in Engineering Academic Environment |
Trends of Emerging Technology in Online Learning |
Johnson, Daryl
Covert Channel Using User-Agent String in the HTTP Header |
Koikas, Evgenia
Overcoming Teaching Challenges in Multicultural and Multilingual Classrooms |
Komlodi, Anita
Developing an Approach to Integrate Virtual Reality Technologies to Support Service Learning Instruction |
Kuber, Ravi
Developing an Approach to Integrate Virtual Reality Technologies to Support Service Learning Instruction |
Kuštelega, Lea
Influence of Competency Development on Corporate Climate and Economical Knowledge Management in Organizations |
Kyriakidis, Kleanthis
Overcoming Teaching Challenges in Multicultural and Multilingual Classrooms |
Lee, Ya-Hui
Exploring the Implementation of Gerontechnology in Long-Term Care Services: Community-Based Day and Night Care Units in Taiwan |
Leading a Cross-Disciplinary Team in the Design of Assistive Technology Products for Older Individuals: A Leader's Experience |
Londoño Peláez, Jorge Mario
Shared-Data Governance Frameworks |
Lugoma, Masikini
Assessing Correlations of Enrolments among South African Universities of Technology and Comprehensive Universities |
A Markov Chain Approach for the Evaluation of Global Performance of Universities of South Africa |
Maduna, Lusiwe
Assessing Technology Integration in Teaching and Learning within Open Distance Education |
Masengo, Ilunga
Assessing Correlations of Enrolments among South African Universities of Technology and Comprehensive Universities |
Mathenjwa, Samukelisiwe
Assessing Correlations of Enrolments among South African Universities of Technology and Comprehensive Universities |
Micarelli, Rita
Disorder and Complexity in Contemporary Ecosystems Man/Society/Environment |
Mkonde, Akhona
The Social Aspect for Learner Support in Open Distance Education |
Mosia, Ngaka
Trends of Emerging Technology in Online Learning |
The Social Aspect for Learner Support in Open Distance Education |
Nguyen, Bich Ngoc
Analysis of Factors Influencing Poor Performance in Mathematics of High School Students: Case Study in Vietnam |
Nguyen, Phuong Lan
A Study on the Alignment of Employee Proactive Personality and the Open Innovation Model of Educational Environment in Vietnamese Universities |
The Impact of Green Human Resource Management on the Green Innovation Process: Evidence from Universities in Vietnam Examining Green Culture and Employee’s Green Motivation |
Nguyen, Thuy Nhu Thi
The Impact of Green Human Resource Management on the Green Innovation Process: Evidence from Universities in Vietnam Examining Green Culture and Employee’s Green Motivation |
Nguyen, Tram Phuong Thuy
Analysis of Factors Influencing Poor Performance in Mathematics of High School Students: Case Study in Vietnam |
Nguyen, Trang Ngoc
Perceived Impacts and Challenges to the Modular Approach to Curriculum Development in Viet Nam: Vocational Education and Training |
Nonino, Fabio
Sustainable Business Model in Practice: A Digital Business Game Training for High School Students |
Orozco Salazar, Laura
Shared-Data Governance Frameworks |
Petrović, Borna
The Use of ChatGPT in Higher Education Teaching: Subject Information Behavior of LIS Students |
Pham, Anh Ngoc
Perceived Impacts and Challenges to the Modular Approach to Curriculum Development in Viet Nam: Vocational Education and Training |
Pham, Hien Minh Thi
Perceived Impacts and Challenges to the Modular Approach to Curriculum Development in Viet Nam: Vocational Education and Training |
Pizziolo, Giorgio
Disorder and Complexity in Contemporary Ecosystems Man/Society/Environment |
Poje, Irena
The Use of ChatGPT in Higher Education Teaching: Subject Information Behavior of LIS Students |
Ramdass, Kemlall
An Approach for Assessing Uncertainty Associated with Electronic Tutoring Performance in Engineering Academic Environment |
Scarnicchia, Alessandra
Sustainable Business Model in Practice: A Digital Business Game Training for High School Students |
Sepúlveda-Herrera, Carol
Systematic Review of Mathematical Modelling from Ethnomathematics: Insights into Teacher Education |
The Practice of Chess Players as a Socio-Cultural Expression for Research in Ethnomathematics – A Proposal in Development |
Tran, Cam Ai
The Innovative and Entrepreneurial University – A Case Study of Nguyen Tat Thanh University |
Tran, Tinh Xuan
Perceived Impacts and Challenges to the Modular Approach to Curriculum Development in Viet Nam: Vocational Education and Training |
Tran, Trung
Analysis of Factors Influencing Poor Performance in Mathematics of High School Students: Case Study in Vietnam |
Management of Training and Fostering of Ethnic Minority Cadres in Vietnam |
Valenzuela-Molina, Macarena
Pedagogical and Content Knowledge in the Educational Practices of Novice Mathematics Teachers in Primary Education |
Verma, Shubham
Covert Channel Using User-Agent String in the HTTP Header |
Vuković, Dijana
Influence of Competency Development on Corporate Climate and Economical Knowledge Management in Organizations |
Wang, Yi-Fen
Leading a Cross-Disciplinary Team in the Design of Assistive Technology Products for Older Individuals: A Leader's Experience |
Exploring the Implementation of Gerontechnology in Long-Term Care Services: Community-Based Day and Night Care Units in Taiwan |