"Ambiti Bivalvi Veneto", the Website Dedicated to the Sanitary Status of Bivalve Molluscs Production Areas in Veneto Region
Franzago, Eleonora; Cocco, Alessia; Toson, Marica; Casarotto, Claudia; Ruzza, Mirko; Manca, Grazia; Barbagli, Elena; Lunardi, Loris; Callegaro, Azzurra; Brichese, Michele; Valeri, Paolo; Cherubini, Giuseppe; Gottardo, Antonio; Ravarotto, Licia; Arcangeli, Giuseppe; Dalla Pozza, Manuela; Bille, Laura (Italy)
Bivalve molluscs (BM) are animals that grow through the filtration of organic substances dissolved in water. Because of this characteristic, they can accidentally accumulate contaminants, both of anthropic and zootechnical derivation or naturally present in the aquatic environment, with potential harmful consequences to humans. Considering that BM can be consumed raw or lightly cooked, it is essential to guarantee their safety, which largely depends on the quality of the water in which they live. For this purpose, the BM production areas have to be constantly monitored by the Local Veterinary Competent Authority (LVCA), through regular sampling activities performed in all the sites in order to verify the compliance of the product according to the parameters established by the current European food hygiene legislation. Whenever the results of the controls highlight non-compliance with the regulatory requirements, the LVCA issues a measure to limit harvesting activities in the involved area, until further inspection certifies that compliance has been restored. In order to allow the rapid spread among the stakeholders (competent authorities, food business operator and consumers) of relevant sanitary information generated by official controls on BM production areas in the Veneto region (north-eastern Italy), a dedicated free-access website has been developed.
A New Look at the Psychology Lab – Diagnostics and Competencies of the Future
Dobrowolska, Malgorzata; Ślazyk-Sobol, Magdalena; Gąsiorek, Damian; Pieloch, Anna (Poland)
The context for the entirety of the new approach to the psychological laboratory presented in this article, both in terms of diagnostics and competencies of the future, is the change observed today in connection with the fourth industrial revolution, which, thanks to the intensification of the development of new technologies through the integration of the communication process - automation, robotics, computerization, allows not only to change the approach to conducting psychological tests, using for example the possibilities of virtual and augmented reality, but also opens up the possibility of diagnosing so far unverified competencies related to the expected work of the future, which we call competencies of the future. These competences include both the ones known, but not as important as, for example, in manual work - personal flexibility or interdisciplinarity, and completely new ones, not yet named or called intuitively today - such as technological proactiveness. It seems to be an interesting direction to undertake critical analyses, which verify this novelty referred to by the authors, because after many in-depth analyses, it turned out that the novelty of competences of the future is limited to the new name and modification of the description, and this is not what it is about. The article includes the issue of careers of the future, which, as if related to technological progress, entail social progress and condition the need for a new approach to psychological research.
Active Learning Implementation as Digital Education Strategy During the COVID-19
Suarez-Escalona, Ruben; Estrada-Dominguez, Jesus Eduardo; Infante-Alcantara, Lizbeth; Cavazos-Salazar, Rosario Lucero; Treviño-Rodriguez, Francisco Javier (Mexico)
The exponential growth of technology has caused changes in all areas of knowledge, and education has not been an exception. This paper shows the methodology used in a public university in northeastern Mexico for the transformation of the face-to-face modality to the digital modality based on the health contingency of COVID 19. The methodology used for the development of this proposal was design thinking. The suggested technologies are the Microsoft Teams, Forms, and Turnitin platforms, and the proposed teaching strategies are the flipped classroom, active learning, and inquiry-based learning. The proposed methodology consists of 6 steps that are the framing of the course, the exposure to the contents of the subject, the asynchronous seminar-type session for the discussion of the exposed topics, the elaboration of the integrative PIA learning product divided into advances with their respective feedback. synchronous and the dissemination of the products in magazines, congresses, or seminars. The case shows the experience of implementing the digital strategy.
An Interdisciplinary Approach for Environmental Sustainability: A New Metric for Land Use Estimation
Albanesi, Maria Grazia (Italy)
This paper describes a new metric for land use estimation based on two indicators: the Anthropentropy Factor, which expresses the impact of anthropic settlements on wild nature, and the Forest Status Quality, which measures quality and extension of the forests according to their ecological components. The novelty of this contribution consists in the combination of the two indicators into a single Smart Land Use Estimator, and in the embedding of a new parameter related to the hydrogeological risk of the territory. This is multidisciplinary study because tools and algorithms of Computer Science (image processing) are applied to data and concepts coming from Botany, Hydrology and Geology. For this reason, in the paper, some issues and proposed solutions about the multidisciplinary communication are investigated. The application of this smart indicator is to drive policy makers by suggesting the opportunity or not to build new anthropic settlements for a real sustainable development, by considering both biodiversity preservation and human safety against catastrophic events, such as landslides and floods. The results are presented for a part of the territory in the North of Italy in which the hydrogeologic risk and the impact of human settlements (population density and land use) are particularly high.
Applying for, Operating, and Renewing a Research Experience for Undergraduates Site Program in Computational Biology
Qin, Hong (United States)
We reflected on our experience in applying for, operating, and renewing a Research Experience for Undergraduates Site program in computational biology from 2016 to 2022 at a metropolitan public university, funded by the National Science Foundation of the U.S.A. Our mistakes during the application process were avoidable in retrospect. Our Interdisciplinary Computational Biology, iCompBio, REU site was a 10-week summer research program that included R and Python coding bootcamps at the beginning and short workshops on various topics interspersed throughout the program. ICompBio was in-person in 2019 and virtual in 2020 and 2022. ICompBio was fortunate to have a team of faculty mentors that were committed to undergraduate research training and recognized the importance of diversity in computational biology. Many students and faculty mentors turned the challenges in virtual REU programs into learning opportunities and had fulfilling research experiences. ICompBio participants reported learning gains higher than average in a 2020 external evaluation for virtual REU sites, particularly in the aspects of Research Self-Efficacy, Science Identity, and Life Utility. Our lessons and experiences may be helpful to other faculty and researchers that are interested in similar programs at their own institutions.
Catassemblers Mediate Feedback Loops to Regulate the Complex Molecular Assembly Networks
Qu, Hang; Yang, Liu-Lin; Cao, Xiao-Yu; Xu, Xin; Tian, Zhong-Qun (China)
Molecular assembly (MA) is an essential approach to create complex molecular systems to bridge the gap between molecules and life systems. However, comparing with living systems, the current artificial systems based on MA are still rather primitive in terms of efficiency and controllability. Here, we proposed a novel strategy, term as ‘catassembly’, to increase the efficiency and selectivity of molecular assembly. We classified ‘catassemblers’, referring to the ‘‘helper’’ species in catassembly, into broad categories, such as ‘builders’ and ‘porters’. Further introducing the information theory into the catassembly indicated a new mechanism of catassemblers, which work as ‘regulators’ to mediated feedback loops and regulate the period and amplitude of biological oscillators. we envision that regulator is the essential part of the cellular networks to realize the complex function of living organism.
Century Encounters: Freire & Morin in Dialogue with Permanent Health Education
Moura-Vieira, Maria Edna *; Alves-Hopf, Simone **; Collado, José Tomas Real *; Hoefel, Maria da Graça Luderitz *** (* Spain, ** Germany, *** Brazil)
The year 2022 was singular, full of challenges for humanity and filled with dualities. If, on the one hand, it was a year to celebrate the centenaries of Paulo Freire and Edgar Morin. On the other hand, the pandemic has called into question our view of the world, as the world has changed, we are no longer the same, and the need for health and education humanitarian and transdisciplinary has expanded. Our objective was to build bridges of dialogues and connections, guided by the principles and dimensions of Permanent Health Education (PHE). Method: The research is characterized as a qualitative, participatory and exploratory methodology in dialogue with Paulo Freire and Edgar Morin. We carried out a documentary content analysis of 10 works by Morin and 12 works by Freire, in dialogue with the National Policy on Permanent Health Education (PNEPS). Results: It was possible to notice that: a) The Proposal for PHE dialogues with the ideas of Freire and Morin; b) These authors bring in their works important aspects about transdisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and human complexity for a humanitarian and liberating education. Conclusion: It is essential that education is considered an ethical, aesthetic and political commitment of governments and society.
Competences of the Future as a Transdisciplinary Issue?
Pokojska, Justyna (Poland)
The aim of the article is an attempt to theoretically organize the narrative related to the competences of the future as a subject of research and interests of representatives of various fields of science. In the literature, the terms inter-, multi- and transdisciplinarity are used interchangeably, although they do not have a synonymous meaning. The author argues that due to the multi-level interdisciplinary references and the involvement of beneficiaries from outside the strict world of science - the debate on the competences of the future should be included in the broadly understood paradigm of transdisciplinary research. This approach enables a multilateral and in-depth analysis of the phenomenon with the use of the cognitive potential and tooling from various theoretical and practical approaches, but also contributes to the process of awaking social awareness and initiating public debate on actual topics, important for the society. The text defines also a tripartite model of future competences, containing technical, cognitive, and social skills, supplemented with the fourth, overriding, and unique human component, considered as the essence of transdiciplinarity - transformative competences - related to functioning in the so-called World of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity).
Contributions of Design Thinking in Inter and Transdisciplinary Communication, Research & Co-work Environment for Complex Problem Solving
Caiado, Fátima; Springer, Leonardo (Portugal)
Design, as research process, management strategy or problem-solving methodology, is nowadays embedded on organizational structures, social demands and in human interaction and experiences. Involves digital & analogue technologies, requires immersion in complex problems and systems, since the stage of identifying problems, constraints and consequently needs and opportunities, with constant feedback that prompts multidisciplinary team’s cooperation looping, from gathering data, to ideation, model and prototype, analysis, and synthesis, evaluate and test, experiment, thus presenting solutions. This cybernetic loop research process stimulates and feeds itself of feedbacks gained also from Inter and Transdisciplinary Communication, that stimulates new knowledge[7], in Research & Development + Innovation (R&D+I).
This exploratory research approaches a Project-Based Methodology known as Design Thinking (DT), considering four models: Stanford d. School - 5 Step Design Thinking; Design Council - Double Diamond; IDEO Human-Centered Design, 3I’s model (Inspiration, Ideation, Implementation); and Katja Tschimmel - Evolution 6², and the Creative Techniques used in these methodologies.
The present deductive research tries to explain correlations between its use in academia/business/social environments, as a transdisciplinary communication approach, to complex problem resolution, embedding Design Thinking methodologies in applied research.
Curator's Competency in the Indonesian Contemporary Art
Jeon, Jeong Ok; Masunah, Juju; Milyartini, Rita (Indonesia)
This research aims to examine the competencies of Indonesian curators in the field of contemporary art, particularly the emerging field of new media art to understand their essential role and qualification in curating an art project. It also aims to establish the theoretical foundation for an instrument of curator training program that will be developed in the following studies. In this research, a qualitative descriptive study was conducted. Data were collected through literature review and interviews. Literature review analyzes the official documents on curator competency published by the governments of the United States, South Korea, and Indonesia. Interviews were carried out to five active Indonesian curators of diverse backgrounds and experiences to gather their perspectives on a curator’s competency. This research concludes that the competencies for contemporary art curators of government standard are skills and knowledge of managing art collections, conducting exhibition and education programs, carrying out academic research on curatorial objects, producing publications, and building network while the important competencies of the five curators may differ depending on the local situation of the curators and each curator’s field of expertise. In Indonesia, there is a gap between the competency measured by the government and the competency required in the actual field, and therefore, it is necessary to establish a competency development program tailored to the rapidly changing landscape of Indonesian contemporary art.
Design of a Referential Geolocation System and Evaluation of Its Integration to the Distance Diagnostic Coverage in Patients With Specific Pathologies
Yegros, César; Recalde, Luciano; Nuñez, José (Paraguay)
The efficiency of a digital generation system for clinical records and the implementation of an integrated referential geolocation system are evaluated to provide remote diagnostic coverage to patients with Dengue, Sar-Cov2 and Leishmania, in the school hospital of the National University of Asunción, to assess its usefulness in patient management and generate maps with information on the area of influence of the Hospital with the physical location of patients with the aforementioned pathologies. the results will be presented with the system implemented within the hospital, in order to have better control and monitoring of patients, as well as to evaluate the efficiency and economic impact of the records management system with geolocation. This development seeks to be an assessment tool for the possible allocation of economic resources and health strategies for decision makers and the local health authority in the population of influence of the Hospital.
Development of a Digital Model of a Conventional Lathe Based on Augmented Reality for Training in a Machine Tool Workshop
Cordero Guridi, José de Jesús; Cuautle Gutiérrez, Luis; García Tépox, José Domingo; Cervantes Terrazas, Aydee Guadalupe; Cruz Olivera, María Fernanda (Mexico)
Training for industrial operations is an important task in different aspects related to safety, technical and operational topics, that are developed in university specialties. These issues are a priority process of learning and training for the use of machine tool workshop equipment. Likewise, the application of the industrial innovation paradigms of the different topics of Industry 4.0 are a necessity for technical and training development in engineering students, with augmented reality being one of the most important concepts of said industrial trend. This study shows the process of the development and validation study of a digital model of a conventional C&J CQ6125V lathe, based on augmented reality, with the aim of contributing to the educational process in the machine tool workshop at the Mexican University UPAEP. Given the need for Hybrid learning activities, caused by the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, where students considered models of Face-to-Face and Online activities, it was used in machine tool workshop courses as an alternative training and a learning instrument of laboratory teams. This application based on software for mobile devices was developed taking into account training considerations for the recognition of the essential elements of the lathe and the safety characteristics in its use, through the identification of its moving parts, using an interface easy to use for students involved in the machine tool shop. Once access to the augmented reality application was facilitated to interested parties, a survey was conducted on a non-probabilistic sample of engineering students to diagnose the essential operational functions of the application. The results stand out that the augmented reality exercise has an average higher than a value of four in Likert's scale for the number of components shown, the identification of the components from color codes and the animation of the lathe mechanisms. As well as the availability for installation and management of the application. The improvement findings of the students in the engineering areas show the need to improve the graphics to represent the real components of the lathe and the training parameters of the machine tool described.
Educational Strategies in a Neuro Facility: Virtual Course in Encephalic Vascularization
Martins, Joana; Acioly, Mariana; Fragoso, Viviane; Maciel, Flaviana; Mattoso, Ana Beatriz; Rumão, Valdenice; Martins, Carolina (Brazil)
Knowledge of encephalic vascularization is essential to all in a tertiary, Neurology-Neurosurgery facility.
Objective: To describe the creation of an online course on encephalic vascularization that is relevant for clinical practice and elevates overall educational levels in a specialized institution.
Methods: “Pelopidas Digital” Virtual-Teaching-Platform (PD-VTP) is a customized educational platform, designed to provide short, point-of-care video-tutorials and tests on subjects of interest to Unit's personnel. The virtual course “Basis of Encephalic Vascularization” is presented to professionals by a short vignette and is composed of six modules.: Overview of the Arterial Supply, Venous Sinuses, Cerebral Veins, Middle Cerebral Artery, Posterior Cerebral Artery, and Anterior Cerebral Artery.
Discussion: Making neuroanatomy meaningful to clinical practice is one challenge that has been greatly helped by technology. A broader one is to convey the importance of vascular neuroanatomy to understanding clinical symptoms, helping to access risk, and conveying the urgency of an investigation or therapeutic measure to staff personnel in a specialized facility.
Conclusion: An electronic platform can engage participants at very different levels and experiences and disseminate knowledge. Creation of a virtual course on cerebral vascularization can be an attractive tool for Continuing Education in a Neuro facility.
Efficient Implementation of Transparency Order Using TMTO Approach with Gray Code Enumeration Technique in F2m
Mishra, Prasanna R.; Gupta, Nupur; Gaba, Navneet (India)
In this article, Transparency Order (TO) for its efficient implementation has been re-visited. In order to check the resistance of crypto-products using S-Boxes towards Differential Power Analysis (DPA), one needs to calculate the TO of used S-Boxes and therefore, efficiency for calculating the TO becomes essential. Time complexity of implementation of TO via its definition is in the class O(m222n+m), which will be around O(256) for S-Box of size 16 x 16. In this article, the approach discussed is based on trade off between time and space along with a technique for enumerating members of finite field F2m, also called Grey Code. Gray code is a way of enumeration where two successive integer values differ only in one bit. In this article, the way this enumeration technique is used for calculating TO is used is proposed. This new approach has time complexity of O(m22n+m-1) and space complexity of O(m22n) for n x m size S-Boxes.
Envisioning New Virtual Spaces for Performance and Theatre Artists
Srinivasan, Saikrishna; Schott, Gareth (New Zealand)
Since 2020 working from home has, for many, become the norm since the outbreak of the COVID-19. Furthermore, with large public gatherings either prohibited, limited, or subject to social distancing measures live theatre performed in front of a live audience have been deeply affected. This project experiments with executing performances from home to enable theatre actors to continue to practice and connect with audiences. A series of experiments were conducted to test the possibility of having performers or actors conducting performance from their personal spaces and integrating their work using virtual reality in a combined space for an audience to engage with. This research aims to examine Virtual Reality as an assistive technology in contexts such as theatre performance and use of digital environmental design for actors and performers. The nature of this research project was to determine various scenarios in which a virtual 3D environment can enable, assist and/or enhance a theatre performance for both audience and the actors. For this project a 3D virtual theatre setup was designed, experienced and evaluated by participants drawn from theatre practitioners in the context of focus groups. This article reports on the design and practitioners’ responses and how it resulted in an informed VR solution for theatre performance.
Estimation of Drug Shell-Life Time Using Statistical Reliability Models
Pons Murguía, Ramón A.; González del Pino, Eulalia M. Villa (Ecuador)
Stability is the property of a drug to keep its physical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics between the specified limits, during the time of storage and use. Its study should include the evaluation of those attributes that are susceptible to change and that is known they influence its quality, safety and fitness for use. Studies could be accelerated or natural aging. Accelerated aging i designed to increase the rate of chemical degradation and physical change under extreme conditions to predict drug shelf life in a short-term.
This research was aimed to make a comparison between the results obtained by both studies to determine whether the accelerated aging is a reliable tool to predict drug shell-life.
The natural stability study was developed over a period of 60 months under controlled conditions, meanwhile, the accelerated stability study was carried out over a period of 3 months, during which 3 pilot batches were tested. Comparison of both types of trials yielded similar results, but in less time and less batches with the application of accelerated trials.
Examining the Validity and Reliability of the Tribalism Scale at the Individual Level: The Case of Saudi Arabia
Abdelrahim, Yousif; Alenezi, Marim (Saudi Arabia)
This study examines the tribalism Scale validity and reliability among male and female university students in Saudi Arabia (n=251). Primary data were a self-administered questionnaire survey via Survey Monkey link sent to students via emails. The authors used exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis in SPSS 27, Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS 27), Structural Modeling Equation, Gaskin Excel Sheet to examine the scale validity and reliability. The measurement indices show that all individual item loadings were significant at p < .001, and the standardized regression weights for all items ranged from 0.602 to 0.911, suggesting high convergent validity. In addition, the coefficient alpha (Cronbach's Alpha) scores for tribal loyalty (0.764), tribal pride (0.783), and tribal group identity (0.822) are all above 0.70 confirm the scale reliability of the seven-item-scale. Finally, the standardized regression weight > 0.5, the inter-construct correlation of the three dimensions suggests reliability and discriminant validity evidence, respectively.
Extracting Evolving Trend From Research Papers: A Meta-Analysis of X-Discipline Research in Higher Education
Lee, Shao-Man; Wang, Hui-Hsin; Wang, Hsiang-Wen; Zhang, Qiong-Yun; Huang, Chi-Jung (Taiwan)
With the complex problem resulting from the rapid change in global society and the environment, the focus of higher education has changed from cultivating specialists to empowering talent with multiple domain knowledge. Four terms, including “cross-disciplinary,” “multi-disciplinary,” “interdisciplinary,” and “trans-disciplinary,” have often been used to describe the activities that fall outside traditional disciplinary boundaries. We use “x-discipline” hereafter to refer to research that involves two or more academic disciplines, including but not limited to cross-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and trans-disciplinary research.
How did x-discipline research evolve? What are the research topics across disciplines? Do the prevalent topics change over time? Is there a transition in x-discipline research? These questions require systematic investigation of x-discipline research to date. To answer these questions, we collected 26,797 research abstracts and used a term weighting scheme (Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency [TF-IDF]) and an unsupervised document cluster method (Structural Topic Modeling) for further analysis. The framework we used helps identify the keywords and themes of cross-domain research over time, which provide schools with information on resource allocation and develop strategies to cope with national policies and social needs.
FragView: An Educational Web Server for Visualizing Metabolite Fragmentation
Kwak, Myungjae; Molina, Matthew; Arnold, Spencer; Woodward, Andrew; An, Jin-Young; Nuckels, Estelle; Wang, Yingfeng (United States)
Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is a popular technology for identifying metabolites, which are small molecules involved in metabolism. Coupled with liquid chromatography (LC), LCMS/ MS instruments first separate, ionize, and fragment metabolites, then measure mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) and intensities of metabolite fragments. Understanding metabolite fragmentation is crucial to develop computational tools for identifying metabolites based on this spectroscopic data.
Metabolite fragmentation patterns have large variations making it especially difficult for computer scientists to design and implement metabolite identification approaches. To address this interdisciplinary challenge, this article presents FragView, a web-based application providing the web service for visualizing metabolite fragmentation. Developing FragView is an opportunity for exposing student participants to this interdisciplinary bioinformatics project. This paper summarizes the experience of training student participants in bootcamps and designing the implementation plan based on student backgrounds. Students were exposed to project meeting discussions on coding and raw data visualization and visited a lab with an LC-MS/MS instrument.
FragView provides rich features for metabolite fragmentation visualization. It accepts metabolite structures with two of the most popular chemical notation formats: SMILES and InChI. Metabolites’ 2D and 3D structures are visualized in two panels separately. Each fragmentation step refers to breaking one or more chemical bonds. Users can break bonds to produce metabolite fragments by erasing the bonds of the 2D structures. FragView uses a fragmentation tree to organize the original metabolite and its fragments. The tree root is the original metabolite, while the other tree nodes are fragments. Fragmentation may generate non-neutral atoms. We have developed a computational algorithm to represent these atoms’ charges. FragView can export a tree node’s 3D structure as an STL file for 3D printing. Additionally, users can save the current status to resume the visualization in the future. To familiarize FragView users with these features, a detailed online manual and a tutorial video are available.
FragView is an open source, freely accessible tool, released under the GPLv3 license. We will continue to improve and update FragView in the future based on feedbacks.
From Trans-Disciplinary Research to Trans-Domain Approaches
Patry, Jean-Luc (Austria)
The concept of transdisciplinarity entails at least two problems: (1) It refers to the historically grown organization of science and hence is not suitable for epistemological concerns. (2) In most discussions of trans-disciplinarity, there is no clear distinction between its definition and its theory. To mend these two prob-lems, it is proposed, first, to broaden the concept and speak of a Trans-Domain Approach (TDA). Domains are fairly homogene-ous sets of statements that are clearly distinct from other such sets. Second, a definition of TDA is proposed: In TDA, some-thing extra is found that connects different domains, producing a new concept that combines and supplements (but does not re-place) the domain-specific theories. This definition permits to be-come more precise in explicating the relationship between the domains. TDA consists in a general theory (GT) that connects, integrates and transcends a set of domain specific theories (DTs), but does not replace them. This concept is applied to the Is-Ought problem. It is shown that Is and Ought are separate domains. An action-theoretical model is proposed to address the problem that for actions, both Is and Ought must be taken into account and related with each other. Conclusions for TDA are discussed.
Grammatical Evolution of Convolutional Neural Networks
Cheng, Whei Wen; Tang, Cheng-Yuan; Wu, Yi-Leh (Taiwan)
Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) is a generic population-based metaheuristic optimization algorithm. An EA uses mechanisms inspired by biological evolution, such as selection, crossover, and mutation. A Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) architecture typically consists of convolutional layers, activation functions, pooling layers, and fully connected layers. In this paper, we proposed a Grammatical Evolution (GE) of evolving the CNN architecture in order to find the best architecture of the CNN model. In the experimental design, two crossover methods, single-point crossover and ripple crossover, are used and compared to find the best CNN model. Our experimental results show that GE is very effective in searching for better neural network architectures. Nevertheless, according to the chromosomes produced by GE, it is easy to produce lots of invalid offspring during crossover. The invalid chromosome ratio in single-point crossover is about 0.45; and the invalid chromosome ratio in ripple crossover is about 0.8. In this paper, we proposed a method to repair invalid chromosomes. The highest overall fitness of single-point crossover is 0.988286 and the highest test accuracy is 0.9879. The highest overall fitness of ripple crossover is 0.981143 and the highest test accuracy is 0.9822.
Graph Sampling Through Graph Decomposition and Reconstruction Based on Kronecker Graphs
Lu, Shen; Piegl, Les; Segall, Richard S. (United States)
The connectedness of the social network gives rise to a new challenge how to efficiently sample the network and keep the graph properties and topology properties as well. Inspired by R-MAT and Kronecker graph generators, based on the observation of different graph topology types, we proposed to use Kronecker graph as the prime graph to conduct Kronecker graph double cover through periphery subgraphs. First of all, the connectedness of the graph remains during graph merging. Secondly, only redundant vertices and edges are merged so that the characteristics of the graphs are kept. Also, graph merging only works on periphery subgraphs from low degrees to higher up so that topology properties are kept. Finally, although some edges are merged, since the similarity groups generated based on Kronecker graph similarity is independent of degree distribution, Kronecker double cover operation does not affect graph degree centrality measure. We theoretically prove the feasibility of the Kronecker double-cover operation, and also compare the quality of the sample set with Snowball sampling and Es-i sampling sets. Experimental results shown us that, when the separation of the core and periphery subgraphs is between mean (the average of the degrees) and mean+std (standard deviation of the degrees), the topology types and graph properties can be preserved. This conclusion confirms the existence of the topology types, and also proves the topology types of the real-world graphs are not random.
Innovative Educational Communication in the Global Digital Environment: Trans-Disciplinary Models, Tools, and Mechanisms
Makhachashvili, Rusudan; Semenist, Ivan (Ukraine)
The objective of the inquiry is on innovative communication in the light of identifying trans-disciplinary aspects of phylogeny, sociogenesis, and technogenesis of educational communities, which determines the identification of this communicative sphere as an integrative structure determined by the internal unity of its micro- and macro-structures, which in the plane of the sign substrate synthesizes the features of existential, cognitive, anthropological and technological substance.
Applied trans-disciplinary lens of the phenomenological approach to the study contributes to the solution of holistic modeling of processes and results of updating models and mechanisms of the highly dynamic communication system of education in the digital environment as a whole and its individual formats at the beginning of the XXI century in particular. The object of research is innovative educational communication in the global digital environment. The study focus is on innovative language and technology models, digital tools, and mechanisms of educational communication in the digital realm. The empirical basis of the research is the practices of innovative communication related to different substrates, formats, objects, and phenomena of acquiring new knowledge and education in the digital realm. The study results allow to provide a transdisciplinary synthesis (across communicative theory, information theory, philosophy, education and e-learning studies, semiotics, digital humanities).
Interdisciplinary and Universal Digital Competence for Foreign Languages Education
Makhachashvili, Rusudan; Semenist, Ivan (Ukraine)
Development of the knowledge economy, establishment of networked society, emergency digitization due to the COVID-19 pandemic measures have imposed elaborate interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary demands on the marketability of Liberal Arts university graduates’ skills and competences, upon entering the workforce. The study is focused on the in-depth diagnostics of the development of multipurpose orientation, universality and interdisciplinarity of skillsets for students of European (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German) and Oriental (Mandarin Chinese, Japanese) Languages major programs through the span of educational activities in the time-frame of COVID-19 quarantine measures of March 2020 to December 2022. A computational framework of foreign languages education interdisciplinarity is introduced in the study. The survey analysis is used to evaluate the dimensions of interdisciplinarity, universality and transdiciplinarity, informed by the interoperability of soft skills and digital communication skills for Foreign Languages Education across contrasting timeframes and stages of foreign languages acquisition and early career training.
Manuscript Matcher: A Tool for Finding the Best Journal
Nam, Nguyen Danh; Trung, Tran; Trung, Nguyen Tien; Thao, Trinh Phuong Thi (Vietnam)
One of the critical reasons for the rejections of a paper is that the topic and content of the submitted article are not relevant to the aims and scope of the journal. Traditionally, the authors select the journal based on personal experiences, specialist recommendations, and searching engines. However, with an exponentially increasing number of papers published every year, the authors could use supportive tools in finding which journal is most appropriate for posting their research as well as determining readers for their work. The authors need to take the crucial decision of choosing the journal for their prospective manuscript before even starting to write it. The paper introduces some popular manuscript matchers and using these tools in recommending journals in the Vietnamese research community. The research results have shown that journal choice decisions influenced by many factors such as time-bound review process, journal’s visibility, indexation in databases, the regularity of publication, acceptance rate, and publication fee.
Multidisciplinary Learning for Multifaceted Thinking in Globalized Society (Invited Paper)
Hashimoto, Shigehiro (Japan)
Multifaceted thinking is essential to address global proposal. Learning experience in multidisciplinary fields is useful. Following steps are important: multifaceted understanding the purpose of instructions to society, considering advantages and disadvantages, considering options, and considering relationship between individual behavior and society. As a multidisciplinary field, Biomedical Engineering has been applied to the present study. As a topic of case study, COVID-19 has been selected. While answering the questions, the students (in Japan, and in Thailand) noticed the multifaceted problem and the diversity of related disciplines. The education system provided the experience of linking biomedical engineering learning (statistics, biomeasurement, cellular mechanics, micromachining, designing, immunology, artificial organs) to the proposal of the solution to the global problem.
Practicing Transdisciplinarity and Trans-Domain Approaches in Education: Theory of and Communication in Values and Knowledge Education (VaKE) (Invited Paper)
Patry, Jean-Luc (Austria)
(Academic) disciplines are a means to structure science and are not appropriate for epistemic discussions. Instead, it is proposed to use the concept of Trans-Domain Approaches (TDA). A TDA typically consists in a General Theory GT that integrates and transcends the Domain-Specific Theories (DTs) referring to a re-search topic. The constructivist teaching-learning tool Values and Knowledge Education (VaKE) is used as a prototype to an-alyze different features of a TDA. First, the theoretical frame-work of VaKE is analyzed under the perspective of TDA: VaKE integrates several constructivist theories, particularly about moral judgment competence, constructivist knowledge acquisi-tion, and social constructivism. Then, the communication be-tween stakeholders is analyzed more in detail, based on Shannon and Weaver’s channel model. The analyses focus on communi-cation among researchers, between researchers and practitioners (teachers), between practitioners and students, and among stu-dents. Several conclusions with respect to TDA can be drawn.
Smart Grid System for Real-Time Adaptive Utility Management in Smart Cities
Kozhevnikov, Sergei *; Svitek, Miroslav *; Skobelev, Petr ** (* Czech Republic, ** Russian Federation)
The Smart Grid (SG) concept provides new services for citizens by exploiting the available resources and demonstrates a significant potential from the economic and business value viewpoint. In a real-time economy, it should act as a real-time solution. That means the adaptive reaction to all unpredictable events in the SG and real-time rescheduling the consumption and production plan (especially on peak or idle run hours).
SG as the concept and software instrument can be applied not only for energy but also for all other resources, including gas and water. This paper presents a prototype of a multiagent system for adaptive planning of gas, water, and energy resources. We show that real-time services based on a multiagent engine working as an open market for all consumers and suppliers interacting in one SG can help provide better service and high efficiency and be a vital element of the Smart City concept.
STEP - SmarT Education Platform
Novellino, Antonio; Bonofiglio, Luca; Cimmino, Vincenzo; Napoletani, Leonardo (Italy)
STEP (http://www.smarteducationplatform.it/) is a multi-platform software that provides innovative services to the professional training supply chain through the use of Key Enabling Technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), making training more interactive, engaging and above all more efficient, in terms of timing, opportunity and costs. STEP is an R&D project financed by an Agreement between the Italian Ministry of Innovation and Economic Development and the Liguria Region, under the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020.
The project aims at enhancing the traditional learning cycle by:
i) Reproducing immersive and increasing difficulty professional scenarios;
ii) Simulating training situations and operations in a specific VR Experience Room;
iii) Interacting with 3D Animation models in augmented reality to deepen the knowledge of systems, objects and relevant components of interest;
iv) Improving gesture and object recognition with Deep Learning approaches and IA algorithms for the assessment of the overall performance.
STEP is a multi-users platform that allow cultural and creative industries to create publish and make available training and educational courses to their potential clients throughout a specific marketplace. Training Institutes and Companies can purchase courses of interests for their clients and employees, and access to the services in e-learning modality for theoretical understanding and in VR/AR modality for practice. The platform enables the tutors/evaluators to test and verify candidates with theoretical exercises and IA data collected during practical exercises in virtual and augmented reality.
Preliminary results on case studies realized and related to LSA training courses (marine safety) will be presented. The project is developed in partnership with other two Italian companies: BC Service Europe (expert in marine safety) and AITEK Srl (expert in AI). ETT Spa is the Lead partner of the Consortium and is involved in Platform design and development: back-end management, user experience, AR/VR interface, contents production.
Teaching Digital Competences: Census in a Public University in Northeastern Mexico
Estrada-Domínguez, Jesús Eduardo; Suárez-Escalona, Rubén; Veliz-Salazar, Miriam Iliana; Cavazos-Salazar, Rosario Lucero (Mexico)
In the worldwide panorama for the social development and well-being of people, education is a fundamental objective to improve the quality of life and progress in society, therefore, different international organizations have been given the task of establishing levels of specific competencies that guarantee an adequate level of knowledge and correct use of technology in education. This study is quantitative and descriptive, where the data was obtained through a census applied in a university in northeastern Mexico. The instrument is composed of 72 items that are divided into 5 dimensions. The results show a good level of knowledge in the dimensions of search and creation of digital content; however, an area of opportunity was identified in the dimensions of information security and the use of emerging technologies for problem-solving. The findings of this paper will serve to take training actions to improve levels of knowledge, in addition to implementing motivational strategies so that teachers use these digital tools to a greater extent in the classroom.
The Experience With the REU-Sponsored Project on Predicting COVID-19 Pandemics Using Physics-Guided Graph Attention Networks
Liang, Yu; Wu, Dalei (United States)
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted most countries in the world. Analyzing COVID-19 data from these countries together is a prominent challenge. Under the sponsorship of NSF REU, this paper describes our experience with a ten-week project that aims to guide a REU scholar to develop a physics-guided graph attention network to predict the global COVID- 19 Pandemics. We mainly presented the preparation, implementation, and dissemination of the addressed project.
The COVID-19 situation in a country could be dramatically different from that of others, which suggests that COVID-19 pandemic data are generated based on different mechanisms, making COVID-19 data in different countries follow different probability distributions. Learning more than one hundred underlying probability distributions for countries in the world from large scale COVID- 19 data is beyond a single machine learning model. To address this challenge, we proposed two team-learning frameworks for predicting the COVID-19 pandemic trends: peer learning and layered ensemble learning framework. This addressed framework assigns an adaptive physics-guided graph attention network (GAT) to each learning agent. All the learning agents are fabricated in a hierarchical architecture, which enables agents to collaborate with each other in peer-to-peer and cross-layer way. This layered architecture shares the burden of large-scale data processing on machine learning models of all units.
Experiments are run to verify the effectiveness of our approaches. The results indicate the proposed ensemble outperforms baseline methods. Besides documented on GitHub, this work has resulted in two journal papers.
The Impact of Intensive Use of ICT Tools on the Quality of Learning Outcomes and Communication Skills: Based on the Example of Online Foreign Language Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Croatia
Baksa, Tanja; Luić, Ljerka (Croatia)
The Covid-19 pandemic shifted most schools from face-to-face teaching to distance teaching and learning resulting in the use of a variety of ICT tools. Different learning platforms for course management have been used in teaching and learning since the pandemic, especially at the beginning, in March 2020. However, later many teachers started using video calls through various ICT tools such as zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet etc. Different countries had different problems during the distance teaching and learning: internet access and connection, necessary devices, digital literacy. But motivation, communication and achievement of learning outcomes also proved to be a big problem. To investigate the impact of intensive use of ICT tools during the COVID 19 pandemic is the aim of this paper. As teachers have used ICT tools in foreign language teaching before, but not to such an extent, the aim of this research was to examine students and teachers how intensive use and online teaching and learning has an impact on communication and learning outcomes, and whether in the opinion of teachers and students’ communication satisfaction and satisfaction with their communication skills in foreign language and learning outcomes were achieved.
The Importance of Balance of Power in a Free and Democratic Society
Baça, Ferit (Albania)
This paper is a detailed analysis of democracy from the perspectives of some of the most well-known authors. Furthermore, the paper raises a number of concerns about the implementation of democracy as a theory and as a practice in today’s society. As we all know, democracy has evolved its own forms of government since its "antiquity." It does, however, demonstrate the values of human liberty. Throughout history, the meaning and content of democracy have had interrelationships and interactions with the forms in which it has manifested. The various classifications of philosophers reflect both the evolution of their forms and their content. The term “democracy” is derived from the Greek words “demos,” which means “people”, and “Kratos” which means “strength, power”. That is, power originates with the people, or the people own the power. Democracy as people's power is an old concept with a long history. Moreover, the democratic system of a country is a product of the free will of the people as a whole, where every individual is free to make political choices that suit his interests. But freedom is a necessary condition of the concept of democracy. From this point of view, democracy can be defined as a system of ideas, practices, and ways of action that lead towards the institutionalization of freedom. The great political movements have chosen the democratic system based on all of their inherited philosophical thought and living experience.
A democratic society is distinguished by open communication between citizens and their government. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a well-known 18th-century philosopher who believed that the Republic was the best form of government and that democracy was the best form of state. He is well-known for his firm belief in the rule of law and representative democracy. That is also why Rousseau's ideas are still relevant today. However, as Rousseau stated, in order to strengthen the pluralistic democracy system for future generations, every citizen, a state body, and an educational institution must collaborate and work together. As a result, the term “democracy” is used not only to characterize the political relations in a given society, but also to judge and determine the form of governance, its characteristics, and its political system.
The Role of Erasmus+ Project Leaders' Digital Competences in Sustaining European Transnational Cooperation During COVID-19 Pandemic
Poszytek, Paweł; Fila, Jadwiga (Poland)
The aim of the article is to answer the question whether digital competences can support Erasmus+ project leaders in sustaining their transnational cooperation, and if yes: to what extent? The COVID-19 pandemic poses a great threat to the implementation and sustainability of transnational cooperation projects, especially the ones based on international mobility of its participants. This is especially the case of Erasmus+ which is the flagship European program enhancing cooperation between leaders of educational, academic, vocational, industrial and business sectors. Consequently, there is an urgent need to determine what factors can contribute to sustaining this type of cooperation. For this purpose, this research concentrates on Erasmus+ project leaders from Poland who implement their transnational cooperation projects, and investigates how their digital competences and other contextual factors connected with these competences may influence their performance in the realization of projects during COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion on digital competences as remedial tools for international cooperation during COVID-19 pandemic is placed here in the broader context of competences 4.0, industry 4.0, and relational and network approach to management of modern organizations.
The Role of the Native Language Curriculum and School in the Language Development of Children
Tahiri, Albana; Hadaj, Gilberta (Albania)
The purpose of the paper is to apply language components to shape an individual’s identity, through the transmission of skills, values and attitudes.
During the last decades, the curricular changes in Albanian education system are numerous. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the Albanian language curriculum in the language development of children and its connection with other disciplines, which are very important for the intellectual formation of each student.
Native language is a creative instrument of personal habits, an instrument of emotional development as it serves for the development of the personality. Language is a very important factor in the development of nations as it builds nations and holds them together.
At the core of our thesis stands the importance of connecting learning outcomes of subject competencies with key curriculum competencies.
We understand that learning the Albanian language should be seen as a process that enables learning in all school subjects and beyond. This makes us accept and decompose the connections that are created among this subject and other subjects. The relation with other subjects ensures their mutual development and enables subject and interdisciplinary integration.
It is paid attention to how today's effective teaching practices are increasingly being transformed and enriched with new elements, helping the teaching process. The main challenge is overcoming obstacles and finding opportunities to achieve the success of learning.
Theoretical Foundations and Practical Applications of e-Volunteering Within the European Solidarity Corps During the Outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland
Jeżowski, Mateusz; Poszytek, Paweł (Poland)
This work discusses the theoretical foundations of e-volunteering as well as its practical applications, based on the European Solidarity Corps research findings, carried out in 2020 among foreign volunteers who came to Poland for a one year volunteering project.
Towards the University of the Future: Quo Vadis Academia?
Pokojska, Justyna (Poland)
The aim of this paper is to reflect on the future of the academy as a center for creating new ideas and values as well as shaping competences necessary in society (Collins, Halverson 2018, Schwab 2016). The role of universities is therefore to equip students with the skills they need on the labor market, but also shape attitudes that will allow them to adapt to the constant changing reality and achieve their own goals in the volatile and uncertain era of digital disruption (Śledziewska, Włoch 2020, Arthur 2011). The new socio-economic reality, radically changed during the technological revolution, requires thorough consideration of the that academia plays today to maintain its moral and educational legitimacy. Therefore, the idea of the university of the future should base on five interrelated pillars, involving actors from various social backgrounds. These are: a reconstructed vision of the university, responsible and committed lecturers, empowered students, well-established relations with the socio-economic environment and a fully exploited potential of the digital environment. and only a skillful combination of these elements will allow the university to maintain a social and moral mandate to shape the dispositions and attitudes of the next generations.